When you charge as much as they do for a ship + access to a game that had an original release window of nearly 4 years ago I feel like you have a right to complain. Also if you have no investment in the game, like me, the reason to stop and give the game a little time is simple: I don't want people being conned out of their hard earned money. The same reason I would call out any charlatan. Games like Rust, a game I owned and liked, still claim "early access" years after being "released" as a shield from criticism. If you are selling a product or service it is open to criticism.
This isn't an interesting perspective. It is corporate shilling. I don't know anything about this site, but it wouldn't surprise me to find out that this was "sponsored content."
It's no longer modules, what is present in AC and SM is merged into the PU where it all plays together. The PU is now way more persistent than what it was before and it has multiple game loops, including some economy.
Of course hyperbole and hateful sensationalism is the way things go here, but to call it one insult to Alphas, it takes quite the stretch. ?
I don't forget, it has come a long way and I know see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's still not ready to play everyday but then again its a pre-alpha environment. I'll check it out again in March and see what that update does for the game. I've spent a ton of money on it, I have faith, game development can take a long time. This rings especially true when adding new never been done before features. I get it, worked in the industry, and I'm not worried. It will be done when its done, that's my motto.
It's no longer modules, what is present in AC and SM is merged into the PU where it all plays together. The PU is now way more persistent than what it was before and it has multiple game loops, including some economy.
Of course hyperbole and hateful sensationalism is the way things go here, but to call it one insult to Alphas, it takes quite the stretch. ?
i will leave you with my very short response to that...which is I TRIED. keyword TRIED!
Weak. However, not surprising. ?
i would like to thank you for single handily proving,as you would call us haters and what we so called haters say about you so called star citizen fans totally correct!
i would like to thank you for single handily proving,as you would call us haters and what we so called haters say about you so called star citizen fans totally correct!
You provided such a compelling argument I am lost of words.
i would like to thank you for single handily proving,as you would call us haters and what we so called haters say about you so called star citizen fans totally correct!
You provided such a compelling argument I am lost for words.
It's not even in beta or alpha, as far I see it looks like a concept since most of it is on paper. By the time it reaches alpha it will have cost 1 billion. TBH I think they are just too afraid to cancel it due to potential backlash, even though they would have a few years ago; so they role play as the Mr Miyagi of gaming studios.
..of words? ...for words? I need to google this one
lol, i just deliberately misunderstood your sentence to suggest i can't find his argument because you lost all the words from it.....i make lots of dad / bad jokes, sorry.
lol, i just deliberately misunderstood your sentence to suggest i can't find his argument because you lost all the words from it.....i make lots of dad / bad jokes, sorry.
Oh I have one, what is vaporware that is not vaporware yet it's a scam that is not a scam?
It's no longer modules, what is present in AC and SM is merged into the PU where it all plays together. The PU is now way more persistent than what it was before and it has multiple game loops, including some economy.
Of course hyperbole and hateful sensationalism is the way things go here, but to call it one insult to Alphas, it takes quite the stretch. ?
lol, i just deliberately misunderstood your sentence to suggest i can't find his argument because you lost all the words from it.....i make lots of dad / bad jokes, sorry.
Oh I have one, what is vaporware that is not vaporware yet it's a scam that is not a scam?
I think CR far overshot the abilities and his team and I think him pushing them to deploy unfinished work in the long run makes the project actually take longer. I personally am not that optimistic.
HOWEVER, I dont think he is the son of satan who eats babies for breakfast who did all this on purpose AND I think the people who are obsessed with being a critic need mental help.
that is my summary
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Kefo said: Ok so not modules but just because they play together now in the game still doesn’t make it an alpha
Doesn't make it by your defenition, the actual thing is broad and it plays exactly by the same pillars. SC has a playable version, it has gameplay, game loops, all that jazz in something that is beyond the Pre-Alphas I have played that only have an initial base that does not have a proper game loop or even persistent play (a Pre-Alpha can be called a tech demo), it's just a rather "sandbox" environment where people do things.
Such as the Dual Universe Pre-Alpha, THAT was one Pre-Alpha; SC went past that phase, the improved/new game loops and persistent gameplay more fleshed out on the 3.0 release do seal that deal for me.
