You read the whole thread @kruler as it was a problem that developed with the title of this thread. So over time the problems cropped up and it became worse until the PC just died. I am sorry you had to read all that rambling.
Thank you for your insight
I wanted to ask as I am very new to this PC thing and I guess being quite horrible with PCs I just want to check something. I have CPUID and GPU-Z besides the temperature what else should I be keeping an eye on in them, the CPUID tracks more things in it including the cores and such whereas the GPU-Z tracks only the graphics card.
I check the event viewer which after the mother board change keeps accusing me of pirating the OS and Microsoft has a nice advice to ignore event ID 1058 that warns that they cannot verify my proof of purchase.
So aside from this event viewer and CPUID HWmonitor and GPU-Z is there anything I should pay particular attention to, to see if my system is breaking down.
At this stage of the game, just do the sanitise hard drives and load up a legit copy of win 10, and see where that rabbit hole takes you.
There are a couple of things this will highlight all in itself, tells us how you go..............because the stuff you have done so far has not raised a typical flag, so at this stage looking at GPU and CPU temps isn't going to help, hoping a sterile win 10 load and Windows 10 itself doing the slow and wandering driver updates etc etc may highlight something, why I said let windows do its thing to start with.
Hate off the shelf PC,s as their bloat ware and general crap muddies the water at the best of times, even when you think you have formatted a HD, you have not, you have to sterilise the whole damned disk.
I upgraded to 10 all kind of things went wrong but its installed now must wait to see if all is alright. A week or two weeks how long before I know it is working properly.
Things that went wrong were being caught in an endless loop of it not installing it keep saying restarting then it would go back and install it. None of the drivers were put in and I had to get them for my machine from Dell.Then I got a lot of errors in event viewer including some kernel logger errors.Took hours to get it all to work properly so now I will wait and see I guess. Hopefully it does.
Windows has never been good about getting the right drivers, but it's usually got enough generic drivers to at least boot up to a state where you can get the proper ones installed.
Kernel logger errors: you recall what they were by chance?
Other than that I have not seen any other error on event viewer. For now being Indian and superstitious I hate to say there is nothing else.
There is no superstition involved with windows besides possibly Murphy's law.
And that you can't choose to install with the minimum required drivers (like USB and harddrive) and put the rest in yourself is annoying like #¤%&.
But you should be good for a while now.
A small tip though: See that you get an inch of air around as much as possibly of your case. People often miss that bad air circulation can lead to heating problem when you played a while, it looks fine when you start up but after a while you recycle the same air and it gets hot. It isn't always possible and then I recommend a case with good fans. With laptops it is usually good enough to have it on something that allows a little air under it.
Ok that event log was interesting, well I say that, because your PC is going round and round and round with issues, but there is some common themes going on.
If I was a betting man I would at this point hazard at a guess that the motherboard has an issue, either BIOS, system config within BIOS or actual fault on the board itself, would explain the run around between CPU and GPU issues and general crappyness of you trying to install anything and getting it to play nice.
Sad to say it could just be a lemon build, had a few that just wouldn't play nice no matter what I did, it always threw something up. I have built 30 odd machines since Win 10 came out and only one has thrown up a ton of errors like you, and it was a terrible BIOS patch (X99 Sabretooth), no matter what I tried it said it was correct, but no it was cursed, till someone told be after you patch the X99 Sabretooth you have to boot it 4 times.........................And then it worked fine, but who would of guess that.
Bad news this morning it did the double boot thing and chkdisk came on for a few seconds and then it booted up normally. Event viewer had the usual "previous shutdown was unexpected.....error caused if system stopped responding....bug check...."
I thought my SSD might be going but I used the crystaldiskinfo and it checked my drives and my ssd and hard drive are in good health no bad parts.
I officially give up I cannot do anything more but just wait now for the final knell of doom when the computer fails again.
Thank you all for helping me thus far you have helped me a lot and I learnt a lot this past few weeks but I think it is time to let this issue resolve by itself in whatever horrific form it might take /cry
I think you just got a gremlin. Mine, since the last WIndows update (and even before then sporadically) won't let the monitors go to sleep, even when nothing is running. No idea why.
A mouse wont help. you need an old keyboard. It is the most embarrassing bug since Windows 98 died under Bill Gates release party, some legacy crap messing up.
I run W7 myself and I wont upgrade until Direct X forces me to. Windows 10 is better but it takes a lot of work to get it right and to disable all annoying things in it. And if Direct X didn't exist I would probably still run Windows 2000.
Anyways, remember to back up all important files (like your private documents and so on before formating it. A second option would be to invest in a 250 gigs SSD and put windows on it instead (unless you have one already), then you could just leave your old drive as it is and use it for storage instead, a SSD is rather cheap (around $100 for a good one) and way faster which will make the computer to feel like new.
If I get forced to install 10 myself I will most likely buy a code from Microsoft but download and optimized version from the net. I rather not run a pirate version so ill buy it but optimizing Windows takes a load of time. But I think 7 will work for me another year at least.
That is a complete load of nonsense. I can optimize windows 10 in about 20 minutes. There are lot's of how to's on the net. Windows 10 runs games much better and it is far more secure than all the prior versions. I build a lot of computers for people and I just won't install anything except windows 10 anymore, just because of the security aspects.
