DUde, your an idiot. Pvp is the best. Some games handle it wrong. Hell, almost every game handles it wrong. But if it was open(No holds barred) and challenging, even for a low level against a high level, it would be good.
I do not care about PvP but usually I am to distracted with quests and other obsticles to even think about PvP. If people want PvP there are games out there designed for PvP or have it implemented. Each person likes a game for there own reason.
Edit: I was also thinking it also adds to the entertainment part. When I am thinking on what i am suppost to do with quest I usually sit on the side line watching two or more character hack it out! then it gets boring and I move on.
Going back to the idea of a massive PC vs NPC battle that would be a really cool feature, even if they have battles that werent directly in the story, becuase that would be hard to do and not get people pissed. But its a good idea
Making an MMORPG where you can't fight other players is ridiculous. The only reasonable excuse for not including PvP in an MMO is if the developers just can't be bothered to be creative. The technology is available, therefore the technology should be applied.
Imagine if Epic announced that in UT2K5 they planned to remove the ability to attack other players and you could only fight against predictable AI monsters. No-one would buy it.
It's like making a black and white subtitled movie with no sound. A few people might go see it to find out if it has a good plot, but most people won't be interested and will look for something more engrossing.
The fact that non-PvP MMOs are still being churned out is testament to the fact that the MMO industry is still struggling to evolve.
How can people not see that adding a PVP server or having PVP available on a regular server as a completely consentual voluntary act has absolutely no negative impact on those who do not wish to participate in it. On the other hand by not having any implementation of PVP will have a negative impact on the game itself because many people will not buy it. This seems rather short sighted in my opinion and I believe that the makers of the game will see that too before long.
There are many reasons why WOW is so successful and pvp is a large part of that success. You naysayers can try to argue but you are wasting your breath. Even EQ2 and COH have seen the error of their ways and are now trying to salvage their games by adding PVP as an afterthought. In my opinion the damage is already done.
The best way for a new MMO just hitting the market to compete and survive is to offer as many options as possible to potential players. The fact is that consumers like having lots of choices and when you start limiting those choices they will look somewhere else for their entertainment.
Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture.
I think the only thing holding me back from buying this game is no pvp.
Call me crazy, but when some Dwarf walks into Rivendelland starts carving his name in all the trees, I think that as PC's we should be able to put an arrow through his eyes.
In this case it's even doing an injustive to the trilogy itself. "hey that Hobbit has the "ONE RING"... I want to take it... but for some reason I just can't!"
"How can people not see that adding a PVP server or having PVP available on a regular server as a completely consentual voluntary act has absolutely no negative impact on those who do not wish to participate in it."
EQ disagrees with you. It had PvP only servers, numerous ones with various rulesets, along with dueling.
MANY changes to balance were made due to this "voluntary" pvp ruleset.
Id rather the developers focus 100% on PvE to make it as good as possible without worrying about if wizard_01 can one shot kil rogue_02.
Save PvP for games completely focused around it, and FPS games. Not to mention the average (not all) PvP players tend to suck as players in MMORPGs lol.
Originally posted by starman999 This is what I dont understand..... How can people not see that adding a PVP server or having PVP available on a regular server as a completely consentual voluntary act has absolutely no negative impact on those who do not wish to participate in it. On the other hand by not having any implementation of PVP will have a negative impact on the game itself because many people will not buy it.
This is what I don't understand: Have you any knowledge of Middle Earth outside of the movies?
Look at the playable races: Dwarves Elves Hobbits Humans Which of these groups is at war with another? Dwarves don't like elves, but still on the same side of the war. PVP would simply not make sense.
