Just a week ago. it was reported that the Battlefield V beta chat profanity filter censored words like "DLC" (but "free DLC" was fine), and "white man" for some unknown reason.
Well, now, we know what the reason is! Over on Twitter, DICE Multiplayer Producer David Sirland gave an explanation and blamed the AI learning algorithm since it tagged words that are known to be escalators to "toxic chat."
Because the system is using a dictionary derived from several EA games based on some sort of AI learning algorithm that has tagged certain combinations of words to be escalators to toxic chat (or similar, I don't claim to understand how it works in detail) - we will change this.
This is definitely good news, right? And it makes things much, much clearer.
In other Battlefield V news, DICE has listed down the major changes it's making to the final version of the game. Make sure to read up on our beta impressions piece as well to see what we make of it.
Battlefield V will shoot out to retail this November 20 on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.