Anyone see that movie?
It's an awesome movie...
here are some quotes that I tried to write down after seeing the movie twice.
Irish Family Prayer
- Shepards wish shall be,
- For thee my lord for thee,
- Power hath decended forth from thy hand,
- So feet may swiftly carry out thy command,
- We shall flow a river forth to thee,
- And teaming with souls shall it ever be
(you dont get the full effect until you hear their voices screaming this)- We do not ask for your poor or your hungry
- We do not want your tired and sick
- It is your corrupt we claim
- It is your evil that will be saught by us
- With every breath we shall hunt them down
- Each day we will spill thier blood 'till it rains from the skies
- Do not kill, do not rail, do not steal
- These are principals everyman of everyfaith can embrace
- These are not polite suggestions
- These are codes of behavior and those of who choose to ignore them will pay the dearest cost
- There are varying degrees of filth
- Not to push the bounds and cross over to true corruption
- For if you do, one day you will look behind and see WE three
- And on that day you will see redemption and we will send you to which ever god you wish
You can't stop the bum rush - staff
KillerTwinkie - That one guy who used to mod's forums.