Negative impact? It isn't part of the world. It has no place in the game. It would not attract anyone who enjoys the saga, only players who seek only to play pvp. As these useless elements moan and whine the devs will have to divert valuable time from making the core game as good as it possibly can be just to satisfy a bunch of players who couldn't care less where they are, what the point is, who their character is, why he/she is there, as long as they get to 'totally pwn that elf'. Bugs in the core mechanic or in the pve and quest elements would take longer to be resolved, negatively impacting All the players who don't want to pvp. QED
You're right about one thing, though. There are people who won't buy LOTRO because it doesn't have pvp. And when was the last time someone complained they weren't being ganked enough in a game? When was the last time someone cried out for more leet-speak losers? Not having pvp will dissuade a certain percentage of players, the exact same percentage of players that most mmorpg community members regret ever having in the same game. Somehow, I don't find that a negative impact though. In the end, I would wager it may actually increase overall sales, as those player sick and tired of the ganking idiots will find a game where they can immerse themselves in the world, truly play their character, and follow the quests and storyline of the game without ever having to deal with idiots who can only derive any sort of satisfaction or self-esteem from annoying, irritating, and finding some way of detracting from another player's enjoyment of the game.
In summary: Thank GOD there will be no pvp in LOTRO. Maybe we can finally get a game that has a point, not just an online FPS
The main reason and probably the ony reason i will play this game is cause it is bringing the book that i loved since i was a child to life so i can walk my caracter thru it and see all the things i have only dreamed about. And i am willing to bet that i am in the majority on this. The LOTR trilogy has only been outread by the bible in its 50+ years of publishing, think about how many fans that is all over the world. Being a game designer and seeing that you have that huge of a following to draw on compared to the small number of hard core pvpers out there which would you do??? they want to sell this game and make money. Hey if this game doesnt have what you want (pvp) then be my guest go to one of the 9 out of 10 other games out there designed for you to get your rocks of pvping. This game will be successfull and will have a huge following just like the books it is based on.
Originally posted by firemagic Making an MMORPG where you can't fight other players is ridiculous. The only reasonable excuse for not including PvP in an MMO is if the developers just can't be bothered to be creative. The technology is available, therefore the technology should be applied. Imagine if Epic announced that in UT2K5 they planned to remove the ability to attack other players and you could only fight against predictable AI monsters. No-one would buy it. It's like making a black and white subtitled movie with no sound. A few people might go see it to find out if it has a good plot, but most people won't be interested and will look for something more engrossing. The fact that non-PvP MMOs are still being churned out is testament to the fact that the MMO industry is still struggling to evolve.
Its been said a million times before so whats one more time eh? PvP does not fit in this game until they add an evil side. Its more of a lore than tech issue.
One of their features "Travel with your fellowship in the fight against the forces of Sauron"
There will probably be no pvp, ever...They did say they're focusing on rpg though, therefore that's where the games is going to be good at... What they're offering is more immersion into the game and storyline than other mmorpgs out there. That is what will attract people.
Originally posted by skeeter_ross i only have to say this: WHY SPEND 15 BUCKS A MONTH TO DO QUESTS WITH SOMEBODY?
Ummm. Why spend 15 dollars a month to gank people? Same differance to a person who doesn't pvp. If you don't like doing quests and prefer to pvp then don't play the game. Those who like to do quests and don't like to pvp will pay to play. Very simple, No pvp live with it.
plain and simple, LOTR has a huge conflict in it, what if i want to "gank" frodo and take the ring for myself? i obviously cant do that cuz there is no PvP.
Or what if i want to be a Ringwraith? Cant do that cuz there is no PvP.
Ur a fucking dumbass, another great story down the drain cuz pantywaists cant handle conflict with someone who thinks.
First of calling people names is childish and imature but i guess you know all about that. And I pvp in games that are built around pvp. This game isn't and that is how it is, it isn't hard to accept. The devs made a decision they are the decision makers not us. If you can't handle this then this game is not for you regardless of how or what you think. It won't change. Accept it.
ur right the name calling was childish. its just touchy subject to me. i was excited when i heard word of a Middle Earth RPG, it just pissed me off to learn taht there will be no initial PVP when there should. So yea i wont be playing the game at first. But i guarantee all you non PVPers that the game will patch it in. Games dont last without it. Take for example City of Heroes and Everquest 2. There is pvp in both those now, name one MMORPG to date that doesnt have PVP and is a huge success.
