LiF works side of the quality of its animations, physics and other bits.
It has the sandbox building aspect, with one slow approach to the types of gameplay and a progression where you can't be the best at everything and end up specializing on something.
Stuff that people have been looking that is very much missing from the MMO genre.
Wait which one do i need I have the Original one on steam, do I have to buy the other one now "Forest VIllage?"
Is there a trial or beta?
The original one gives you the MMO but not on the current closed wave of testing. It's the Lif: YO now the Forest Village. You can buy one MMO package that gives you access to the closed tests on their website though.
Looks good. I know a lot isn't out yet, but what really separates it from all the survival stuff out these days? I want my middle aged blacksmith with huge arms and a beer belly to hitch up the wagon and drive his goods to town once a week. MMOs just don't seem to be made that way anymore. Not since SWG was that a rewarding way to play. My real question is will this game be different and make a true world or simply be another survival MMO with some neat features tacked on?
Sounds like you can but can you be a full time farmer, hunter and/or crafter and just support others? Like not be ambitious or warlike and just take care of some of the smaller tasks that need doing day to day? :P
I have this game and played it back then when there were barely any people on the server. I'm curious to know how it looks and plays now.
If it's better maybe we can get some people together to make a small group or guild on a server.
I'm trying to convince my fellow Salem players to hop over this one. Let's see if it works out.
How is the overall length of crafting in comparison to other activities?
Crafting takes lots of time in this game, if you intentions is just to play for one day, forget it. There is loooong progress in the crafting and you will need people with you if you want to craft everything in the game. It has the best crafting when compared to any other survival game in my opinion, there is always something to look forward to and once you achieve something, it feels really good.
If I remember right, it took like a month or two for my group to make decent village with lots of buildings and stuff.
It took us months on Salem. Salem is pretty hardcore title. It sounds what I'm looking for. Thanks for the reply.
This game is very similar to Salem in a lot of ways. The core entertainment will be the political alignment/confrontation between Guilds/Kingdoms.
Well the meat of the game is in interaction. It is very hard to do anything alone because crafting is inter dependable. I personally never played a game that such real community
Are they still trying to sell access to the MMO part for $50?
Yupp. Im waiting for the Open Beta. Not paying $45 to beta test the game for them. If i want to give them critical feedback i can do it in Open Beta for free. And If i just want to try the game to see if i like and want to support it then i can also wait for the OB.
Sounds like you can but can you be a full time farmer, hunter and/or crafter and just support others? Like not be ambitious or warlike and just take care of some of the smaller tasks that need doing day to day? :P
Of course you can
That is until the ambitious warlike people come and kill you, take all your stuff and burn your house down.
Sounds like you can but can you be a full time farmer, hunter and/or crafter and just support others? Like not be ambitious or warlike and just take care of some of the smaller tasks that need doing day to day? :P
Of course you can
That is until the ambitious warlike people come and kill you, take all your stuff and burn your house down.
This is why you play on rp servers with rules. Also you cannot just go and break someones stuff, in most of the servers there is 1 day in a week when all the sieges / pillaging can happen. Honestly I really recommend playing on RP servers so you will experience the whole game with great social interactions.
So the mmo title just means more players on the server?.... That just looked like any other of the survival games out their.
Didn't seem the best way to try sell it as a mmo over their survival game... could just save marketing money and stick a "Now with 1000 players per server" sticker on it. But i guess they get to sell the same game twice this way...
So this is another mmo where real life problems will be brought into the game. Where some bunch of real life mates will force their own game upon loners or not so social active players.
LiF works side of the quality of its animations, physics and other bits.
It has the sandbox building aspect, with one slow approach to the types of gameplay and a progression where you can't be the best at everything and end up specializing on something.
Stuff that people have been looking that is very much missing from the MMO genre.
Wait which one do i need I have the Original one on steam, do I have to buy the other one now "Forest VIllage?"
Is there a trial or beta?
The original one gives you the MMO but not on the current closed wave of testing. It's the Lif: YO now the Forest Village. You can buy one MMO package that gives you access to the closed tests on their website though.
