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The Chinese government appears to be blocking Twitch in most of mainland China according to Abacus News (via The app has also been removed from the Chinese regional App Store. This follows an earlier censorship of Facebook, Google, YouTube (fully blocked) and Steam (partial block) and comes on the heels of a freeze in the approval process for new games. Recent regulations have been making it increasingly difficult for the gaming industry outside of China.
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
Think that is crazy, try googling china social score or chinese social credit. Scary stuff.
Aloha Mr Hand !
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
Has nothing to do with a trade war and everything to do with the Chinese government wanting Chinese money to stay in China.
Which is the reason for unfair trade practices, and hence a trade war.
Actually, it has nothing to do with them being Communist and everything to do with them being authoritarian.
Even Nixon would have loved to have gotten his hands on something like this and I bet Trump is watching it with a lot of interest
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
For a while, they were basically a dictatorship with term limits, as a political system somewhat akin to what Mexico had before they moved to real elections in 2000. But as often happens in systems where there are term limits without robust systems to enforce them, China's current dictator has decided that he wants to be dictator for life and abolished term limits. It remains to be seen if anyone can or will stop him.
It's very common for countries to want to restrict imports to try to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. Pretty much all countries try to do that on at least some products. The point of free trade treaties is get both sides to agree not to do it on except for their highest priority domestic constituencies that they want to protect.
Me personally,i feel it is long overdue,things are getting out of hand,like way out of hand,Twitch is becoming more of a soft porn site than anything legit or gaming.
Young girls are doing like the older females,trying to sell sexism to make money,so if this is more the reason then good for China for trying to get this planet back into some sensibility.
I noticed big time in the last year,tons of young Asian girls vying for money on Twitch via soft porn...sexism.
There also used to be a mildly strict venture into Twitch sponsorship,now they toss around partnerships like candy at Halloween.I also would not doubt for one minute that millions of dollars are going through Twitch unchecked,not claimed.
As to the SOCIAL credit system...roflmao,hello,come out from under the rocks please.
What do you think the FBI has been doing for years and profiling and Facebook tied into everywhere to make it even easier for the FBI.
Every single citizen in NA has a credit score and there are cameras all over the place now including at your bank machines.
Ever notice how Google and others try to convince you to give up your cell phone numbers as well?Better security lmao yeah right.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
This isn't a signature, you just think it is.
The idea behind it is though that if everyone has the same sites, everyone has the same information. Having country-exclusive stuff makes it extremely easy to dictate and brainwash the most of the population (Think north-korea)
Twenty years after Tiananmen Square, many young Chinese have no idea what went on there. Used to think that the Star Wars premise that everyone 'forgot' the Jeddi was scriptwriter's BS, but not so anymore.
Things like Twitter, unfettered social media, even games with unchecked chat; too little oversight on it for their apparat. Control and oversight, because ruling China is like riding the tiger....
If I was younger, I'd be learning Mandarin.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
Blocking twitch, Owellian Social Scores? Pshaw, hold China's beer because they go even harder.