Based on the popular Naruto anime series, World Of Shinobi is a turn based fantasy browser RPG that pits teams of Ninjas against the forces of the Nine-tailed Demon Fox, using an assortment of abilities and various equipment to lay their claim to triumph.
After the Ninja village Konoha was attacked by Nine-tailed Demon Fox, the Fourth Hokage sacrificed himself in order to seal Demon Fox into Naruto. This did not stop the havoc, as after a decade the crisis is still at hand, with only a small team of Ninjas left to finish the task. As a player, you will choose from three schools each offering a different form of ninjutsu to master.
As players take on increasingly difficult tasks (quests), they’ll unlock new fighting techniques and personalized stat choices. Players can take a break from PvE to pit their team of ninjas against fellow players in arena style PvP in order to see whose ninjas are the better warriors.
Each game profile contains useful information about the game, gameplay videos, user reviews, gameplay screenshots, system requirements and more! Play now -