HM which one do I need to buy for the MMO Version?
What is the difference between "Life Is Feudal Your Own" "Forest" and "MMO"
I have both the other 2 life is feudal games (Your Own and Forest village). I have not touched the MMO version yet. I am kinda hoping it will be a gem, but i am not going to get my hopes up for that. Will find out when it comes out i guess.
LiF works side of the quality of its animations, physics and other bits.
It has the sandbox building aspect, with one slow approach to the types of gameplay and a progression where you can't be the best at everything and end up specializing on something.
Stuff that people have been looking that is very much missing from the MMO genre.
Wait which one do i need I have the Original one on steam, do I have to buy the other one now "Forest VIllage?"
Is there a trial or beta?
The original one gives you the MMO but not on the current closed wave of testing. It's the Lif: YO now the Forest Village. You can buy one MMO package that gives you access to the closed tests on their website though.
HM which one do I need to buy for the MMO Version?
What is the difference between "Life Is Feudal Your Own" "Forest" and "MMO"
Are they like 3 different games?
Life is Feudal Your Own is a small multiplayer game whereas Forest village is a pure single player version
You can buy the MMO package standalone from the normal LiF, gives some perks on the MMO and access to all the closed betas here:
The forest is a separate game published under the LiF game, it's more like Banished.
wtf did i just painfully watch? mmo's are getting worse and worse.
I will never understand the whole 'whats this building shit approach to games! I will have none of that just give me another 10 years of mob fights and hand holding please' view of gaming
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
what to expect? Griefers camping each and every initial spawn point killing you as fast as you create a character.
Game had (still has) potential but this this hard headed notion they MUST keep it 'hardcore' is a no sale for most and will drive what few people who want to try it or have a free copy coming away.
And sadly When (and yes they will) change to at least some PvE 'safe' zones it will be too late, everyone will be gone. If ANYTHING has been proven in the MMO genre (and many things havent) full scale 'hardcore', consistent open world PvP has never worked. So by the time they realize they lost what niche group they already had that was interested in this game it will be too late to get them back. Same story different game. And this is one game that needs a larger population to make it fun, and really to make it 'work' at all.
what to expect? Griefers camping each and every initial spawn point killing you as fast as you create a character.
Game had (still has) potential but this this hard headed notion they MUST keep it 'hardcore' is a no sale for most and will drive what few people who want to try it or have a free copy coming away.
And sadly When (and yes they will) change to at least some PvE 'safe' zones it will be too late, everyone will be gone. If ANYTHING has been proven in the MMO genre (and many things havent) full scale 'hardcore', consistent open world PvP has never worked. So by the time they realize they lost what niche group they already had that was interested in this game it will be too late to get them back. Same story different game. And this is one game that needs a larger population to make it fun, and really to make it 'work' at all.
A PvE version of this game is in essence Wurm Online which has been around for 15 years. This game borrows a lot from Wurm Online it just has considerably better graphics.
I agree with what you say though, and I think its why so many have gone to playing private server games which this Title also has
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
what to expect? Griefers camping each and every initial spawn point killing you as fast as you create a character.
Game had (still has) potential but this this hard headed notion they MUST keep it 'hardcore' is a no sale for most and will drive what few people who want to try it or have a free copy coming away.
And sadly When (and yes they will) change to at least some PvE 'safe' zones it will be too late, everyone will be gone. If ANYTHING has been proven in the MMO genre (and many things havent) full scale 'hardcore', consistent open world PvP has never worked. So by the time they realize they lost what niche group they already had that was interested in this game it will be too late to get them back. Same story different game. And this is one game that needs a larger population to make it fun, and really to make it 'work' at all.
A PvE version of this game is in essence Wurm Online which has been around for 15 years. This game borrows a lot from Wurm Online it just has considerably better graphics.
I agree with what you say though, and I think its why so many have gone to playing private server games which this Title also has
i have about 1200 hours or more in it. Problem with 'full' PvE is these games get boring really fast. There has to be a balance. Something no one has figured out yet, at least not without a separate 'warzone' (where its 'red' all the time).