Technically i would also call it a pre-alpha, as it is not feature complete yet.
Have fun
So, then it will forever be Pre-Alpha according to your definition.
They add new features every week.
Whats the time frame of this leaving "Alpha"? 7 years? 10 years?
Or is labeling this an Alpha an excuse to hand-wave away any and all criticism?
Please name the NEW FEATURES they added these last weeks.
Please keep in mind that they have a list of dozens of stretch goals to fullfill. What some consider a "new" feature due to lack of knowledge is often just CIG working on a promised stretch goal.
To call something a pre-alpha because it is not feature-complete is.. I mean you would have to call literally every alpha and even BETAs Pre-Alphas then.
You could play actually reasonable standings games like Dual Universe Pre-Alpha:
The UniverseSim Pre-Alpha:
What those Pre-Alpha games have in common is quite simple, the lack of game loops, they have features, they have some gameplay but it's always set on a rather sandbox approach just to play with things, not to do things that have a start and an end.
This is why I can't compare to SC that has been especially with the last update adding new and improving game loops that are under persistent gameplay.
It's also one of those terminologies everyone has their opinion about and nobody ever reaches an agreement about.
RSI agrees to use its good faith business efforts to deliver to you the pledge items and the game on or before the "({ESTIMATED DELIVERY DATE})" communicated to you on the website. However, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT DELIVERY AS OF SUCH DATE IS !!!! "({NOT})"!!!! A FIRM PROMISE AND MAY BE EXTENDED BY RSI SINCE UNFORESEEN EVENTS MAY EXTEND THE DEVELOPMENT AND/OR PRODUCTION TIME.
Always, funny that gamers will make a big stink of dates AS IF WRITTEN IN STONE BY THE HAND OF GOD.
To call something a pre-alpha because it is not feature-complete is.. I mean you would have to call literally every alpha and even BETAs Pre-Alphas then.
You could play actually reasonable standings games like Dual Universe Pre-Alpha:
I cant get over two things about Dual Universe
1. How much the landscape on the planets look EXACTLY like Space Engineers 2. that people dont talk about it more. it looks pretty sweet
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Arena Commander.
Star Marine.
Persistent Play.
PvE & PvP Game Loops with some economy iteration.
Man SC is the most complete Pre-Alpha I ever played, game loops and everything. O_o
Finally someone gets how this forum works!
This isn't an interesting perspective. It is corporate shilling. I don't know anything about this site, but it wouldn't surprise me to find out that this was "sponsored content."
Of course hyperbole and hateful sensationalism is the way things go here, but to call it one insult to Alphas, it takes quite the stretch. ?
Go play it and see by yourself.
Have fun
oh, and Have fun
They add new features every week.
Whats the time frame of this leaving "Alpha"? 7 years? 10 years?
Or is labeling this an Alpha an excuse to hand-wave away any and all criticism?
HOWEVER, I dont think he is the son of satan who eats babies for breakfast who did all this on purpose AND I think the people who are obsessed with being a critic need mental help.
that is my summary
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Such as the Dual Universe Pre-Alpha, THAT was one Pre-Alpha; SC went past that phase, the improved/new game loops and persistent gameplay more fleshed out on the 3.0 release do seal that deal for me.
Please keep in mind that they have a list of dozens of stretch goals to fullfill. What some consider a "new" feature due to lack of knowledge is often just CIG working on a promised stretch goal.
Have fun
You could play actually reasonable standings games like Dual Universe Pre-Alpha:
The UniverseSim Pre-Alpha:
What those Pre-Alpha games have in common is quite simple, the lack of game loops, they have features, they have some gameplay but it's always set on a rather sandbox approach just to play with things, not to do things that have a start and an end.
This is why I can't compare to SC that has been especially with the last update adding new and improving game loops that are under persistent gameplay.
It's also one of those terminologies everyone has their opinion about and nobody ever reaches an agreement about.
Always, funny that gamers will make a big stink of dates AS IF WRITTEN IN STONE BY THE HAND OF GOD.
1. How much the landscape on the planets look EXACTLY like Space Engineers
2. that people dont talk about it more. it looks pretty sweet
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me