The reason I hate PvP is because you never have people remain in their role. If they allow PvP you'll have Dwarves running around slaughtering other Dwarves and the like. Or Hobbits rampaging around the Shire wanting to grief other Hobbits. PvP is never done right and it only provides an avenue for griefers to ruin the game for everyone else.
Now if they ever add in Evil races as a choice to play then I'd like to see RvR. That would rock.
Originally posted by firemagic Making an MMORPG where you can't fight other players is ridiculous. The only reasonable excuse for not including PvP in an MMO is if the developers just can't be bothered to be creative. The technology is available, therefore the technology should be applied. Imagine if Epic announced that in UT2K5 they planned to remove the ability to attack other players and you could only fight against predictable AI monsters. No-one would buy it. It's like making a black and white subtitled movie with no sound. A few people might go see it to find out if it has a good plot, but most people won't be interested and will look for something more engrossing. The fact that non-PvP MMOs are still being churned out is testament to the fact that the MMO industry is still struggling to evolve.
I disagree with you.
Your UT2K5 analogy: apples and oranges. The whole purpose of a UT game is fragging, of course there's going to be PvP. Nature of the beast.
I'm sure you've heard the term, "just because you can doesn't mean you should". That can be applied here. The tech is there, but it just doesn't fit in this instance. There is a perfectly good reason for no PvP in LOTRO: The Tolkien Estate. There's really no allowance in the lore of the books for large amounts of player's whacking each other. And the biggest thing the "Estate" wants held to is Tolkien's original vision of Middle Earth and it's people. Sure, there are probably ways to get around it, arena's and such, but don't you think unless players were given as much free reign about the world while still being able to kill each other, they'd kick and scream louder than a two-year old? As for PvP server's, ain't gonna happen.
I'm happy that there will be no PvP. I've seen, in RL, several 18-25 yr old males (co-workers) get serious virtual stiffies over PvP and griefing. They argue that the whole point of an MMO is PvP, and justify it in all kinds of ways. After seeing this, and witnessing equivalent behavior in-game, I've come to equate staunch PvP supporters with that type of gamer: rude, self-centered, griefing fanboi's. It's unfortunate, and I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but it's true. I look forward to finding and gaming with others that share my idea of a fun gaming experience without having to worry whether they're a griefer in sheep's clothing.
"First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me...Blow."--Ash, "Army of Darkness"
but the whole story of LOTR is a huge conflict, how would pvp not fit in the game. People who would play as the dark forces trying to get the ring and bring it back to Moridor. In all seriousness, how could u not want that. I know pvp is never done right, example: Star Wars Galaxies. But if there was no pvp in SWG it wouldnt make sense at all. Im serious when i say this game is gonna be a carebear game until they add pvp, and they will cuz the real gamers will complain about it. I realize most people on this thread are a bunch RP'ers who cant handle pvp, but this sounds like the game for yall.
6 months after release, PvP will be added and u will be getting jumped by orcs and ringwraiths alike alike. Will you cancel ur account then?
Originally posted by skeeter_ross but the whole story of LOTR is a huge conflict, how would pvp not fit in the game. People who would play as the dark forces trying to get the ring and bring it back to Moridor. In all seriousness, how could u not want that. I know pvp is never done right, example: Star Wars Galaxies. But if there was no pvp in SWG it wouldnt make sense at all. Im serious when i say this game is gonna be a carebear game until they add pvp, and they will cuz the real gamers will complain about it. I realize most people on this thread are a bunch RP'ers who cant handle pvp, but this sounds like the game for yall. 6 months after release, PvP will be added and u will be getting jumped by orcs and ringwraiths alike alike. Will you cancel ur account then?
Let's keep this civil and refrain from pointing fingers and calling names, shall we? I disagree with your statement alluding to PvPers being 'real gamers'. I'd in fact, say the opposite were true, since PvPers are usually focused on two aspects of an mmorpg, leveling and PvPing, instead of playing through all of what a game has to offer. Someone that plays a game to it's fullest potential, AS IT IS GIVEN, is a Real Gamer, in my eyes. Nor can an RPer 'not handle pvp'. How do you figure? An RPer plays a game in a style that suits them. Just as a PvPer does. That doesn't mean they can't play PvP.