They have a decent set up I imagine they could figure out how to make open zones and safe zones (akin to how WoW is) and also allow for declaring war or the inability to have guys grief and then run away to a 'safe' zone.
The 'judgement hour' feature in YO isnt very realistic either but it does give people a chance to see what the MMO will be like.
But I have always been of the opinion that PvP should be voluntary or at least semi voluntary even in a PvP game. Especially one like this that wants to be 'realistic'. The system they have in YO for criminals isnt nearly enough and they have actually made it more lax which shows they are encouraging griefing (for whatever reason).
But the grind and absolute tedium of this game is such that no one who lasts long enough to make to a place where theyre worth stealing from is going to like having all the stuff they worked (and in this game it is almost work considering the hours it takes) get stolen.
Either way we have made suggestions for over a year on what kind of systems the MMO should have to insure some sort of balance, all fell on deaf ears.
I will check it out, just like everyone else who ever played it, but not many of us are expecting anything long term from it.
what to expect? Griefers camping each and every initial spawn point killing you as fast as you create a character.
Game had (still has) potential but this this hard headed notion they MUST keep it 'hardcore' is a no sale for most and will drive what few people who want to try it or have a free copy coming away.
And sadly When (and yes they will) change to at least some PvE 'safe' zones it will be too late, everyone will be gone. If ANYTHING has been proven in the MMO genre (and many things havent) full scale 'hardcore', consistent open world PvP has never worked. So by the time they realize they lost what niche group they already had that was interested in this game it will be too late to get them back. Same story different game. And this is one game that needs a larger population to make it fun, and really to make it 'work' at all.
A PvE version of this game is in essence Wurm Online which has been around for 15 years. This game borrows a lot from Wurm Online it just has considerably better graphics.
I agree with what you say though, and I think its why so many have gone to playing private server games which this Title also has
i have about 1200 hours or more in it. Problem with 'full' PvE is these games get boring really fast. There has to be a balance. Something no one has figured out yet, at least not without a separate 'warzone' (where its 'red' all the time).
They have a decent set up I imagine they could figure out how to make open zones and safe zones (akin to how WoW is) and also allow for declaring war or the inability to have guys grief and then run away to a 'safe' zone.
The 'judgement hour' feature in YO isnt very realistic either but it does give people a chance to see what the MMO will be like.
But I have always been of the opinion that PvP should be voluntary or at least semi voluntary even in a PvP game. Especially one like this that wants to be 'realistic'. The system they have in YO for criminals isnt nearly enough and they have actually made it more lax which shows they are encouraging griefing (for whatever reason).
But the grind and absolute tedium of this game is such that no one who lasts long enough to make to a place where theyre worth stealing from is going to like having all the stuff they worked (and in this game it is almost work considering the hours it takes) get stolen.
Either way we have made suggestions for over a year on what kind of systems the MMO should have to insure some sort of balance, all fell on deaf ears.
I will check it out, just like everyone else who ever played it, but not many of us are expecting anything long term from it.
I dont find pure pve games boring at all.
I also dont think a solution to a good balanced pvp is really that hard, I just not sure why developers dont just do some of these easy solutions.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
But I have always been of the opinion that PvP should be voluntary or at least semi voluntary even in a PvP game. Especially one like this that wants to be 'realistic'. The system they have in YO for criminals isnt nearly enough and they have actually made it more lax which shows they are encouraging griefing (for whatever reason).
This is so many ways wrong.
It is a PvP Game, what you consider griefing is nothing but the realistic nature of it on a rather unforgiving game world.
They shouldn't make game systems to deal with criminals, like the servers of LiF I played, the kingdoms established managed by providing protection to new players and their villages in trade for resources or services from their side. Now that is gameplay!
It's fully player driven, and that's how it should stay. For me only the offline players and their bases needs to be considered within the PvP reality for the sake of balance.
