i wanted to play this game upon release but i dislike consoles- finally a better version on battlenet for pc! i have made this my main mmo to play there is lot todo after the story campaign.
We have a diverse gaming crowd in this comments section. Some consider D2 a great game with plenty to do. Those folks appear to be playing 1-2hr a night (or less) as casual players who have yet to get through or repeat the content. We also have others who consider D2 a content letdown. These folks appear to have more time to invest into games, have beaten the campaign and replayed the current set of repeatable content. Among other factors, I think this is where opinion differs
I said this before but I think it's worth repeating and one reason I decided not to buy D2. I joined Warframe at the launch of Plains of Eidolon (2 weeks before D2's PC launch) just to get a feel of the genre thinking I would quickly be moving onto Destiny 2. The Warframe forums and subreddit were divided a bit on what they thought of it's new 'open world' expansion. Some were already declaring abandonment of Warframe because it was 'too grindy' and the new content was not vertical progression, rather additional content that lacked meaningful gameplay. They couldn't wait for Destiny 2 to be released.
I am now a month into Warframe, just 2 weeks out of Destiny 2's launch and players who left for D2 are coming back to Warframe, appreciating what Warframe has to offer in the way of systems depth, gear customization (23 classes compared to D2's 4 classes and realm diversity, also it's all absolutely Free to play. I've got to admit, it's not a game for everyone as progression is a grind. It takes a lot of time invested to accomplish in Warframe. But to watch for forums and subreddit go from a flaming 'fuck you, I'm out to play D2' brigade to a 'WTF was I thinking? I'm back!' kumbaya was comical to say the least.
Not to sell people on Warframe but I came to Warframe for Destiny 2 preparation, stayed because it's obvious Destiny 2 doesn't have enough going for it to the core PC gamer.
Edit: grammar
Every time Goonsquad/SA/DS post salt on Star Citizen, I spend more money on it. Every time a mentally disturbed former backer or Elite CMDR toxic emo comments, I spend more money on it. Every time they refuse to answer why they spend so much time arguing about a game they don't even like, I spend more money on it. Want to watch the world burn because you can't have your way? You got whats coming to you.
Well, I returned my copy for full refund. I never played the first Destiny, but after playing it for a few hours, I realized it wasn't for me. It tried to be a single player and multiplayer game at the same time, neither of which it did well. It sort of reminded me of the Division -- which I regret ever buying.
I answered my own question in the article, but no - it’s not a mistake. Destiny 2 is a great game. But at the same time, yes it is a mistake because it forgets the old game. it’s silly that all the original is basically “gone” and forgotten. It should be preserved in D2 somehow.
Ithe article isn’t an argument over its MMO-ness. It’s over whether they should have just made it a big $50 expansion. There are probably tech reasons why they didn’t, but that old content needs to come into D2 somehow between DLC.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
I feel like i am wasted 60$ on this game, it was very nice at first two days, then content suddenly over and i am forced to do same shit over and over again. Game is very unfriendly to those, who play alone, without instruments to communicate you are unable to do a late game content.. Items are very repetitive, feel of using the gun is very unpleasant on pc, i compare it to Overwatch, where i feel very satisfied of how weapons behave. So now i am stuck in grind at D2 and when i am trying to switch to Crucible i understand that i have better pvp experience playing Overwatch. This game is very overpriced, so don't do my mistake guys...
I'm not going to lie, I'm one of the suckers that pre ordered the $100 digital version on the PS4.
I spent many hours and days playing the first game.
Hell, my wife says I've practically played it our entire marriage.
Yes it can be short on content and I do get bored some times.
But I was lucky enough to join an awesome clan that groups up for everything and it keeps it all fresh.
What people do not get is d1 has more content due to the dlcs when it first launched it was WORSE then d2 hell I got bored after a week. I'm still on d2 though I guess it's due to the fact I don't rush anymore. Now days it seems games simply hate to hate and feel as if they should get more yet honestly it's the price if 2 movies popcorn and a soda here in California and I get more hours of entertainment in d2.
Why are you comparing it to only Y1 Destiny? This isn't a completely new title, it's a continuation of the game, I another step in the franchise (well meant to be) so that's everything up until Y3.
They're meant to take everything they learnt over the course of those three years, what made the playerbase happy, content ideas, along with many other things and apply them in 2 and make more improvements across the games life, but they decided to undo it all, why?