In any case, I can see your point that the entire story is built on conflict. Most good stories require an element of conflict in them. In this case, it's an epic struggle. I can see a place for both players being able to play as either Servants of the the Eye or of the Hand, and thus bringing about a logical base for having PvP. But the bottom line here is that it's not going to happen because the Tolkien Estate, the big-wigs here that say what can and can't be done with the lore that JRR Tolkien laid out, won't allow it to happen. It's not a decision by Turbine, although they, in the interest of keeping their license, back the decision. Not much sense in wishing for it. Either decide to play the game as it will be released, or decide not to based on the exclusion of one aspect of mmo game play. Simple.
"First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me...Blow."--Ash, "Army of Darkness"
Originally posted by skeeter_ross but the whole story of LOTR is a huge conflict, how would pvp not fit in the game. People who would play as the dark forces trying to get the ring and bring it back to Moridor. In all seriousness, how could u not want that. I know pvp is never done right, example: Star Wars Galaxies. But if there was no pvp in SWG it wouldnt make sense at all. Im serious when i say this game is gonna be a carebear game until they add pvp, and they will cuz the real gamers will complain about it. I realize most people on this thread are a bunch RP'ers who cant handle pvp, but this sounds like the game for yall. 6 months after release, PvP will be added and u will be getting jumped by orcs and ringwraiths alike alike. Will you cancel ur account then?
There is no evil races playable and they are concentrating on the content and rp. Besides noone in the book but frodo could carry the ring. So for them to follow the story line they can't have it turn out any differant than the story. Don't count on pvp being added cause regardless of what you or all the other 1337 players think you do not make up the vast majority of gamers. The only reason you think you do is cause most games are pvp based. You can' compare this game to WOW or SWG for one swg has both good and bad in it LoTRO doesn't that is playable. WOW though i have never played it i have heard it is boring and cartoonish not my type of game. And for the record if by some chance they do add pvp later into the game I will still play. I play pvp games and am not afriad of being attack by other players. It is simple LOTRO is not a pvp game. When will you all accept that and move on to the many other pvp games out there that are coming out in the future. Live with it. No matter what you say on this thread or in any forum the devs ruled out PVP.
I guess the disappointment is just setting in. When i heard about LOTRO i got excited to get to play in the world. yea there is no pvp, but then i ask: what will u do when u done everything?
and the comment about the ring being carried is a good one, but things change for video games. my case and point, SWG. how many jedi where shown in the original trilogy? and how many run around on each server with lightsabers? things could be changed to suit that style of play, but ur right it wont come out that way, but im telling you the game will have pvp at some point.
Turbine must also develope the game with in the license they are given and tolkien enterprise has seen alot of hack jobs done to LoTR in past tries. Turbine does not only have to please us they also have to please tolkien enterprise, which has the ability to void the license. So they have to stick to the lore not just because we want them to but because of tolkien enterprise. As far as pvp later I don't think it will be cause turbine has said there won't be pvp and that decision will not change. They are also very concerned about the end content that everyone is asking about. It is one of the reasons IMO that they are starting with just Eriador in realase and saving the other area's (rohan, gondor, mordor and others) for later expansions. If they do it right they will be able to introduce these area's and new quests and content into the game keeping everyone interested for along time. Besides not all of eriador is going to be full MOB's just roaming around, there will be some empty areas that they can add content to later in updates.
Sorry that the lack of pvp is so important to you to stop you from experencing this game.
Originally posted by skeeter_ross I guess the disappointment is just setting in. When i heard about LOTRO i got excited to get to play in the world. yea there is no pvp, but then i ask: what will u do when u done everything? and the comment about the ring being carried is a good one, but things change for video games. my case and point, SWG. how many jedi where shown in the original trilogy? and how many run around on each server with lightsabers? things could be changed to suit that style of play, but ur right it wont come out that way, but im telling you the game will have pvp at some point.