But I have always been of the opinion that PvP should be voluntary or at least semi voluntary even in a PvP game. Especially one like this that wants to be 'realistic'. The system they have in YO for criminals isnt nearly enough and they have actually made it more lax which shows they are encouraging griefing (for whatever reason).
This is so many ways wrong.
It is a PvP Game, what you consider griefing is nothing but the realistic nature of it on a rather unforgiving game world.
They shouldn't make game systems to deal with criminals, like the servers of LiF I played, the kingdoms established managed by providing protection to new players and their villages in trade for resources or services from their side. Now that is gameplay!
It's fully player driven, and that's how it should stay.
And how well did that work out for Darkfall?
Anyhow I am going journey ing looking for sticks to break off with my fists so I can get socialized.
Anyhow I am going journey ing looking for sticks to break off with my fists so I can get socialized.
LiF like the game servers I played on, we had kingdoms that were fully player setup and driven, they looked for new players to settle on their lands, we offered protection in trade for military service, resource trading, road building, etc...
When that happened and players got attacked, we simply made use of the system the kindgom had setup to enforce justice, and that generated one great flow of how everything played out.
And that is exactly what I hope some players push on the MMO, the setup of kingdoms that will be safe heavens for new players, with the trade-offs that only make it realistic.
If they decide to change this and drive crime and justice by scripted game systems, for me that would ruin the play of the game I just described.
PvE 'sandbox' games with zero content other than 'progression' or player made or RP gets boring. Thats why Ark and LiF and all these other smaller pop type games all have 'seasons' or reroll servers after a month or two.
While apparently the new map for LiF is HUGE it still (if it gets any playerbase at all) will be filled up rather quickly. As guild basically start complete empires and random people also try and make huge areas, which are pretty big, at least in YO.
As far as open world full blown Pvp. Name a SINGLE game where it worked. After how many attempts. You can use all the typical talking points you want but it doesnt change the fact that PvP games have always been complete failures. And even the games that are 'survival' based all have PvE options or have rulesets made by administrators (including Life is Feudal your own) that limit PvP and how and why it can occur and any server that wants to have any sort of population deals with griefers swiftly and permanently.
As I said I have about 1200 hours I have played on a dozen or more servers and the ones that let people run roughshod lasted maybe a weekend before people left. Now with no other options people will claim they will tough it out. Not likely they will just not play the game at all because there are still other games out there, not like this one obviously, but thats another thing people forget, because there isnt a game like it now no one will miss it if they stop playing it after a couple days. Because even if it is cool and different it is still going to be a bad gameplay experience if youre getting griefed and attacked all the time. Unless you like that sort of thing, but as evidenced buy the LONG list of games with this same set up there arent many that do.
It has the sandbox building aspect, with one slow approach to the types of gameplay and a progression where you can't be the best at everything and end up specializing on something.
Stuff that people have been looking that is very much missing from the MMO genre.
The original one gives you the MMO but not on the current closed wave of testing. It's the Lif: YO now the Forest Village. You can buy one MMO package that gives you access to the closed tests on their website though.
This game is very similar to Salem in a lot of ways. The core entertainment will be the political alignment/confrontation between Guilds/Kingdoms.
Yupp. Im waiting for the Open Beta. Not paying $45 to beta test the game for them. If i want to give them critical feedback i can do it in Open Beta for free. And If i just want to try the game to see if i like and want to support it then i can also wait for the OB.
That is until the ambitious warlike people come and kill you, take all your stuff and burn your house down.
This is why you play on rp servers with rules. Also you cannot just go and break someones stuff, in most of the servers there is 1 day in a week when all the sieges / pillaging can happen. Honestly I really recommend playing on RP servers so you will experience the whole game with great social interactions.
Didn't seem the best way to try sell it as a mmo over their survival game... could just save marketing money and stick a "Now with 1000 players per server" sticker on it. But i guess they get to sell the same game twice this way...
What is the difference between "Life Is Feudal Your Own" "Forest" and "MMO"
Are they like 3 different games?
Life is Feudal Your Own is a small multiplayer game whereas Forest village is a pure single player version
You get the MMO and access to the testing once the Wave #2 thing starts idk exactly when @Saxx0n might shred some light on it.
