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Artcraft has announced that Crowfall is "unlocking Archetypes" to allow players to choose what race and archetype they want to play without restriction. Previous to this, several Archetypes and / or races were bound together, mainly due to cost factors. Because of continued support from the community and other fund raising efforts, that is no longer an issue.
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Current: Dragonrealms
Completely agree, i cant help but re-hyping crowfall a little bit from these gorgous news.
It should be entering 24/7 fairly soon, but it won't officially be beta for a while. It's currently still in pre-alpha and should be moving into alpha I would think within the next couple months. That said, players with up to beta 2 test status are able to play right now (though I think the 2017 beta 2 testers may not be in yet...not sure on that).
This link contains some info about them moving to 24/7, though doesn't state exactly when:
We’re at an interesting phase with Crowfall® right now, the inflection point between a system “test” and an MMO “playtest”. Many of our core systems are online. Interrelated systems (like Disciplines and power load-out) are surfacing. We’re on the brink of moving from weekend tests to having servers available 24x7, with a LIVE universe (that is more stable) and a separate TEST universe (that comes up and down but always has the latest and greatest).
Yes, we are still in “pre-alpha”, but it’s a far cry from where we started. We inch ever closer to calling the game “alpha”, scaling that test with more players into “beta”, and then launching it in multiple countries and multiple languages.
The decision to go with archetypes was based on money, not on what they thought would be best or most fun. It was simply a necessity based on funding. As things have turned out, they have received enough funding to this point that they are able to make this change.
We should see some really interesting builds once they actually split the archetypes into class and race.