I can dig that you're disappointed. Heck I was disappointed when I heard that there weren't going to be playable 'evil' characters. I had this dread feeling that the game would be terribly one sided, with everyone expected to run around all high-and-mighty. Knowing human nature, that just won't happen. Lot's of people like playing the 'evil' side, gives em a chance to be bad and do things that normal society frowns upon. Perfectly acceptable. But then Turbine lets out that they've come up with a solution (virtuous vs corrupt) which sounds intriguing. You never know, perhaps Turbine will come up with something similar to address that lack of blatent PvP.
Edit: Just read this: If you go over to the LOTRO bit here on this site, under the Features tab, there's an interview with the Exec Producer of LOTRO, Jeffrey Steefel. He states that, for PvP, they are exploring "alternatives more appropriate to the Tolkien mythology." So there may be a happy ending to your concerns.
"First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me...Blow."--Ash, "Army of Darkness"
DUde, your an idiot. Pvp is the best. Some games handle it wrong. Hell, almost every game handles it wrong. But if it was open(No holds barred) and challenging, even for a low level against a high level, it would be good.
I do not care about PvP but usually I am to distracted with quests and other obsticles to even think about PvP. If people want PvP there are games out there designed for PvP or have it implemented. Each person likes a game for there own reason.
Edit: I was also thinking it also adds to the entertainment part. When I am thinking on what i am suppost to do with quest I usually sit on the side line watching two or more character hack it out! then it gets boring and I move on.
I don't care about PvP either, it just doesn't spark interest. Adventuring is where the fun is at.
Making an MMORPG where you can't fight other players is ridiculous. The only reasonable excuse for not including PvP in an MMO is if the developers just can't be bothered to be creative. The technology is available, therefore the technology should be applied.
Imagine if Epic announced that in UT2K5 they planned to remove the ability to attack other players and you could only fight against predictable AI monsters. No-one would buy it.
It's like making a black and white subtitled movie with no sound. A few people might go see it to find out if it has a good plot, but most people won't be interested and will look for something more engrossing.
The fact that non-PvP MMOs are still being churned out is testament to the fact that the MMO industry is still struggling to evolve.
This is what I dont understand.....
How can people not see that adding a PVP server or having PVP available on a regular server as a completely consentual voluntary act has absolutely no negative impact on those who do not wish to participate in it. On the other hand by not having any implementation of PVP will have a negative impact on the game itself because many people will not buy it. This seems rather short sighted in my opinion and I believe that the makers of the game will see that too before long.
There are many reasons why WOW is so successful and pvp is a large part of that success. You naysayers can try to argue but you are wasting your breath. Even EQ2 and COH have seen the error of their ways and are now trying to salvage their games by adding PVP as an afterthought. In my opinion the damage is already done.
The best way for a new MMO just hitting the market to compete and survive is to offer as many options as possible to potential players. The fact is that consumers like having lots of choices and when you start limiting those choices they will look somewhere else for their entertainment.
Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture.
I think the only thing holding me back from buying this game is no pvp.
Call me crazy, but when some Dwarf walks into Rivendelland starts carving his name in all the trees, I think that as PC's we should be able to put an arrow through his eyes.
In this case it's even doing an injustive to the trilogy itself. "hey that Hobbit has the "ONE RING"... I want to take it... but for some reason I just can't!"
C'Mon Devs.... give your players the choice.
"How can people not see that adding a PVP server or having PVP available on a regular server as a completely consentual voluntary act has absolutely no negative impact on those who do not wish to participate in it."
EQ disagrees with you. It had PvP only servers, numerous ones with various rulesets, along with dueling.
MANY changes to balance were made due to this "voluntary" pvp ruleset.
Id rather the developers focus 100% on PvE to make it as good as possible without worrying about if wizard_01 can one shot kil rogue_02.
Save PvP for games completely focused around it, and FPS games. Not to mention the average (not all) PvP players tend to suck as players in MMORPGs lol.
Look at the playable races:
Which of these groups is at war with another?
Dwarves don't like elves, but still on the same side of the war.
PVP would simply not make sense.
Negative impact?
