There were some rumors about this happening in recent weeks. From the specs, however, it's entirely plausible that it could just be a box with some GPUs inside. If that's the best that Bitmain can do, then the designer of Ethash has been highly successful at making the algorithm ASIC-resistant. The only real evidence that it isn't standard GPUs inside is the price tag.
Ah, yes, the price: $800, for 180 MHash/sec. To match that price with GPUs, you'd need RX 570s for $100 each or Vega 64s for $200 each. If Bitmain can produce enough to meet demand, then that will be the end of the Ethereum miners buying GPUs. But that's a big "if", as it would entail them buying a ton of memory--and likely competing with GPU vendors for a limited pool of high-performance memory. In which case, GPU prices could remain inflated for a long time, as if Nvidia or AMD has to pay $200 for the memory alone, the GPU isn't going to show up at retail for $500.