I answered my own question in the article, but no - it’s not a mistake. Destiny 2 is a great game. But at the same time, yes it is a mistake because it forgets the old game. it’s silly that all the original is basically “gone” and forgotten. It should be preserved in D2 somehow.
Ithe article isn’t an argument over its MMO-ness. It’s over whether they should have just made it a big $50 expansion. There are probably tech reasons why they didn’t, but that old content needs to come into D2 somehow between DLC.
They preserved the first game for returning players by how the storyline plays out.
Certain things are said/or not said dependent on if you have played the previous game.
I feel with this game, Bungie was too 'guns blazing' on proving they could create a game with an interesting story and not use the grimoir card debacle.
They succeed in this, but still leave the game at a vanilla D1 state.
Like I said, I've bought the season pass and all, but the friends I play with are what keeps it all going for me.
I can see how a new player would be dismayed.
But I'm sure the season pass will make the game greater.
I just hope they provide the greatness of everything well before the final DLC.
I'm still enjoying it all though! Join Defunkt if ya can!
Its the best selling game of the year within being out 1-2 months,. so NO its not a mistake.
Also, its on PC, nobody cares about a PS4 version D1 if they are a PC gamer so now they have a huge franchise on the biggest platform there is.
D1 was a game I read about where all the PS4 gamers complained for the whole first year non-stop about no content and so on. D2 is a better game and of course will have the same complaints because its wht childish immature gamers of today do is look for flaws in everything..
In the end, D2 was a great success already and will continue to grow.
I answered my own question in the article, but no - it’s not a mistake. Destiny 2 is a great game. But at the same time, yes it is a mistake because it forgets the old game. it’s silly that all the original is basically “gone” and forgotten. It should be preserved in D2 somehow.
Ithe article isn’t an argument over its MMO-ness. It’s over whether they should have just made it a big $50 expansion. There are probably tech reasons why they didn’t, but that old content needs to come into D2 somehow between DLC.
How can you make it an expansion on PC when it never existed there? You make no sense with that statement at all. The graphics and presentation are way better as well, why would you want D2 built on top of the the older inferior game engine/assets?
This game was meant to introduce this series to PC gamers as well as continue a game for the console players. It accomplished both already, I don't understand what this article is even talking about lol. Just had nothing to write about I guess and made up some random topic that has no real point.
As much as I enjoyed D1, I am seriously glad I didn't buy the "sequel." It seems to have fallen into the same trap that has hurt the MMO genre: so many "special snowflakes" don't have the gaming skill to function during end-game content, so in the name of "accessibility" and "inclusiveness", the game is "streamlined" (read: dumbed down) so that Grandma, the Twitter-addicted, and your neighbor's 6-year-old can now raid and enter content that was previously reserved for folks who had actually worked and put the time in to get there.
Should come as little surprise, really. We are seeing this all over the multiplayer universe. Someone might get "offended" at the fact that other players are doing things they cannot, and so developers and publishers cater to them, since the theory seems to be that more players equals a better game. Sorry to say this, but it doesn't. And simpler is NOT always better.
"We are all as God made us, and many of us much worse." - Don Quixote
I must admit, I've grinded through games for years. this is not a problem for me.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
It's still a damn good game regardless of lack of content. Yeah, the lack of content sucks, but it's still a lot better than the recent trash that has released.
Please come check out my stream. All the love is appreciated!
It's still a damn good game regardless of lack of content. Yeah, the lack of content sucks, but it's still a lot better than the recent trash that has released.
now that is something for the life of me I can not wrap my head around. You like Destiny but you dont like 7DTD. Clearly I am clueless about many people.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
It's still a damn good game regardless of lack of content. Yeah, the lack of content sucks, but it's still a lot better than the recent trash that has released.
now that is something for the life of me I can not wrap my head around. You like Destiny but you dont like 7DTD. Clearly I am clueless about many people.
Yeah because 7DTD is a trash game. Just because you like it doesn't mean the game is actually good. Just as my opinion with destiny doesn't mean its actually good. 7DTD, imo, is blatantly terrible in gameplay, optimization, and overall development.
Atleast D2 runs like butter.
Your game came out on Dec 13, 2013. Still not even out of EA.
Please come check out my stream. All the love is appreciated!
