I’ve often thought this would lead to a much higher quality genre of gaming. I imagine developers would focus less on milking players of their money, and focus on making a good quality MMO. The source of income would be donations without rewards attached, along with how every startup company and company in general gets cash.
My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:
Can you.. elaborate on this.
My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:
In any case...I don't even remember what I was going to say in that post to even know how to fix it.
My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:
I've got a feevah, and the only prescription... is more cowbell.
Pantheon is doing that.
It relies mainly on private money, no kickstarter backing.
They have founder packs, but the rewards are mostly symbolic (apart for the alpha/beta access).
Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.
I mean every early access price which is reasonable (below 60$) is leading to the game being released.
People will buy it and judge it. And if it is bad at that time people will leave and never come back.
Just like Bless. Even if they will fix all problems, most won't come back.
1997 Meridian 59 'til 2019 ESO
Waiting for Camelot Unchained & Pantheon
You ran out of topics to diss Pantheon or something?
But they could have done so much other ridiculous shit, like selling Castles, Realms, Titles or made Telethons selling developers toe nails.
They did none of that.
This is the game that has the most vanilla Crowd Founded model.
They could have just quit completely after Kickstarter, instead they went around looking for investors the old way, like every developer should do, to be honest.
Every developer should do the hell they want, not what you feel they should do. And someone finding an investor for their business is not something that other people need to appreciate. Maybe some people appreciate the Castles or the other shit that you find ridiculous.
You can't measure anyone's determination based on how they have secured their budget. People gamble with burrowed monies from loan sharks who would kill them for it, and there were people who created great games with crowdfunding money.
You're just making a lot of speculations about how others do think and should think.
Of course you can.
It's easy to do business with gifted money without risking your own, you have zero risks and you can do the fuck you want, even run out with the money by delivering a working demo....crazy idea eh?
Just check Steam Early Access graveyard.
So yes, people who risk their own money should have more respect and should be more trusted, than companies that didn't put any money and have nothing to lose.
And Developers should not to whatever they want with the money been gifted by their fans, the money has been given for a reason, not to fund their summer holidays, while they patch a cheap demo together and sell virtual pixels with no guarantee the money they paid is going toward the game.
And please pay attention, I am not telling people what to do.
I can tell you you should not give him money, but if you still want, you can.
I am not going to argue how you spend your money.
That's your business, and that wasn't the point of my previous post.
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
I don't think I am more aggressive than the average poster here.
If you carefully read my posts it's rare you see personal attacks, my replies are mostly on point.
I don't belittle people (while I get called names quite often), I just try to point out the flaws in their argument, as effectively as I can.
That's all.
By the way I have my own opinion on different people on this forum not all positive....I keep it to myself.
Not a diss. He was correcting your 'no kickstarter backing' implication that they were on a loftier level.
You don't stop playing because you get old, you get old when you stop playing ..
It is a wrong argument to say "gifted" money would result in careless spending, and loaned money or investment would result in carefully plannings in all projects. Because there are way too many cases of success with gifted monies (not just in game development but in the business world) and there are way too many failed projects with proper investment and planning as well.
Now I'm not saying it doesn't have a role. But there are several factors involved and even with a proper study you cannot come out with a set of rules to determine success or failure.
I believe the gifted part of the money has less impact. But believe through this new availability of funding (crowdfunding) many people are securing funds who couldn't do it through other outlets. That's very different to claimed gifted money would change all people. Because everyone's aim here is to succeed financially.
B ) Someone risking their own money first doesn't necessarily mean they deserve more respect. Maybe they're an idiot and would fail miserably. Which in most cases do. Why should we appraise idiocy and failure?
The guy behind Chronicles of Elyria has put his family plot and all he had in his project and he is selling Castles. How do you define the amount of respect he deserves?
I agree. I don't like incompetent people putting together crap of a demo and fool people and themselves neither. But that doesn't mean anyone who has ever put together a demo is for such purpose is incompetent.
C) I didn't say you told people what to do, I said you speculate too much about what people should do. Which you did. And you did it again. I choose my words carefully mate.
D) I believe in freedom because it pushes creativity, innovation and the market forward. Believing in freedom doesn't mean I don't believe in the law or I am an idiot getting conned every day. I'm not sure how made that conclusion.
I don't believe personal feelings, subjective morality, or baseless assumptions should have any roles in how people should run their business.
But there's no evidence to apply them as general rules or of any factors to determine success.
I understand.
But the correction was irrelevant to the topic. that's my point.
The OP asked:
Answer: Pantheon.
Why it doesn't rely on Kickstarter? That wasn't what the OP asked.
If he really wanted to argue something, he should have pointed out that Pantheon is not actually released, that would have been more pertinent.
The way he phrased it, looked like a cheap shot to Pantheon, I have the impression you can't say anything positive about this game, that people jump on you immediately.
I don't argue on people opinions, just with people that tries to pass their opinions as facts (maybe not realizing it).
This kind of posts I am fine with (Just to expand on my supposed aggressiveness issue).
Just a quick note, on that quote.
I never said that only people who risk their own money should get respect, but at least they should not be dissed (Your comment on Pantheon failing Kickstarter seemed to me like a huge put down, because it was off topic, but maybe it's my impression).
Divinity has been a great Kickstarter success for example, the devs worked with passion and the results are there, to be seen.
The CoE guy risked his own stuff, therefore he is part of the category that deserve respect, obviously.
Though the fact that he sells Castels and Titles, is detrimental to the future of his game in my opinion, he could have done it differently, but he is entitled to do this, because he put his house on the line.
The 'selling virtual pixels' remark was a generic consideration, in general there is an abuse of this kind of funding, with little or no personal risks for the devs, and in my opinion it should be regulated (I want to stress it is my opinion).
All you have to do is to check Steam Early Access 'graveyard' to understand where I am coming from.
If I ask you to give me money to build a car, and then I deliver you a car with no wheels, or a car that can run but only in first gear, that's stealing to me.
In general this is not accepted, but in gaming this is just the norm, which I find disturbing.
I never meant to put Pantheon down. I guess you got that impression because you are passionate about Pantheon, which is fine. More power to you.
You believe Pantheon is not a greedy company. I agree. By that statement I pointed out even they went after crowdfunding. Not because they were greedy, no. I believe not everyone after crowdfunding is greedy or incompetent. And I don't think if Pantheon had a successful campaign would've become a greedy company. I don't deny the possibility, but chances are slim in my opinion.
I don't want to get into the crowdfunding concept in this post. So let's just leave that for later