I'm so frustrated, you just have no idea.
I've had the game for a while but have always had this problem. I had to replace my ram recently and my video card.
The sound is driving me utterly batty. Incidentally, this is happening with Mass Effect Andromeda too though I assumed that it's a new game so that was the reason. Now I'm starting to think it's not.
So, my current system is asrock z87 extreme6, core i7-4771 (unparked), 16 gb dual channel dominator gaming ram, gtx 970, WD Black 2TB HDD 7200 RPM SATA 6GB 64 MB cache on windows 8.1
Since I have new hardware, thought I'd see if that was the problem and try to fix it. Yeah, that didn't work. It's just as bad as before. And I've spent hours... no days... trying every possible solution I can find on the net.
I did a clean install, set the game to high priority in Task Manager, Unparked all my core's, used rivatuner to set the fps and kept rivatuner running at the time I played the game and shut it off (just to see if that was the problem), turned off all extra programs, even my antivirus and antimalware programs, tried running with vsync on in game and in nvidia control panel, and I've tried leaving it off in one and on in the other then alternating it, I've tried changing fps in game from unlimited, 30 fps, and 60 fps, I've tried antialiasing on and off in both NCP and in game, motion blur is off because I can't stand it, as is vignetting for the same reason, setting max prerendered and virtual prerendered to 1 in NCP, triple buffering on and off, power management is set to max performance, single display performance mode (since I only have one monitor), multi frame sampling is off, hairworks off. I've tried running the game at the lowest settings possible and using my cpu to run the physx and the gpu. Seriously, I've tried every combination of all of these.
Hours and hours I've put in to this. I don't know what's causing it. I asked on the computer website I've been part of for years but had 49 people look at it and not say a word. I really need help and I thought since this site is more active, I might be able to beg some help from all of you.
And, it still does this...
It's unlike anything I've seen before. It seems quite different to when the graphics are too demanding for the hardware. So tinkering with the graphics settings probably won't make any difference.
Try using the Windows resource monitor (Start -> type in "resmon"). Start it before you start the game, leave it running and see what's going on with CPU usage when the game runs. I'm suspecting something might be fishy there, given the sound stuttering.
One thing that comes to mind are temperatures. If the CPU / GPU gets excessively hot, it may throttle itself down to prevent damage. So if, for some strange reason, the PC is constantly boiling hot, you might see things like this happen.
Checking the temperatures and the CPU/GPU load will at least help you eliminate some of these hypothetical cases.
There are more knowledgeable people here though (e.g. @Quizzical ) . So best wait for their opinion before making any extensive replacements.
I would start by going to your nVidia control panel, and setting all the game settings to Let application decide aside from VSync. Force VSync on.
So I started the game, ran from the crossroads marker at the very beginning to the bodies hanging near White Orchard, and it started doing that stuttering thing within 10 seconds.
The resources for my cores for each one is showing not a single one is going above 20% usage. No change on Core Temp.
I'm going to go check my bios and see if it's saying anything about my cpu fan.
Process tamer https://www.donationcoder.com/Software/Mouser/proctamer/
The Noctua coolers are very popular. I went for the Noctua NH-D15, which instantly fixed any temperature concerns. It's a beast though, so make sure to measure the PC case before you order one. Some of the bigger coolers don't fit into smaller cases.
I bought this one since it has such great ratings for the lga 1150
That's the Arctic Freezer i11 CPU Cooler. I'm debating on case fans for the front and back of the case as well. Really, it depends how much the cooler helps.
I'd imagine at least either front or back fan would be a necessity. Not just for the CPU, but for all parts overall. Otherwise, the air is just sitting there.
Not sure what the normal load temps are on your cpu, but usually anything over 80c is danger zone. 93 means stability problems and/or crashing and shut downs.
I do, however, not have one on the bottom of the case, or on the top, even though there are connectors for them there. I will have to buy some for those spots. There is a fan on the front, one in the back, and the stock cooler on my cpu. They obviously aren't powerful enough. So I just ordered that after market cooler for my cpu. I'm looking at case fans, though I want to see how good a job the after market cooler does first.
At this very moment, I'm running EQ2 in the background while I'm typing this, and the temps are running 93c and higher.