Their biggest mistake was repeating the same mistakes as they did with the original. The game was woefully lacking in content for at least the first year and needed expansions to flesh things out. In its final iteration on consoles, the game was well received and pretty popular still.
It's pretty telling that some of the top Destiny 1 streamers are not streaming Destiny 2 in the same way. Instead of being an all day, every day type of stream. It's far more common now to see their stream be more of a variety stream. There's potential in lost sales from those watch Twitch regularly.
It's still a damn good game regardless of lack of content. Yeah, the lack of content sucks, but it's still a lot better than the recent trash that has released.
now that is something for the life of me I can not wrap my head around. You like Destiny but you dont like 7DTD. Clearly I am clueless about many people.
Yeah because 7DTD is a trash game. Just because you like it doesn't mean the game is actually good. Just as my opinion with destiny doesn't mean its actually good. 7DTD, imo, is blatantly terrible in gameplay, optimization, and overall development.
Atleast D2 runs like butter.
yeah well you are wrong about all that on several counts but are you telling me that your card on why D2 is great is because it 'runs like butter'?
whatever happened to the concept of actual game play. blows my mind how often people talk about other things so much.
but never the less, its good that you have a game you like, its good that I have a game I like. is there a problem?
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
It's still a damn good game regardless of lack of content. Yeah, the lack of content sucks, but it's still a lot better than the recent trash that has released.
now that is something for the life of me I can not wrap my head around. You like Destiny but you dont like 7DTD. Clearly I am clueless about many people.
Yeah because 7DTD is a trash game. Just because you like it doesn't mean the game is actually good. Just as my opinion with destiny doesn't mean its actually good. 7DTD, imo, is blatantly terrible in gameplay, optimization, and overall development.
Atleast D2 runs like butter.
yeah well you are wrong about all that on several counts but are you telling me that your card on why D2 is great is because it 'runs like butter'?
whatever happened to the concept of actual game play. blows my mind how often people talk about other things so much.
but never the less, its good that you have a game you like, its good that I have a game I like. is there a problem?
It was not my only argument. It was a general statement that it runs smoothly. No, there's no issue. Destiny exceeds exceptional gameplay compared to the majority of FPS'.
Please come check out my stream. All the love is appreciated!
It's still a damn good game regardless of lack of content. Yeah, the lack of content sucks, but it's still a lot better than the recent trash that has released.
now that is something for the life of me I can not wrap my head around. You like Destiny but you dont like 7DTD. Clearly I am clueless about many people.
Yeah because 7DTD is a trash game. Just because you like it doesn't mean the game is actually good. Just as my opinion with destiny doesn't mean its actually good. 7DTD, imo, is blatantly terrible in gameplay, optimization, and overall development.
Atleast D2 runs like butter.
yeah well you are wrong about all that on several counts but are you telling me that your card on why D2 is great is because it 'runs like butter'?
whatever happened to the concept of actual game play. blows my mind how often people talk about other things so much.
but never the less, its good that you have a game you like, its good that I have a game I like. is there a problem?
It was not my only argument. It was a general statement that it runs smoothly. No, there's no issue. Destiny exceeds exceptional gameplay compared to the majority of FPS'.
but you cant build anything in D2. did you play 7DTD thinking it was an FPS?
anyway...sorry I am getting off topic. lets pick this up in the 7DTD thread instead if you like
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
It's still a damn good game regardless of lack of content. Yeah, the lack of content sucks, but it's still a lot better than the recent trash that has released.
now that is something for the life of me I can not wrap my head around. You like Destiny but you dont like 7DTD. Clearly I am clueless about many people.
Yeah because 7DTD is a trash game. Just because you like it doesn't mean the game is actually good. Just as my opinion with destiny doesn't mean its actually good. 7DTD, imo, is blatantly terrible in gameplay, optimization, and overall development.
Atleast D2 runs like butter.
yeah well you are wrong about all that on several counts but are you telling me that your card on why D2 is great is because it 'runs like butter'?
whatever happened to the concept of actual game play. blows my mind how often people talk about other things so much.
but never the less, its good that you have a game you like, its good that I have a game I like. is there a problem?
It was not my only argument. It was a general statement that it runs smoothly. No, there's no issue. Destiny exceeds exceptional gameplay compared to the majority of FPS'.
but you cant build anything in D2. did you play 7DTD thinking it was an FPS?
anyway...sorry I am getting off topic. lets pick this up in the 7DTD thread instead if you like
No, it's okay. Opinion is opinion and someone can't change another's opinion. If you like a game, so be it. My opinion on one game is my opinion. Your opinion on one game is your opinion.
