All the fanboys waiting for 3.0 hahaha get ready for it to be delayed as much as possible and then released while cutting at least 50% of shat they promised hehehe. Have fun waiting.
Basically clicking away text windows ruins every MMO, try to have fun instead of rushing things. Without story and lore all there is left is a bunch of mechanics. Reply Add Multi-Quote
Waiting IS Star Citizen. That's the game, CR will claim all along that the game was "the experience" you had waiting for am actual game. Dreams, folks. DREAMS.
Out in space - check Visited asteroids - check Explored asteroids - check Mined asteroids - not yet Fought against enemy ships (NPC and player) - check Running around with avatar - check Flying over planetary surface - not yet (does driving with electric car count ?)
In real life: Out in space - not yet (but fortunately spoke to 100+ that did) Visited asteroids - not yet Explored asteroids - remotely via space probe - check Mined asteroids - not yet Fought against enemy ships - not yet, and hopefully won't Running around with avatar - check Flying over planetary surface - not yet (does Mars data via VR count ?)
Have fun
PS: You might want to add Star Citizen ship racing FPS combat social interaction shopping dancing EVA station repair Vendor machine transport to your list.
In the interest of full disclosure since Erillion only posts the positives here's what they have yet to deliver on. List might be a little out of date since it was posted 5 months ago.
Stretch goals not delivered
Cockpit decorations (bobbleheads, photographs, dinosaurs, fuzzy dice, nose art, posters)
Class I repair bot (in hangar)
Hadesian artifact
100 star systems at launch
Odin system
Tyrol system
Kellog system
Goss system
Orion system
Ellis system
Cathcart system
Tal system
Geddon system
Chronos system
Tamsa system
Tanga system
Cano system
UDS-2943-01-22 system
Kabal system
Oretani system
Exclusive star system for pre-launch backers
Bengal carrier as a playable ship
Frigate ship class
Destroyer ship class
Escort Carrier ship class
Battlecruiser ship class
Banu Merchantman
RSI Orion
Aegis Surveyor
Anvil Carrack
MISC Endeavor-class Research Platform
Anvil Aerospace Crucible
Espera Prowler
Genesis-class Starliner
Ship systems and components
Command and Control center (Tie all of your ships' sensors together and assume central command from the 3rd seat)
Enhanced capital ship systems (damage control teams, navigation and engineering consoles)
Ship upgrade package containing an engine modifier
Part 2 since the list was too large to post in one go
Features advertised but not delivered
Rentable ships (outside Arena Commander)
Some ships with artificial gravity (or not)
Different HUDs for different ships
Hull breaches
Shuttles for larger ships to land on planets
Banu ports and stations for trading
Parking smaller ships in the Idris
Inertia on objects not anchored on ships
Beam weapons for larger ships
Tractor beams and EVA for cargo
EVA ship repair
Wreck exploration
Benefits for ejecting from a ship about to explode
Wreckage as a navigational hazard
Using inertia for flight rather than burning fuel all the time
Dangerous and dynamic Jump Points
Changeable gravity systems for ships
Booby traps and trackers for cargo
Detailed navigation system
Weapon slaving
Detailed ship destruction for large ships
Ship repair and cleanliness/degradation
Ship trade-in and buying used ships
Naming your ship
Manual and auto-docking
Customizable AI voices for different aspects of your ship
Organization infiltration
Playing as another alien race
Run your own business
In depth non-FTL communication
Bounty hunting system
Player influenced politics
In-game VOIP and “Live Driver”
Shareable star map locations
Group mining operations
In-fiction “Live Team” that will report player driven events as in-fiction news
Dynamic population count
Character damage and aging
Character histories and/or ancestral trees
Large scale dynamic events
Player rating system
Taxes for organizations
Dead (wounded) body recovery
Player or organization ran medical facilities
User generated content
Shared organization hangars
Combined arms missions
Location for contributors' names to be found in the PU
Organization reputation system
Damageable cyborg limbs and cybernetic repair facilities
Dynamic social interaction with NPCs
Space creatures
Planet day/night cycle
Cargo damage (item damage)
Potential in-game “Voice Attack” system
NPC generation
Realistic audio options
Personally owned NPCs
Your name in the game
Getting everyone into the same instance
More economical or versatile corvettes
Planetary ship entry
Repair and items system capability
Character customization
Ship connected to user online/offline status
Picking up objects on planets
Multi-monitor HUD
Large ship damage control lockers
Dogfights through space stations
Ship persistence
Stealth game play
Ability for privateers/corsairs/buccaneers
Landing on planets
Procedurally generated environments
Starfarer's refueling mechanic
Anchoring to an asteroid
Killboards (outside Arena Commander)
NPC ranks
Thruster trails
Non-lethal combat modules
Raid supply shipments
Hidden ship compartments
Catapulting through space
Locking ships
Jury rig repairing
Dynamic weather
Automatic battle flight pattern
Living spaces
Insurance for pilots
Escape pods
Extreme ship maneuvers
Start up sequence for large multi-crew ships
Remotely hacking ships
Pacing NPC's
Incentives to keep your original ship's Hull
Game generated missions
Communication between two ships
Ship armor
NPC crews
Guild wars
Inflation and deflation (money value)
Hiring NPC's for missions
Travelling in fleets
Tactical game modes in Star Marine
Trading weapons in the Star Marine
Player generated content
Assigning ships to landing zones
UI customization
Radar features
Future playable maps
Ships developed by the community
Warning NPC's of attack
NPC crew AI
Clothing damage
Character creator
Interior damage system
Roaming floating structures
Vehicles for planetside
NPC dialogue
Player owned cargo space
NPC population in the PU
Ship aging
Linux client
In-game banking
Medic and surgeon skill progression
Mining and resource gathering
Fabricate weapons/armor/ship parts
Join in-progress free flight games
Hangar parties & instancing
Physical grappling beam
Multi-crew keycards
Repairing Gold Horizon space stations
Natural areas in the 'Verse
FPS environmental hazards
Store ore in your hangar
Organic ships
Ship spoofing
Non-combat ships
Search players for weapons
Flying a ship without a hud
Starting wars between the different races
NPCs react to weapons
Drop pods
Org recruiting NPCs
NPCs using different loadouts
Resource spawning
NPC & human scanning
Location based damage for pets
Features advertised at CitizenCon 2014 but not delivered
Missile and countermeasure improvements
Advanced power management
Organizations 2.0 (with deep game integration)
Landing on ArcCorp
Features advertised at CitizenCon 2015 but not delivered
Star Citizen HOTAS from Saitek (unlikely to ever happen after Logitech bought Saitek and Mad Catz went bankrupt)
Features advertised at CitizenCon 2016 but not delivered
Refining and processing
Quantum interdiction
Mercenary - covert operations
Travel to multiple Star Systems
Exploration and discovery
Science and research
Players per instance
Chris Roberts:
We could have thousands of players in the same area.
Erin Roberts:
So with the next big release [alpha 3.0] a lot of the underlying game is there and then we can look at transferring people between servers so we can have hundreds of thousands of people maybe in one instance, but that doesn’t come online until later.
Kickstarter promises broken or not delivered
Squadron 42 (Single player)
Online or offline play
Drop in / drop out co-op play
Star Citizen (Multiplayer, also known as Persistent Universe)
Mod-able multiplayer
Private servers "hosted by YOU"
No subscriptions
No pay-to-win
Controller agnosticism ("We’ve all got our preferences, so why be forced to choose?")
Actions of the players impact the universe and become part of its history and lore
Well there are the ones who ask every 5 minutes "are we there yet?" and whine about how long it is taking through the whole process. And there are the ones who are patient and/or find things to do as they wait for it. I'm the later so I'm cool
Well there are the ones who ask every 5 minutes "are we there yet?" and whine about how long it is taking through the whole process. And there are the ones who are patient and/or find things to do as they wait for it. I'm the later so I'm cool
It's flame bait telling people who might not know specifics that 5 years in and the list is still gigantic on promises and features they still have to deliver on?
Well there are the ones who ask every 5 minutes "are we there yet?" and whine about how long it is taking through the whole process. And there are the ones who are patient and/or find things to do as they wait for it. I'm the later so I'm cool
It's flame bait telling people who might not know specifics that 5 years in and the list is still gigantic on promises and features they still have to deliver on?
Most of those features, if the industry record holds, will either never make it into the game or will be pushed to future updates and/or expansion packs. I surmise that most, even those who love SC, can already admit that's likely going to be the case for many of these items.
Or, I hope they do. Otherwise, it will be an unprecedented amount of butthurt when the game goes "gold".
Basically clicking away text windows ruins every MMO, try to have fun instead of rushing things. Without story and lore all there is left is a bunch of mechanics.
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We do :-D
Have fun
Stretch goals not delivered
100 star systems at launch
Ship systems and components
Base types
Outside the game
Features advertised but not delivered
Features advertised at CitizenCon 2014 but not delivered
Features advertised at CitizenCon 2015 but not delivered
Features advertised at CitizenCon 2016 but not delivered
Players per instance
Chris Roberts:
Erin Roberts:
Kickstarter promises broken or not delivered
Squadron 42 (Single player)
Star Citizen (Multiplayer, also known as Persistent Universe)
Backer rewards
Any mmo worth its salt should be like a good prostitute when it comes to its game world- One hell of a faker, and a damn good shaker!
What is he replying him with what he can do right now has to do with posting only the positives?! Such flame-bait! Full disclosure, oh my!
Well there are the ones who ask every 5 minutes "are we there yet?" and whine about how long it is taking through the whole process. And there are the ones who are patient and/or find things to do as they wait for it. I'm the later so I'm cool
It's flame bait telling people who might not know specifics that 5 years in and the list is still gigantic on promises and features they still have to deliver on?
Or, I hope they do. Otherwise, it will be an unprecedented amount of butthurt when the game goes "gold".