EQ was never designed for soloing. Content, especially after level 10, was intended to be entirely a group endeavor. The fact that there were ways to achieve some things solo was happenstance, and the byproduct of a good, open-ended design that did not entirely constrain the players.
A game design I can only hope to see repeated. Good open-ended design that allows players to play the game in their own fashion.
I don't ask that much content be specifically designated as solo. I do ask for players to be able to use alternate abilities and tactics to take on what would normally be group content.
Yes, in EQ you could root rot, kite, or even pet tank, but it was seldom as efficient as killing the same mobs in a group. What it typically did do is allow a skilled player to progress alone when groups were not an option.
Always the divide between playing a class that solos well, that get over played or playing a class less played because it dose not solo well, that ends up needed more top lvls.