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If you're one of the throng still playing the online medieval action game For Honor, you're in luck - Ubisoft has loads planned for 2019.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
Although the game itself is really fun - even though I don't play PvP modes. Or maybe - because I don't play PvP modes.
Thank you for your time!
The game itself has a harsh learning curve and highly encourages, in a weird twist, non-honorable play. More often than not in a fighting game, you feel accomplished if you win a 1v1, but in this game, if your not playing the 1v1 mode and partner dies, it quickly becomes a slaughter against you. Very rarely do you see someone winning a 1v2-3, which just feels bad in a fighting game like this.
Such a shame, cause I think they could have done a lot of cool things with this one.
Unblockables shouldn't even exist in a game that is all about directional blocking, feinting, and directional attacks, but they're all over the place in For Honor, and they destroy the experience.
Aloha Mr Hand !
It is
I used to get annoyed by unblockables but they can be parried if you get the timing right and leave the enemy open for attacks. I suggest practicing your parry in practice mode (or PvE mode as well to keep progression going). I really still have a hard time countering the guard break.
Why would anyone ask for usual whale-targeted F2P crap with $5-20 characters, $10-30 costumes, $5-50 weapons, 10-20$ monthly premium etc. etc.?
Recently I've purchased a year-long premium for in-game currency I've made during couple weeks. The game is fine as it is, it's basically free past initial entrance ticket - which isn't even expensive (game cost less than a single costume in BDO).
Thank you for your time!
There's only so many times I can do the same missions in Blacklist.
Not only can you easily stop grabs, but you can parry unblockables or dodge them [since most are slow and obvious].
How old is your son? Cause the only thing that makes me angry about this game is its price....