It isn't part of the world. It has no place in the game. It would not attract anyone who enjoys the saga, only players who seek only to play pvp. As these useless elements moan and whine the devs will have to divert valuable time from making the core game as good as it possibly can be just to satisfy a bunch of players who couldn't care less where they are, what the point is, who their character is, why he/she is there, as long as they get to 'totally pwn that elf'. Bugs in the core mechanic or in the pve and quest elements would take longer to be resolved, negatively impacting All the players who don't want to pvp.
You're right about one thing, though. There are people who won't buy LOTRO because it doesn't have pvp.
And when was the last time someone complained they weren't being ganked enough in a game? When was the last time someone cried out for more leet-speak losers? Not having pvp will dissuade a certain percentage of players, the exact same percentage of players that most mmorpg community members regret ever having in the same game. Somehow, I don't find that a negative impact though. In the end, I would wager it may actually increase overall sales, as those player sick and tired of the ganking idiots will find a game where they can immerse themselves in the world, truly play their character, and follow the quests and storyline of the game without ever having to deal with idiots who can only derive any sort of satisfaction or self-esteem from annoying, irritating, and finding some way of detracting from another player's enjoyment of the game.
In summary:
Thank GOD there will be no pvp in LOTRO.
Maybe we can finally get a game that has a point, not just an online FPS
One of their features "Travel with your fellowship in the fight against the forces of Sauron"
There will probably be no pvp, ever...They did say they're focusing on rpg though, therefore that's where the games is going to be good at... What they're offering is more immersion into the game and storyline than other mmorpgs out there. That is what will attract people.
plain and simple, LOTR has a huge conflict in it, what if i want to "gank" frodo and take the ring for myself? i obviously cant do that cuz there is no PvP.
Or what if i want to be a Ringwraith? Cant do that cuz there is no PvP.
Ur a fucking dumbass, another great story down the drain cuz pantywaists cant handle conflict with someone who thinks.
ur right the name calling was childish. its just touchy subject to me. i was excited when i heard word of a Middle Earth RPG, it just pissed me off to learn taht there will be no initial PVP when there should. So yea i wont be playing the game at first. But i guarantee all you non PVPers that the game will patch it in. Games dont last without it. Take for example City of Heroes and Everquest 2. There is pvp in both those now, name one MMORPG to date that doesnt have PVP and is a huge success.
Once again, sorry for the name calling!
The reason I hate PvP is because you never have people remain in their role. If they allow PvP you'll have Dwarves running around slaughtering other Dwarves and the like. Or Hobbits rampaging around the Shire wanting to grief other Hobbits. PvP is never done right and it only provides an avenue for griefers to ruin the game for everyone else.
Now if they ever add in Evil races as a choice to play then I'd like to see RvR. That would rock.
I disagree with you.
Your UT2K5 analogy: apples and oranges. The whole purpose of a UT game is fragging, of course there's going to be PvP. Nature of the beast.
I'm sure you've heard the term, "just because you can doesn't mean you should". That can be applied here. The tech is there, but it just doesn't fit in this instance. There is a perfectly good reason for no PvP in LOTRO: The Tolkien Estate. There's really no allowance in the lore of the books for large amounts of player's whacking each other. And the biggest thing the "Estate" wants held to is Tolkien's original vision of Middle Earth and it's people. Sure, there are probably ways to get around it, arena's and such, but don't you think unless players were given as much free reign about the world while still being able to kill each other, they'd kick and scream louder than a two-year old? As for PvP server's, ain't gonna happen.
I'm happy that there will be no PvP. I've seen, in RL, several 18-25 yr old males (co-workers) get serious virtual stiffies over PvP and griefing. They argue that the whole point of an MMO is PvP, and justify it in all kinds of ways. After seeing this, and witnessing equivalent behavior in-game, I've come to equate staunch PvP supporters with that type of gamer: rude, self-centered, griefing fanboi's. It's unfortunate, and I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but it's true. I look forward to finding and gaming with others that share my idea of a fun gaming experience without having to worry whether they're a griefer in sheep's clothing.