I got the WHEA logger issue the hardware failure with these new drivers so back to the old ones. The other driver may have had the posting issue but no WHEA so better with the old and live with the occasional inability to boot.
Yeah, sorry to hear that. But at least it's sorta getting narrowed down. It may be something weird specific to your particular computer - a PCI configuration or BIOS setting issue, but it's really hard to say and equally hard to troubleshoot out. If the worst thing that happens is you need to run an older driver and it double boots on occasion, then that's not such a bad position.
Video card frying monitor? lol no.. never heard of that and I've built thousands of computers.
NEWS FLASH!"A bank was robbed the other day and a man opened fire on the customers being held hostage. One customer zig-zag sprinted until he found cover. When questioned later he explained that he was a hardcore gamer and knew just what to do!" Download my music for free! I release several albums per month as part of project "Thee Untitled" . .. some video game music remixes and cover songs done with instruments in there as well! out my roleplaying blog, collection of fictional short stories, and fantasy series... updated on a blog for now until I am finished! me game on occasion or make music... and subscribe!
I swear my computer is sentient so I cannot reveal how but I may have solved it . It had to do with 'delay something' figure it out yourself because you know my computer can read and it may punish me if I say more. Yes I'm afraid of my computer, sad but true.
At this stage of the game, just do the sanitise hard drives and load up a legit copy of win 10, and see where that rabbit hole takes you.
There are a couple of things this will highlight all in itself, tells us how you go..............because the stuff you have done so far has not raised a typical flag, so at this stage looking at GPU and CPU temps isn't going to help, hoping a sterile win 10 load and Windows 10 itself doing the slow and wandering driver updates etc etc may highlight something, why I said let windows do its thing to start with.
Hate off the shelf PC,s as their bloat ware and general crap muddies the water at the best of times, even when you think you have formatted a HD, you have not, you have to sterilise the whole damned disk.
Things that went wrong were being caught in an endless loop of it not installing it keep saying restarting then it would go back and install it. None of the drivers were put in and I had to get them for my machine from Dell.Then I got a lot of errors in event viewer including some kernel logger errors.Took hours to get it all to work properly so now I will wait and see I guess. Hopefully it does.
Windows has never been good about getting the right drivers, but it's usually got enough generic drivers to at least boot up to a state where you can get the proper ones installed.
Kernel logger errors: you recall what they were by chance?
Other than that I have not seen any other error on event viewer. For now being Indian and superstitious I hate to say there is nothing else.
There is no superstition involved with windows besides possibly Murphy's law.
And that you can't choose to install with the minimum required drivers (like USB and harddrive) and put the rest in yourself is annoying like #¤%&.
But you should be good for a while now.
A small tip though: See that you get an inch of air around as much as possibly of your case. People often miss that bad air circulation can lead to heating problem when you played a while, it looks fine when you start up but after a while you recycle the same air and it gets hot. It isn't always possible and then I recommend a case with good fans. With laptops it is usually good enough to have it on something that allows a little air under it.
If I was a betting man I would at this point hazard at a guess that the motherboard has an issue, either BIOS, system config within BIOS or actual fault on the board itself, would explain the run around between CPU and GPU issues and general crappyness of you trying to install anything and getting it to play nice.
Sad to say it could just be a lemon build, had a few that just wouldn't play nice no matter what I did, it always threw something up. I have built 30 odd machines since Win 10 came out and only one has thrown up a ton of errors like you, and it was a terrible BIOS patch (X99 Sabretooth), no matter what I tried it said it was correct, but no it was cursed, till someone told be after you patch the X99 Sabretooth you have to boot it 4 times.........................And then it worked fine, but who would of guess that.
I thought my SSD might be going but I used the crystaldiskinfo and it checked my drives and my ssd and hard drive are in good health no bad parts.
I officially give up I cannot do anything more but just wait now for the final knell of doom when the computer fails again.
Thank you all for helping me thus far you have helped me a lot and I learnt a lot this past few weeks but I think it is time to let this issue resolve by itself in whatever horrific form it might take /cry
Who here does not love Phoebe Cates BTW. I wish she continued acting.
That is a complete load of nonsense. I can optimize windows 10 in about 20 minutes. There are lot's of how to's on the net. Windows 10 runs games much better and it is far more secure than all the prior versions. I build a lot of computers for people and I just won't install anything except windows 10 anymore, just because of the security aspects.
She married Kevin Kline and drifted into happily ever after. I need to watch Fast Time at Ridgemont High again.
It says it is a Video TDR Failure 116
Module name nvlddmkm
Graphics driver TDR fault
NEWS FLASH! "A bank was robbed the other day and a man opened fire on the customers being held hostage. One customer zig-zag sprinted until he found cover. When questioned later he explained that he was a hardcore gamer and knew just what to do!" Download my music for free! I release several albums per month as part of project "Thee Untitled" . .. some video game music remixes and cover songs done with instruments in there as well! Check out my roleplaying blog, collection of fictional short stories, and fantasy series... updated on a blog for now until I am finished! Watch me game on occasion or make music... and subscribe!