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I'm currently playing GW, and I love it, but yesterday and today I have been researching Lineage II and it looks amazing. I love the fact that you can kill anyone and get their stuff, but you take the risk of getting killed yourself. I love the grind, that's whats so fun about the game for me, trying to get to the highest level and get the best stuff from farming and such, that's my style. GW is really fun, and I like the challanges it has too, but Lineage II just really got my attention yesterday, and I've been researching it ever since. With all that being said, I have a few questions about the game:
1) With time cards, do you still need to give a credit card #?
2) What sort of stuff do you lose when getting PK'ed, stuff equipted, stuff in your inventory, or both?
3) How many castle's are there to siege?
4) Do you start off with all the classes, or do you have to unlock them?
5) Can you switch classes?
Edit: Should I try the game on private servers first, or would I be shunned?
Dunno, I had used a CC there. What does the official website say?
Equipped, which in Lineage II will often mean your best gear, because you want to be using your best gear to level effectively.
Orcs, Humans, Elves and Dark Elves start off with two basic archetypes: fighter or magic user. At level 20 you have your first "class change," which means you get to pick which branch of your archetype you want to progress to. Later you have your second class change which is a further branching. And even later you can take on subclasses. So, yes, you have to level to "unlock" the next "branch" of the class type.
Dwarves start off with two basic archetypes: fighter and crafter, and there is also branching at the same points. Dwarves are the only race that can craft things.
Not outisde your archetype, no.
Perhaps some corrections to above post:
1. No you don't need CC when using game card, I used a game card and didn't have to fill out my CC.
2. All stuff you carry around, there are a few exceptions like adena (the money) and a chronos weapon (great looks, but zero damage)
3. hmm
4. As he said humans, elfs, dark elfs and orcs start with 2 archtypes: fighters and mages, but with dwarves he was incorrect there is only fighter (but it are the only ones that can craft). But more info about this here.
5. nope classes are bind to the race and archtype you choose. I can't help you much on subclasses though.
"If all magic fails, rely on three feet of steel and a strong arm"
Thanks for the corrections! I haven't played Lineage II all that much, actually, but I guess I've been fortunate enough never to have dropped items I am carrying (have lost some nice equipped things from time to time though!).