In this annoying effort to take all potentially negative emotions out of mmo gaming, companies have removed competition, challenge, and pretty much all sense of failure. I know some people love auto-pathing, fast travel (from anywhere), group finder, raid finder, ETC... these features are all designed lower the goal post so that you don't risk experiencing any kind of frustration.
World pvp... don't get me started. Dropping an item when you die, we can't have that now since you are carrying "SUPER RARES" that you got in raid finder and having to do that again might take a day or so.
Talent trees, either so overly balanced that you're just re-skinning a total of 12 abilities throughout different classes, or so narrow you only have 2 options and don't take any planning at all.
Leveling up? You get this glorious sparkle fart over your head and amazing music because you auto-pathed from 1 npc to another and clicked on them, sometimes the auto-pathing clicks them for you when you get there. It used to be that you actually learned the layout of the city you were in because there might be pvp there....
I love challenging games. I don't really like twitch combat, or muscle memory battles, more strategy and execution type stuff. I liked the original vanilla WoW raids where most guilds couldn't down the gatekeeper boss and you had to try to find a really competent group. They've since made raids super accessible with raid-finder (I'm aware of hard difficulty that you can do with your guild but it's really just watered down monthly until everyone gets that trophy too)
I loved in Aion learning where updrafts were in the wind so I could come in and out of world pvp and surprise gank / escape, and other people who didn't take the time to learn the environment couldn't stay with me. (They made it impossible to perma-rift now)
In Lineage 2 you could gank friendlies, but if you did so you were exposed to dropping items when killed.
I guess I'm just asking for a game that will hand you a cold dish of shit soup if your bad, and encourage you to get better-In all aspects... leveling, pvp, raiding. Make you actually do some work for that glorious sparkle-fart. I just can't get into games anymore because I feel like I'm either in an auto-pilot game, or a mad dash to the finish line to play this mysterious end game everyone is complaining about-and looking at other people of my class that made it there all wearing identical end-game items that were ' ' SO HARD ' ' to get.
Wow was an anomaly and it's success ruined the niche industry that was MMO games. Yes it has a WAY bigger audience than any of the others ever thought about, but every other game genre has plenty of games coming out: Racing, Shooter, Survival, RPG (except they've done this whole line of crap to elder scrolls too, that's for a different thread). Have racing games gotten easier? Have shooters gotten easier? Did they add auto-aim so you don't miss and get frustrated? Does the racing game let you switch cars with the winner so you don't have to lose?
Look at Darkfall... it's like the opposite club. Hard hard hard. It's a dichotomy, either I play my little ponies in the main stream MMO production line, or a bitter painful game that punishes defeat to the fullest. I do enjoy darkfall because of the challenge, but I think there's room in the industry for some middle ground.
That means for me two things. Firstly no matter how much gamers talked about what was happening they were helpless to prevent the tide coming in. You would think voting with your purchase and continued subscription would have an effect but the gaming companies were chasing a new consumer base so that had little effect. Better MMOs may get our support but it is not enough when a hundred times as many gamers don't care. Secondly the chance of this getting turned around are minimal, this is not something the MMO industry cooked up last year, it is based on a business model that has been evolving over the last 10+ years.
The only antidote I know is find a MMO that at least started as P2P. Find a good guild that sticks two fingers up to what has happened and tries to play it the old way as much as possible. Hardly a cure, but it is the only reason I still play MMOs.
For instance the fast food restaurants pay almost nothing for fries and soda so they increased the portions slowly and raised the prices earning more profits and getting people fatter (and hungrier). Who cares when you can make an extra buck?
But the banging chicks too boost your ego was always there, the Romans did it for instance (and to a degree that would still shock most people today). You just notice it more with todays social media.
But you don't need to go that far back, the thing that started to make any raid gear a quick stepping zone or something meaningless was when they changed the leveling speed.
In the good old days it was worth doing extra job to find nice gear below endcap because you usually needed it and it would last days, in some cases weeks. Today they throw stuff on you (with high rarity) but you don't really need it before the endgame, it is not that hard to reach max level only wearing the starter gear.
Somewhere around 2006 leveling just got so fast that any gear below levelcap is only worth how the skin look.
Sadly we'll probally never recover from this anytime soon. since it is what sells today.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!
I'm not saying you shouldn't want to safeguard your progression, but this think where you can lose nothing, ever, is just boring. If you were to watch a movie with characters that lived lives like these MMORPG characters you would demand your money back.
That said, Lineage XP loose + the chance (like 1 in 3 or 4) to loose gear was just about enough death penalty. That passing mobs picked up any dropped gear and added it to their loottable was a huge bonus, defeating a mob that killed a party could gain you something really cool the wiping team lost as a extra gift, and if a bunch of teams failed before ....
But my main problem is the difficulty.
Challenge in most games is really about making the choice to do something that you know will be a certain difficulty. There are no adventurous events where the players must react to different things and make decisions about what to do. It's a your level, covered by the wiki, and if you fail all you lost was time in your seat sort of thing in these games. You might even feel a bit better about beating lesser mobs if there is some sense of risk other than seat time.
As an MMORPG player you are always playing a sidescroller. A dimension or two is missing from these games.
If you go back to older games they had more complex systems. The aggro was radius was much larger, mobs would call for help, taking down multiple mobs at once was fairly impossible solo in many cases, mobs would cast some really nasty spells on you depending on their class, mobs would wander and aggro on you, and sometimes they would respawn right on top of you. That all required you to react quickly and you generally didn't need to go looking for those situations. It's just the way the entire game was designed.
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