"First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me...Blow."--Ash, "Army of Darkness"
but the whole story of LOTR is a huge conflict, how would pvp not fit in the game. People who would play as the dark forces trying to get the ring and bring it back to Moridor. In all seriousness, how could u not want that. I know pvp is never done right, example: Star Wars Galaxies. But if there was no pvp in SWG it wouldnt make sense at all. Im serious when i say this game is gonna be a carebear game until they add pvp, and they will cuz the real gamers will complain about it. I realize most people on this thread are a bunch RP'ers who cant handle pvp, but this sounds like the game for yall.
6 months after release, PvP will be added and u will be getting jumped by orcs and ringwraiths alike alike. Will you cancel ur account then?
Let's keep this civil and refrain from pointing fingers and calling names, shall we? I disagree with your statement alluding to PvPers being 'real gamers'. I'd in fact, say the opposite were true, since PvPers are usually focused on two aspects of an mmorpg, leveling and PvPing, instead of playing through all of what a game has to offer. Someone that plays a game to it's fullest potential, AS IT IS GIVEN, is a Real Gamer, in my eyes. Nor can an RPer 'not handle pvp'. How do you figure? An RPer plays a game in a style that suits them. Just as a PvPer does. That doesn't mean they can't play PvP.
In any case, I can see your point that the entire story is built on conflict. Most good stories require an element of conflict in them. In this case, it's an epic struggle. I can see a place for both players being able to play as either Servants of the the Eye or of the Hand, and thus bringing about a logical base for having PvP. But the bottom line here is that it's not going to happen because the Tolkien Estate, the big-wigs here that say what can and can't be done with the lore that JRR Tolkien laid out, won't allow it to happen. It's not a decision by Turbine, although they, in the interest of keeping their license, back the decision. Not much sense in wishing for it. Either decide to play the game as it will be released, or decide not to based on the exclusion of one aspect of mmo game play. Simple.
"First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me...Blow."--Ash, "Army of Darkness"
I guess the disappointment is just setting in. When i heard about LOTRO i got excited to get to play in the world. yea there is no pvp, but then i ask: what will u do when u done everything?
and the comment about the ring being carried is a good one, but things change for video games. my case and point, SWG. how many jedi where shown in the original trilogy? and how many run around on each server with lightsabers? things could be changed to suit that style of play, but ur right it wont come out that way, but im telling you the game will have pvp at some point.
Turbine must also develope the game with in the license they are given and tolkien enterprise has seen alot of hack jobs done to LoTR in past tries. Turbine does not only have to please us they also have to please tolkien enterprise, which has the ability to void the license. So they have to stick to the lore not just because we want them to but because of tolkien enterprise. As far as pvp later I don't think it will be cause turbine has said there won't be pvp and that decision will not change. They are also very concerned about the end content that everyone is asking about. It is one of the reasons IMO that they are starting with just Eriador in realase and saving the other area's (rohan, gondor, mordor and others) for later expansions. If they do it right they will be able to introduce these area's and new quests and content into the game keeping everyone interested for along time. Besides not all of eriador is going to be full MOB's just roaming around, there will be some empty areas that they can add content to later in updates.
Sorry that the lack of pvp is so important to you to stop you from experencing this game.
I can dig that you're disappointed. Heck I was disappointed when I heard that there weren't going to be playable 'evil' characters. I had this dread feeling that the game would be terribly one sided, with everyone expected to run around all high-and-mighty. Knowing human nature, that just won't happen. Lot's of people like playing the 'evil' side, gives em a chance to be bad and do things that normal society frowns upon. Perfectly acceptable. But then Turbine lets out that they've come up with a solution (virtuous vs corrupt) which sounds intriguing. You never know, perhaps Turbine will come up with something similar to address that lack of blatent PvP.
Edit: Just read this: If you go over to the LOTRO bit here on this site, under the Features tab, there's an interview with the Exec Producer of LOTRO, Jeffrey Steefel. He states that, for PvP, they are exploring "alternatives more appropriate to the Tolkien mythology." So there may be a happy ending to your concerns.
"First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me...Blow."--Ash, "Army of Darkness"