You can buy the MMO package standalone from the normal LiF, gives some perks on the MMO and access to all the closed betas here:
The forest is a separate game published under the LiF game, it's more like Banished.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Game had (still has) potential but this this hard headed notion they MUST keep it 'hardcore' is a no sale for most and will drive what few people who want to try it or have a free copy coming away.
And sadly When (and yes they will) change to at least some PvE 'safe' zones it will be too late, everyone will be gone. If ANYTHING has been proven in the MMO genre (and many things havent) full scale 'hardcore', consistent open world PvP has never worked. So by the time they realize they lost what niche group they already had that was interested in this game it will be too late to get them back. Same story different game. And this is one game that needs a larger population to make it fun, and really to make it 'work' at all.
This game borrows a lot from Wurm Online it just has considerably better graphics.
I agree with what you say though, and I think its why so many have gone to playing private server games which this Title also has
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
They have a decent set up I imagine they could figure out how to make open zones and safe zones (akin to how WoW is) and also allow for declaring war or the inability to have guys grief and then run away to a 'safe' zone.
The 'judgement hour' feature in YO isnt very realistic either but it does give people a chance to see what the MMO will be like.
But I have always been of the opinion that PvP should be voluntary or at least semi voluntary even in a PvP game. Especially one like this that wants to be 'realistic'. The system they have in YO for criminals isnt nearly enough and they have actually made it more lax which shows they are encouraging griefing (for whatever reason).
But the grind and absolute tedium of this game is such that no one who lasts long enough to make to a place where theyre worth stealing from is going to like having all the stuff they worked (and in this game it is almost work considering the hours it takes) get stolen.
Either way we have made suggestions for over a year on what kind of systems the MMO should have to insure some sort of balance, all fell on deaf ears.
I will check it out, just like everyone else who ever played it, but not many of us are expecting anything long term from it.
I also dont think a solution to a good balanced pvp is really that hard, I just not sure why developers dont just do some of these easy solutions.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
It is a PvP Game, what you consider griefing is nothing but the realistic nature of it on a rather unforgiving game world.
They shouldn't make game systems to deal with criminals, like the servers of LiF I played, the kingdoms established managed by providing protection to new players and their villages in trade for resources or services from their side. Now that is gameplay!
It's fully player driven, and that's how it should stay. For me only the offline players and their bases needs to be considered within the PvP reality for the sake of balance.
Anyhow I am going journey ing looking for sticks to break off with my fists so I can get socialized.
When that happened and players got attacked, we simply made use of the system the kindgom had setup to enforce justice, and that generated one great flow of how everything played out.
And that is exactly what I hope some players push on the MMO, the setup of kingdoms that will be safe heavens for new players, with the trade-offs that only make it realistic.
If they decide to change this and drive crime and justice by scripted game systems, for me that would ruin the play of the game I just described.
While apparently the new map for LiF is HUGE it still (if it gets any playerbase at all) will be filled up rather quickly. As guild basically start complete empires and random people also try and make huge areas, which are pretty big, at least in YO.
As far as open world full blown Pvp. Name a SINGLE game where it worked. After how many attempts. You can use all the typical talking points you want but it doesnt change the fact that PvP games have always been complete failures. And even the games that are 'survival' based all have PvE options or have rulesets made by administrators (including Life is Feudal your own) that limit PvP and how and why it can occur and any server that wants to have any sort of population deals with griefers swiftly and permanently.
As I said I have about 1200 hours I have played on a dozen or more servers and the ones that let people run roughshod lasted maybe a weekend before people left. Now with no other options people will claim they will tough it out. Not likely they will just not play the game at all because there are still other games out there, not like this one obviously, but thats another thing people forget, because there isnt a game like it now no one will miss it if they stop playing it after a couple days. Because even if it is cool and different it is still going to be a bad gameplay experience if youre getting griefed and attacked all the time. Unless you like that sort of thing, but as evidenced buy the LONG list of games with this same set up there arent many that do.