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Gaijin Entertainment is preserving some of the ever-fading stories of World War II in a new video series called Thunder Stories: Never in a Hurri. The series is narrated by War Thunder's Bruce Grant, the voice players hear often throughout the game, notably on the Shooting Range.
FYI They were called the Greatest Generation for a Reason
Aloha Mr Hand !
I liked the part in WW2 when we put bi-planes up against sonic vietnam era jets too, that was fun, and if you opened your wallet, you could take more damage and have advantage over the german army. Such a great realisitic shooter.
No thanks. P2W sink hole
You do know there are other modes other than Arcade Battle right ? Try playing Realistic battle or Simulation. Me personally i like Aracde battle and yes I'm skilled enough to take out Jets with my WW2 era Mustangs and BearCats, If you are getting owned by jets thats on you. FYI even in Arcade with over 200 hours in game iv never seen a Rank I Bi-plane in a match with a Rank V jet lol Maybe its happened but iv never seen it. Also to my knowledge the only advantage you get to paying for a sub is faster leveling to unlock more planes and 2 extra decal slots. Nothing is locked behind a paywall unless something changed in the past 5 or 6 months (Haven't played in awhile).
Aloha Mr Hand !