Please come check out my stream. All the love is appreciated!
i lovin this game!
I said this before but I think it's worth repeating and one reason I decided not to buy D2. I joined Warframe at the launch of Plains of Eidolon (2 weeks before D2's PC launch) just to get a feel of the genre thinking I would quickly be moving onto Destiny 2. The Warframe forums and subreddit were divided a bit on what they thought of it's new 'open world' expansion. Some were already declaring abandonment of Warframe because it was 'too grindy' and the new content was not vertical progression, rather additional content that lacked meaningful gameplay. They couldn't wait for Destiny 2 to be released.
I am now a month into Warframe, just 2 weeks out of Destiny 2's launch and players who left for D2 are coming back to Warframe, appreciating what Warframe has to offer in the way of systems depth, gear customization (23 classes compared to D2's 4 classes and realm diversity, also it's all absolutely Free to play. I've got to admit, it's not a game for everyone as progression is a grind. It takes a lot of time invested to accomplish in Warframe. But to watch for forums and subreddit go from a flaming 'fuck you, I'm out to play D2' brigade to a 'WTF was I thinking? I'm back!' kumbaya was comical to say the least.
Not to sell people on Warframe but I came to Warframe for Destiny 2 preparation, stayed because it's obvious Destiny 2 doesn't have enough going for it to the core PC gamer.
Edit: grammar
21 year MMO veteran
PvP Raid Leader
Lover of The Witcher & CD Projekt Red
Ithe article isn’t an argument over its MMO-ness. It’s over whether they should have just made it a big $50 expansion. There are probably tech reasons why they didn’t, but that old content needs to come into D2 somehow between DLC.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
My Review Manifesto
Follow me on Twitter if you dare.
mmorpg junkie since 1999
They're meant to take everything they learnt over the course of those three years, what made the playerbase happy, content ideas, along with many other things and apply them in 2 and make more improvements across the games life, but they decided to undo it all, why?
They preserved the first game for returning players by how the storyline plays out.
Certain things are said/or not said dependent on if you have played the previous game.
I feel with this game, Bungie was too 'guns blazing' on proving they could create a game with an interesting story and not use the grimoir card debacle.
They succeed in this, but still leave the game at a vanilla D1 state.
Like I said, I've bought the season pass and all, but the friends I play with are what keeps it all going for me.
I can see how a new player would be dismayed.
But I'm sure the season pass will make the game greater.
I just hope they provide the greatness of everything well before the final DLC.
I'm still enjoying it all though! Join Defunkt if ya can!
Also, its on PC, nobody cares about a PS4 version D1 if they are a PC gamer so now they have a huge franchise on the biggest platform there is.
D1 was a game I read about where all the PS4 gamers complained for the whole first year non-stop about no content and so on. D2 is a better game and of course will have the same complaints because its wht childish immature gamers of today do is look for flaws in everything..
In the end, D2 was a great success already and will continue to grow.
How can you make it an expansion on PC when it never existed there? You make no sense with that statement at all. The graphics and presentation are way better as well, why would you want D2 built on top of the the older inferior game engine/assets?
This game was meant to introduce this series to PC gamers as well as continue a game for the console players. It accomplished both already, I don't understand what this article is even talking about lol. Just had nothing to write about I guess and made up some random topic that has no real point.
Should come as little surprise, really. We are seeing this all over the multiplayer universe. Someone might get "offended" at the fact that other players are doing things they cannot, and so developers and publishers cater to them, since the theory seems to be that more players equals a better game. Sorry to say this, but it doesn't. And simpler is NOT always better.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Regret my purchase entirely.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Atleast D2 runs like butter.
Your game came out on Dec 13, 2013. Still not even out of EA.
It's pretty telling that some of the top Destiny 1 streamers are not streaming Destiny 2 in the same way. Instead of being an all day, every day type of stream. It's far more common now to see their stream be more of a variety stream. There's potential in lost sales from those watch Twitch regularly.
whatever happened to the concept of actual game play. blows my mind how often people talk about other things so much.
but never the less, its good that you have a game you like, its good that I have a game I like. is there a problem?
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me