I'm hyped, BUT my theory is this:
This game will be grand for what it's trying to accomplish. It will be deep, it will be unique for it's play style mixed with a lot of Old School EverQuest 1 traits that will be "brand new" to millions of younger players.
Speaking of younger players....This game will attract many by the thousands/millions. Too many people here sell the younger generation short.
This is a truly false misconception !!!
It's false because people are lead to believe the NEW CRAP is what they want, instead OLD SCHOOL WAS TAKEN AWAY, NO ONE ASKED FOR THAT !... "People simply play what's in front of them"... If people are starving, they will "eat" out of garbage cans. The key word here is "eat" no matter what !
The only concern I have is coding.... Will it play for millions !
You're right. The younger generation is bored with WoW. They want a challenge. They want something where there is danger to the world. Anyone remember the wandering giants and griffawns in East Commonlands? You COULD go AFK, but they might find you, and that meant certain death. Hell, even being at the computer often meant certain death from them. That's what games need again. They need danger. They need a sense of community.
I think Pantheon is coming along at exactly the right time. MMOs were pretty niche before WoW. Now, WoW has brought the genre to the attention of millions more players. Now is the time to reintroduce the challenge.
Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
MMOs aren't stuck in a rut. They are what the genre is. Chess isn't any different now than it was decades ago. Is chess stuck in a rut because it's still chess?
None of you are looking for a new MMO, you're looking for the old one you used to play. It's why you are never happy with anything that has or will come out. You're trying to relive the past. Even if some developer rebooted your beloved game same code and all nothing changed, you wouldn't play it for very long because the PEOPLE you played it with are not there anymore. That's the one part of the equation no game can ever rekindle. That group of Aussies that played on your server with you at 3AM. Some of these people are dead. You can't change that. But they made the game you loved worth playing. It was never the game itself, it was the people you interacted with.
But go ahead, try MMO #105,678,001 out and see if they have managed to resurrect the dead for you.
I only need to point at cell phones,kids fondle them like they are made of golds and carry theme everywhere,we never had cell phones.
When i look at twitch TV that is the representation of the younger gamer and almost NOTHING in that list ever catches my interest.
The ONLY top 10 game i have ever played from Twitch is Hearthstone,not because i think the game is really good,i am simply a fan of TCG's and go way back to MTG early years.
Point being it is an entirely different mind set,those are almsot ALL Esport games in the top list and streaming+esport has catered to a new era of people trying to make a living from gaming and streaming.
Know why we streamed or played games early years>>FOR fun and to share the fun and NOT for personal fame or to make $$$.
So i disagree,this Pantheon if aiming at EQ1 will NOT entice the new crowd of gamer because NOTHING in Twitch or the popular gaming trends has given any indication it will.
Pantheon instead needs to cater to it's old school crowd and TRY to entice a few others with the "cool" aspect.Yes grouping can be fun but the newer generation and a LARGE amount of gamer's are soloer's and hyper with no patience for a group.Will there be new pl;ayers that think hmm maybe i want to try that grouping idea out?NOPE,we already have grouping,it has just been simplified into a meaningless endeavor to simply help each other get end game loot or to conquer dungeon Bosses and NOT for the grouping experience.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
It looked like every single WoW clone that has come out for the past 14 years.
There was absolutly nothing in that dungeon play through that had not been done adnauseam by anyone who has played an mmorpg.
Warrior, pally, mage.... pull, kill, rinse repeat...