What are some things to look for when comparing CPUs?
I've been reading about the new Zen CPUs which got me interested.
Recently I overclocked my i5 3570k to 4.2ghz, what effect does that have on my PC now? I haven't really noticed a difference.
When all is said and done, more is always said than done.
* It is consistently correct in it's calculations (several CPUs haven't been because of various bugs)
* It operates stablely
* It is capable of running within it's own physical limitations (mainly heat, but also power to some extent)
* It does what you require of it
That's pretty much all I ask of a CPU
For your Ivy - you won't notice any difference, except those cases where your CPU wasn't already fast enough. If you didn't have any of those cases, you won't really notice anything - your CPU wasn't the bottleneck, and I suspect that to be the case for most things, as an Ivy is a pretty capable CPU.
As far as effect on your system: upping the clock speed will have two main effects
* It will generate more heat. Just raising the clock speed alone will raise the heat production some. If you bump the voltage as well, the heat will go up much faster.
* It will be a bigger strain on your PSU. Overclocks can take significantly more power than stock clocks and voltages - up and over double the wattage even.
My advice on overclocking:
* Do it. At least see how far you can take your system and have it remain stable and cool enough to operate for your use
* Test it well. Just because it boots doesn't mean it's stable. Make sure it can run loading for long enough for everything to get all the way up to temp - at least a couple of hours. Some people say overnight. Your looking for reboots, BSODs, incorrect results or errors in benchmarks, artifacting in graphcs, thermal throttling, and overtemperatures.
* Then turn it off, and only turn it back on when you find out you need it. Otherwise, your just wasting power and generating a lot of extra heat (which creates noise as your fans run harder).