I just unsubbed from WOW.
I didn't want to, but I have principles. It's all very unfortunate and avoidable.
It wasn't because of BFA. It wasn't for the fox mount in the cash shop. It wasn't for executives jumping ship.
I unsubbed because of this:
I'm not paying you to police thoughts and emojis on other media platforms.
This applies to ALL companies and industries, but, I'll keep this thread about the gaming industry.
I don't pay them to lecture me on my race, sex, and personal opinions. I pay them to make games.
When you develop a game and all that you can boast about is virtue signaling instead of the actual game itself, it turns me off from buying it.
example, Battlefield 5.
I never found an article about the actual gameplay and bringing anything new to BF5. No.
What I did find over and over again, was how "inclusive and diverse" BF5 is. And also being told not to buy their games. So many people didn't. Hope they learned a lesson, but I doubt it. Hollywood hasn't, so why would the gaming industry?
Then you have EA employees making racist and sexist rants on social media. WTF? I'm just here to play games.
I play games as a hobby. To get away from real world problems. Not be lectured or punished by the thought police.
If they insist on forcing social issues unto me, I'll just leave for another game that doesn't or find a new hobby. Why should I fund my enemies?
It's for the same reason that I no longer give my money to:
Pepsi Co
Home Depot
Most all new movies (especially remakes)
Cable has been turned off since 2005
Comic Books
And anyone else that wants to open their mouths.
The best way to avoid bringing my principles into this, is quite easy. Just shut up and make games. That's it. And if your game is good, I'll keep giving you my money.
I feel that others are doing the same for the same reasons.
I choose to stand up for my principles and not fund my enemies.
Get woke, go broke.
To talk about games without the censorship, check out
"I never found an article about the actual gameplay and bringing anything new to BF5. No."
You must not have looked very hard. All the reviews I found were about how BFV was just boring.
We get upset when they fall in love or reproduce by mitosis. It is so offensive that writers of these stories have the audacity to imagine a world where there might be hermaphrodites or god forbid same sex relationships. This is so offensive that it is the reason to get upset when these creatures are so far from being human it is not even funny.
The problem here is the player and not the game.
How often do we see anything passed onto us about a game's quality traits,instead of all the nonsense,telling us about their charity or their policing or some new cash shop item or some new dlc,a lot of real BS people operating these games.
They seem to miss the POINT of gaming.I has trickled down to gamer's now as well,try telling the young kids you play for fun,they respond with "your just shit at the game".They have NO CLUE wtf or why they even play games,this new generation of people and their mindsets is disturbing to watch unfold.
Just look at Twitch,a stream to share the love of gaming right?WRONG,subscribe or your not allowed to talk in my channel..pathetic people.
How about that recent Game Awards,,lmao that was ONLY there to make a bunch of people money by advertising sponsors games,it wasn't about awards.
This is likely why we see so much crap now,everything is an angle to make money,i see VERY little passion for gaming or playing it as a hobby.Gotta rank up gotta rank up,i must hit legend,i must be rank 1,this is no fun unless i am winning and i must win all the time!!.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
I'm sure there are some people who are going to be mad that they can no longer shit post and spam twitch chat but screw them, they aren't worth keeping in a community anyway. That said, I don't play any Blizz games and think twitch is highly overrated, I have no interest in watching a bunch of paid shills act like dancing monkeys for the coins thrown at them by their mindless audiences. YMMV
This isn't a signature, you just think it is.
If you read comments to many of these articles and videos. You would see that many of them don't have a problem with "hermaphrodites".
The problem that I have and other people commenting on those articles and videos is with, to paraphrase, "We're adding [insert demographic/social justice cause] because F*** straight White males!".
I don't care what you support with your money. But, I'm not eating at a place with a sign "No Blacks Allowed". Nor will I give my money to a business that says "F*** White males".
Now they want to ban people for what emojis they use on Twitch?
Studios stock is dropping further. Sales have dropped. Their behavior can't be good for business.
Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
George Washington
"I choose to stand up for my principles and not fund my enemies.
Get woke, go broke."
I had fun once, it was terrible.
The genre is dying according to financials.
People are being divided for stupid reasons that has nothing to do with gaming.
We're allowing corporations the power to dictate was is and is not socially acceptable.
But, I agree 100%.
Just sharing why I'm not giving them my money and they can't make me. Yay Free Market Society.
Plus, I don't want anyone to think because I didn't say anything means I consent.
1 Blizzard Way, Irvine, CA 92618
(949) 955-1380
3100 Ocean Park Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90405
(310) 255-2000
That said, if you really want your voice to be heard, it won't be here. You need to call Blizzard HQ or the Overwatch League offices or Activision-Blizzard headquarters. Or write a letter to the same. Believe me when I tell you that MMORPG.com is far below Blizzard's notice.
Subscriber Only mode is stupid I disagree with it.
I also disagree with the way they have done COD Black OPS bought the game played very little like PUBG more because of the way the season pass is locked behind pay wall with like Zero Customizations.
I have no idea if what I am about to share has impacted Blizzard, but I can't imagine it hasn't by now. Also, what I am about to share is not verified, I am sharing "hear-say" So, I won't say it's absolutely true (Choose for yourself)
A few fairly known bloggers have basically said this on a few of their videos. So, here's what's been happening on Youtube.
If you have heard of "Sargon of Akkad" He is a youtuber who got de-platformed because he lost his Youtube funding and his Patron account for making hateful statements.
Some conservative political Youtubers also using Patreon became concerned. So tried to have discussions with Patron to establish exactly what they can and cannot say since Patron's EULA is somewhat vague. They are also trying to come up with alternatives to patron, when they approached 2 other competitors to Patreon, all the sudden, those doors were slammed in their faces as well.
Dave Rubin and Jordan Peterson are 2 of the bigger names involved in this, are discontinuing Patreon and are attempting to come up with their own form of funding.
However, there is a bigger fish to fry. As they soon discovered through discussions with Patron, there is pressure from the big financials like MC and Visa. Which explained why the other 2 smaller Patron competitors wouldn't allow them to open accounts.
Turns out, MasterCard and Visa have been getting legal pressure by activists and are being threatened with lawsuits because they financed and funded the guns of some of the psychos who bought their guns using credit cards before committing the mass shootings.
Now the banks are looking very closely at online services and are pressuring anyone using their funding services who provide interactive media to police anything that can be linked to terrorism including hate-speech.
This isn't going anywhere anytime soon people. Blizzard knows this ideology is going to irritate players, but MasterCard refusing to fund Blizzard's customer base is worse.
You're leaving a game you play not because of anything that game did or didn't do but because the company did something in the real world that rubs you the wrong way... and on the way out the door you want to lecture them.
Sounds to me like you bring your own real world problems into games not the other way around.
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”