well, you need 1200$ GPU to run 60 FPS @ 1080p lol This is standard NVidia Gameworks title (just remember Witcher 3 that also needed (then) 1000$ Titanc X to run 60 FPS @ 1080p, also tech demo for NVidia Gameworks (most known as gimpworks)
i guess its now clear why NVidia offers this game only with 1070/1080 as anything lower than that cant really run it at acceptable framerate in....1080p lol
oh yeah, teh game launches in less than a month, i guess Ubisoft and NVidia wont dissapoint with atrociously performing games this time either ha ha
just for reference:
Doom runs ~140 FPS on RX480 and ~120 FPS on 1060
BF1 runs ~ 90 FPS on both RX480 and 1060
Titanfall 2 runs ~ 95 FPS on 480 and ~90 FPS on 1060
COD: IW runs ~100 FPS on 480 and ~85 FPS on 1060
RE 7 runs ~120 FPS on 480 and ~100 FPS on 1060
Hitman runs ~75 FPS on 480 and ~65 FPS on 1060
So, naturally, someone links a GTAV benchmark to prove... I don't know what they are trying to prove.
What is this world coming to?
Let it sink.
And yeah, games is copy/pase Just Cause 3 with mechanics traight copy/paste from The Division, just like Far Cry Primal vs Far Cry 4. Ubisoft has really done some super creative thinking about how to just recycle games with different names! its REVOLUTIONARY i tell ya!
So copy/paste game that needs 1200$ GPU for playing in 1080p. Its GOTY as far as filmoret goes rofl
But good thing is that were lucky enough most of games avoid nvidias gimpworks clutches and they perform as they SHOULD
BF1 runs ~ 90 FPS on both RX480 and 1060
Titanfall 2 runs ~ 95 FPS on 480 and ~90 FPS on 1060
COD: IW runs ~100 FPS on 480 and ~85 FPS on 1060
RE 7 runs ~120 FPS on 480 and ~100 FPS on 1060
Hitman runs ~75 FPS on 480 and ~65 FPS on 1060
That being said, I really haven't seen GameWorks do much for games, other than run like crap.
But i guess it will be just another Ubisoft game that sold very poorly on PC and well see people testing "fixes" year from now, somewhat regular practice for Ubisoft+NVidia games lol
Its a vicious cirlcle: games doenst sell well on PC, pubisher stop caring which produces more bad ports which reduce sales which makes publishers care even less which reduces sales evem more.... .... ...
However if you swallow your ego and tune down some settings to medium or off you will have a slightly worse looking game with much higher performance.
For instance tuning down or turning off shadows seems to do wonders
[mod edit]
and these arent even max settings lol
Heck 99% of the time i don't care what quality shadows are (even if there are any at all) and all of that even considering immersion for a single player slow paced adventure or rpg game, ...
Unless someone pointed it out and made a powerpoint presentation i wouldn't notice (or to be more specific i guess it wouldn't bother me enough to care if i did notice it)
And sure sometimes it can be problematic due to the way a specific engine implementation works, but in general people are way overreacting and have a way too perfectionist state of mind when it comes to this and similar things.
I'm sure there's a middle ground between my point of view and a point of view of the perfectionist obsessed OCD like, remorseful about price/strength of bought product person who has to have everything maxed out to possible psychologically justify the bought product
And possible considers any time spent gaming as a waste of time, but plays anyway (possible due to not being consciously aware of this)
You'd be surprised how many people variously categorically fit in some of these various categories.
theres absolutely nothing special about this game to warrant such atrocious performance. Just look at reviews - empty world, nothing really going on, mechanics copy/pasted from The Division etc. etc. etc
Nothing new to see here.
And you know...
When a job goes bad at my shop, it's...
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee