I love this expansion already and it's not even here yet. After today's revelation, there's enough Horde Emo in official General Discussion to start a Azeroth Goth movement.
You know...when the Nelf story turned to shit, I empathized with Nelf players and how the story bothered them. The lack of any sort of empathy for Horde players who are equally as disturbed by the story and how it's playing out is bothersome. We ALL deserve better storytelling than the garbage we've been fed so far.
Problem is that, no matter what happens down the line (Old Gods or Azerite influence or whatever), it'll be too late to change the shitshow and the damage that has been done...to Teldrassil, to Undercity.
I've seen players describe what's being done to Sylvanas as "an extreme tragedy", "needing time to cope with the story", and "a travesty" (just to name a few). I sympathize with them, the people who are connected with particular characters and factions in this story to such degree, but everyone needs to gain a little perspective. Warcraft has always been a bunch of high fantasy gobbledygook. It has never carried the gravitas to warrant this sort of reaction.
"This is life! We suffer and slave and expire. That's it!" -Bernard Black (Dylan Moran)
That animated short is fine as an aside, but as a reward for an ingame cutscene replacement....I have no idea what's going on at Blizzard but week 2 was definitely lazy, like the whole event was put together by 2 people while the rest of the team took the week off and then said "Hey, put the animated short in there as the cut scene, we aint got time to do a proper one...::click::" It not a real wonder why people are thinking BfA will just be WoD 2.0. Yes, it'll have the same degree of stuff as Legion, but the only reason no one really "complained" about work quests and the like was because they increased your chance to get legendaries. On top of that, they are making changes to the emissary system, so after 2~ months, no one is gonna be doing world quests or even warfronts. Its like this generation of gamers never heard of "quality over quantity" always whining about when a patch is going to hit. People wouldn't complain if the content was actually good to do in the first place and game devs didn't move you along if they felt you were getting too far behind.
You know...when the Nelf story turned to shit, I empathized with Nelf players and how the story bothered them. The lack of any sort of empathy for Horde players who are equally as disturbed by the story and how it's playing out is bothersome. We ALL deserve better storytelling than the garbage we've been fed so far.
Problem is that, no matter what happens down the line (Old Gods or Azerite influence or whatever), it'll be too late to change the shitshow and the damage that has been done...to Teldrassil, to Undercity.
I understand why people are upset, but I really wish people would give it time. We are currently getting little bite sized chunks of story each week with this pre-expansion content, and this slow role out is messing with the pacing. I'm still willing to bet things will start to make sense in a couple of weeks when we can dive into the expansion content. Right now it seems like everyone is all pitch forks and torches for the WoW writers. I say lets let them tell the story before we poo poo it because it really hasn't even started yet.
I love this expansion already and it's not even here yet. After today's revelation, there's enough Horde Emo in official General Discussion to start a Azeroth Goth movement.
You know...when the Nelf story turned to shit, I empathized with Nelf players and how the story bothered them. The lack of any sort of empathy for Horde players who are equally as disturbed by the story and how it's playing out is bothersome. We ALL deserve better storytelling than the garbage we've been fed so far.
Problem is that, no matter what happens down the line (Old Gods or Azerite influence or whatever), it'll be too late to change the shitshow and the damage that has been done...to Teldrassil, to Undercity.
I find the whole episode entertaining, which when last I checked was the entire reason I got involved in the Warcraft universe to begin with.
I'm sure when enough time has passed the Horde players will look back and recognize the time they roasted marshmallows over smoldering Night Elf corpses in Darkshore as a wonderful bonding experience with comrades!
Frankly, what she did is so natural, so human; OTOH I can't blame people for living in their fairytales!?
It almost made me want to return after 11 years, now that WoW finally has some chances of becoming an MMO again.
At this point in the story it makes no sense that player characters even care about the faction war garbage it really doesn’t. We’ve had several expansions of fighting together, in Legion because of class order halls we all worked very closely with members of the other “Faction”.
I know gameplay wise that’s boring but seriously the wow lore and characters have lost what made it special.
I’m stillgoing to play bfa for a bit but I don’t think it’s going to be that long.
At this point in the story it makes no sense that player characters even care about the faction war garbage it really doesn’t. We’ve had several expansions of fighting together, in Legion because of class order halls we all worked very closely with members of the other “Faction”.
I know gameplay wise that’s boring but seriously the wow lore and characters have lost what made it special.
I’m stillgoing to play bfa for a bit but I don’t think it’s going to be that long.
I agree. We just fought against a corrupted world soul with the Titans. Would my character really care about this? It's getting harder and harder to RP in this game.
At this point in the story it makes no sense that player characters even care about the faction war garbage it really doesn’t. We’ve had several expansions of fighting together, in Legion because of class order halls we all worked very closely with members of the other “Faction”.
I know gameplay wise that’s boring but seriously the wow lore and characters have lost what made it special.
I’m stillgoing to play bfa for a bit but I don’t think it’s going to be that long.
I agree. We just fought against a corrupted world soul with the Titans. Would my character really care about this? It's getting harder and harder to RP in this game.
And in the real world people still voted for the tangerine in chife... Both sides are bound to have a bunch of people like the ones who voted Trump (Windrunner/Greymayne) that want nothing to do with regular good ol "loa"infused peace...
They just want the other faction out of their backyard...
We the heroes are a tiiiiiny microscopic tip of a tip of a very long spear.
At this point in the story it makes no sense that player characters even care about the faction war garbage it really doesn’t. We’ve had several expansions of fighting together, in Legion because of class order halls we all worked very closely with members of the other “Faction”.
I know gameplay wise that’s boring but seriously the wow lore and characters have lost what made it special.
I’m stillgoing to play bfa for a bit but I don’t think it’s going to be that long.
I agree. We just fought against a corrupted world soul with the Titans. Would my character really care about this? It's getting harder and harder to RP in this game.
And in the real world people still voted for the tangerine in chife... Both sides are bound to have a bunch of people like the ones who voted Trump (Windrunner/Greymayne) that want nothing to do with regular good ol "loa"infused peace...
They just want the other faction out of their backyard...
We the heroes are a tiiiiiny microscopic tip of a tip of a very long spear.
Not in WoW at this point the fact they try to play it off that way is silly. Sure there always those who want to fight, but the faction war in Azeroth just doesn't really make sense. Why a bunch of alliance and horde heroes who have worked together for a long time now, would all of a sudden hate each other again just because makes no sense. Literally the only reason Sylvanis is warchief is because our old one was dying and hallucinating and said she's gotta be the new war chief and no one questioned it. It makes so little sense... I enjoy wow, I really do and I have since the beta's a long time ago, I just think it's current team has really lost their way, not that all their ideas are bad, just seems to be losing it's magic - to be fair it's old.
The" very tip of the spear" just got done fighting off the legion, fighting amongst titans, have done big things in the scope of wows history and the factions have worked together a ton, class halls really reinforced this it doesn't matter what race you are mentality. If this story was the 1st expansion to wow, I'd be much more into it than I am now.
I understand wow is a theme park mmo, the story goes where it goes and I'm just there to watch it, but at the same time it can be really frustrating to just be like well my warchief is a freaking idiot but I'll just go kill the druid I was helping out yesterday. Literally we go from one expansion I gotta save Malfurion to the next one we want to kill him and literally the only reason given is our psycho said so. It wasn't that long ago all the elves got together for the nighthold either.
I actually enjoy pvp, but I kind of find the story for how we got where we are pretty lazy, and uninspiring.
My main has always been a Tauren and the lore, with Garrosh and now Sylvanas, absolutely stretches the credibility of the Taurens staying in the Horde. But nothing can occur that would cause a faction to leave the Horde or Alliance, which means they need to be more careful with their writing.
I have wondered what it would be like to add a third faction. The
Tauren and Night Elves have always seemed like natural fits as allies. I would have chosen Tauren regardless of which faction they were in, as I really liked them in WC3.
As others have stated, the faction war is VERY contrived at this point given how many common enemies we have had. And world PVP pretty much died once cross realm zones were implemented. Arenas then sealed the deal.
They have been slowly moving the Horde more into the forces of destruction ala Warhammer Fantasy. That pretty much goes against everything that Thrall was creating. I actually expected Jaina to get others to go nuclear against the Horde at some point, maybe this is the moment.
At this point in the story it makes no sense that player characters even care about the faction war garbage it really doesn’t. We’ve had several expansions of fighting together, in Legion because of class order halls we all worked very closely with members of the other “Faction”.
I know gameplay wise that’s boring but seriously the wow lore and characters have lost what made it special.
I’m stillgoing to play bfa for a bit but I don’t think it’s going to be that long.
I agree. We just fought against a corrupted world soul with the Titans. Would my character really care about this? It's getting harder and harder to RP in this game.
And in the real world people still voted for the tangerine in chife... Both sides are bound to have a bunch of people like the ones who voted Trump (Windrunner/Greymayne) that want nothing to do with regular good ol "loa"infused peace...
They just want the other faction out of their backyard...
We the heroes are a tiiiiiny microscopic tip of a tip of a very long spear.
Literally the only reason Sylvanis is warchief is because our old one was dying and hallucinating and said she's gotta be the new war chief and no one questioned it. It makes so little sense... I enjoy wow, I really do and I have since the beta's a long time ago, I just think it's current team has really lost their way, not that all their ideas are bad, just seems to be losing it's magic - to be fair it's old.
I'm not sure why Thrall would even want the Horde to let a warchief choose their successor. He should have made Garrosh the Orc leader and let all faction leaders decide on a replacement for Warchief. That seems more like something Thrall would support, as he was sort of the George Washington of the Horde.
My guess is that it's far easier to push the story in this questionable direction by putting morally deficient characters into the Warchief position. As they would never be chosen to be Warchief if it was by vote.
"This is life! We suffer and slave and expire. That's it!" -Bernard Black (Dylan Moran)
It almost made me want to return after 11 years, now that WoW finally has some chances of becoming an MMO again.
I know gameplay wise that’s boring but seriously the wow lore and characters have lost what made it special.
I’m stillgoing to play bfa for a bit but I don’t think it’s going to be that long.
I agree. We just fought against a corrupted world soul with the Titans. Would my character really care about this? It's getting harder and harder to RP in this game.
Let's make love, not Warcraft.
Best good boy Genn, "Damn, son, she's FINE..."
And in the real world people still voted for the tangerine in chife... Both sides are bound to have a bunch of people like the ones who voted Trump (Windrunner/Greymayne) that want nothing to do with regular good ol "loa"infused peace...
They just want the other faction out of their backyard...
We the heroes are a tiiiiiny microscopic tip of a tip of a very long spear.
This have been a good conversation
Not in WoW at this point the fact they try to play it off that way is silly. Sure there always those who want to fight, but the faction war in Azeroth just doesn't really make sense. Why a bunch of alliance and horde heroes who have worked together for a long time now, would all of a sudden hate each other again just because makes no sense. Literally the only reason Sylvanis is warchief is because our old one was dying and hallucinating and said she's gotta be the new war chief and no one questioned it. It makes so little sense... I enjoy wow, I really do and I have since the beta's a long time ago, I just think it's current team has really lost their way, not that all their ideas are bad, just seems to be losing it's magic - to be fair it's old.
The" very tip of the spear" just got done fighting off the legion, fighting amongst titans, have done big things in the scope of wows history and the factions have worked together a ton, class halls really reinforced this it doesn't matter what race you are mentality. If this story was the 1st expansion to wow, I'd be much more into it than I am now.
I understand wow is a theme park mmo, the story goes where it goes and I'm just there to watch it, but at the same time it can be really frustrating to just be like well my warchief is a freaking idiot but I'll just go kill the druid I was helping out yesterday. Literally we go from one expansion I gotta save Malfurion to the next one we want to kill him and literally the only reason given is our psycho said so. It wasn't that long ago all the elves got together for the nighthold either.
I actually enjoy pvp, but I kind of find the story for how we got where we are pretty lazy, and uninspiring.