First reshade is the Archetype preset. It keeps relatively the same look, but aims for higher quality and some effects added reshade is Unkindled Ash. This preset also works really well in a lot other games and MMOs I've played and tried it with. For Dark Souls though, it changes how it looks quite a lot here are a couple mods I use
This one might be a bit cheaty but I really dislike inventory management in any game lol next one unlocks armor that is in the game but not actually IN the game but leftover files of it that they never actually "activated" or put in finally the music mod. This will definitely change how the game feels since music adds a lot to it and sets up the atmosphere. I'm still trying it out, but its okay so far. Definitely different, though tbh probably will go back to normal game music
My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB: