I've been having a lot of fun with WildStar these days, but I noticed that the sound of combat is not that satisfying to me on my warrior. When I hit something with a greatsword, it sounds like tapping against an aluminum can. It just doesn't have that punch that I like and I realized how important sound is to me.
Games with sound that I've really enjoyed are War Thunder (tanks and planes). I saw a video of how sound engineers actually recorded the engines of (many of) the exact vehicles, the firing sounds of tanks, etc. For an mmorpg, WoW is not bad for a very old game. ESO may be the best mmorpg I've heard. Especially the sounds of the different mounts and running. The footsteps change when you are on dirt, stone, or wood. Horses sound real in their galloping and tigers are more quiet with their padded feet, so I use them in Cyro. Also, when you play an instrument in a cave, there is a slight echo. I love the detail they put into it.
I like the firing sounds in The Division, though I haven't played it a lot. Escape from Tarkov looks like it will have amazing sound design, with sound engineers recording each of the weapons that are featured in the game.
What are the best sounding game effects in your experience for two categories: (1) MMORPGs and (2) any other games?