First of all, neither TD2 nor Anthem aren't open-world so their experience in the starting month isn't a lot better than one-two months post-launch (you won't see hundred of players waiting for respawn of a quest mob). In fact it's going to improve over time.
And it turned out TD2 isn't an improved version of TD1 - it's just different (why did they decrease quality of animations?!) So I practically have to play/buy Anthem. However paying $60 for an unfinished Warframe (or Diablo) clone with only 4 classes and $10-20-40-whatever skins isn't optimal: besides possible bugs and quick burnout due to the lack of content (i.e. "frames" to level up) and considering in-game shop + falling EA stocks they must be planning to start major sales and bonuses asap. Also I want to see if they are going to add new sentinels and if they will be as predictable as the four basic classes (rogue, ranger, mage, tank) or there will be anything even remotely original like Frost, Ember, Saryn, Mirage in Warframe?
So I'll just sit and wait couple months before buying anything - while happily playing dailies in TD1 and upcoming NG+ in AC Odyssey. Or Diablo3, Waframe, BDO, Star Conflict, For Honor, GR Wildlands etc. etc. etc.
It's interesting that you keep comparing this to warframe, when they are not trying to be warframe. Have you ever thought, maybe just maybe, warframe is targeting people like you, leveling the same thing a million times. And Anthem is targeting people that want to level up only once. The reason why you don't like Anthem is not EA or Bioware's fault. It's your own. You enjoy re-leveling up the same thing over and over. Others do not. Maybe if you stopped comparing this to warframe, because it's not trying to be warframe, you will see something new here. When I first tried warframe, it was just a cheap mass effect knock off. In fact, warframe is trying to be like Anthem by adding flying.The could have added flying years ago. They didn't. No competition?. You hate Anthem because it's competition? Because competition is a bad thing? Companies strive to make their games better because of competition is a bad thing to you. This is why you're angry, Anthem will make warframe try to be better. So you hate Anthem.
Game was no where near ready at the time of the demo. I'm sure they won't push back release and they'll just release it in the garbage state it's in and it'll flop just like fallout 76.
Game was not the finished build for Demo. Poor criticism on your part. The demo stress tested the servers, that's a good thing. There are no perfect game release in today's world. Even the champion Witcher 3 had bugs at release, and graphical downgrade.
If you believe they had some great polished product that fixed the server issues, tons of graphic issues (especially at 4k) bugged quests and dungeon triggers, and loading issues waiting in the wings while people tested their bugged demo I've got oceanfront Arizona property to sell you.
I believe the demo is earlier build not because they say it is. But because I've seen it played by the press multiple times for their first impression articles. It's the same demo. I also said there are no perfect games releases in today's environment. The great Witcher 3 had bugs at release, fact. That translates to I believe the product at release will still have bugs. Server issues are not game bugs. Two separate things. The launch would be far worse if they did not do these 2 demo stress tests. World of Warcraft had many months of closed beta tests, 2 stress tests, 1 open beta test. And they still had servers issues at launch. Knowing a little history can help you be less upset about these things.
Of course they want you hyped; critical thinking shall not be applied here. Pay no attention to the glaring issues, simply pay them all of your $$$ so you can get 'early access' (because waiting to see what you are actually buying is for plebs).
enjoyed the demo but not enough to buy it on release , gonna wait a bit....
about the division 2....ugh played it a bit and its fun but its like playing Division 1 in another zone , yeah there are new things , new toys , weapons , and whatnot but not enough reasons to buy it ...another "wait and see" approach
Game was no where near ready at the time of the demo. I'm sure they won't push back release and they'll just release it in the garbage state it's in and it'll flop just like fallout 76.
Game was not the finished build for Demo. Poor criticism on your part. The demo stress tested the servers, that's a good thing. There are no perfect game release in today's world. Even the champion Witcher 3 had bugs at release, and graphical downgrade.
If you believe they had some great polished product that fixed the server issues, tons of graphic issues (especially at 4k) bugged quests and dungeon triggers, and loading issues waiting in the wings while people tested their bugged demo I've got oceanfront Arizona property to sell you.
I believe the demo is earlier build not because they say it is. But because I've seen it played by the press multiple times for their first impression articles. It's the same demo. I also said there are no perfect games releases in today's environment. The great Witcher 3 had bugs at release, fact. That translates to I believe the product at release will still have bugs. Server issues are not game bugs. Two separate things. The launch would be far worse if they did not do these 2 demo stress tests. World of Warcraft had many months of closed beta tests, 2 stress tests, 1 open beta test. And they still had servers issues at launch. Knowing a little history can help you be less upset about these things.
You Accept Garbage So You Get it. I've been pc gaming probably longer than you've been alive. I was there day 1 in meridian, I was sprinkler rezzing guys in eq on rallos during the sleeper kill. Ive forgotten more gaming history than you know. I don't settle for garbage. This game easily needs another 6 more months of polish. There was so reason for the server load issues either. This isn't some small indy studio struggling to afford every piece of server hardware.
Hate assume a feeling - but it's really difficult to feel anything towards an unfinished game with 1/5 of Diablo/Warframe content. It could be disappointment - if I had any positive expectations, but during last 5 years EA and BioWare did a damn good job curing me of any positivity towards their products.
Game was no where near ready at the time of the demo. I'm sure they won't push back release and they'll just release it in the garbage state it's in and it'll flop just like fallout 76.
Game was not the finished build for Demo. Poor criticism on your part. The demo stress tested the servers, that's a good thing. There are no perfect game release in today's world. Even the champion Witcher 3 had bugs at release, and graphical downgrade.
If you believe they had some great polished product that fixed the server issues, tons of graphic issues (especially at 4k) bugged quests and dungeon triggers, and loading issues waiting in the wings while people tested their bugged demo I've got oceanfront Arizona property to sell you.
I believe the demo is earlier build not because they say it is. But because I've seen it played by the press multiple times for their first impression articles. It's the same demo. I also said there are no perfect games releases in today's environment. The great Witcher 3 had bugs at release, fact. That translates to I believe the product at release will still have bugs. Server issues are not game bugs. Two separate things. The launch would be far worse if they did not do these 2 demo stress tests. World of Warcraft had many months of closed beta tests, 2 stress tests, 1 open beta test. And they still had servers issues at launch. Knowing a little history can help you be less upset about these things.
You Accept Garbage So You Get it. I've been pc gaming probably longer than you've been alive. I was there day 1 in meridian, I was sprinkler rezzing guys in eq on rallos during the sleeper kill. Ive forgotten more gaming history than you know. I don't settle for garbage. This game easily needs another 6 more months of polish. There was so reason for the server load issues either. This isn't some small indy studio struggling to afford every piece of server hardware.
You can be alive for a million years and play a million games. Until you go to school and acquire the technical knowledge of the latest modern hardware. Until you have worked at one of these companies and successfully achieve your claims. You're just an Uber driver thinking that you're smarter than an astrophysicist, farting pretentious remarks out of your ass. Go ahead. Prove me wrong. Tell me about the hardware that they're using. Give me details. How it's installed, operated, and maintained. No? Didn't think so. You gonna fart some more?
Based on the demo weekends I played of both, I'm comfortable with my $60 laid down on Tje Division 2 preorder.
I truly hope, for Bioware's sake, that they've done an incredibly job with the storytelling.. but considering the dialogue options are pretty much different flavors of the same exact response, my head is skeptical it will do enough to make this title stand out or change my mind on where I'm currently spending my money.
Good luck to them all the same!
And after playing the Division 2 beta, I comfortably put in for a refund on my preorder of Division 2. I am now looking more forward to Anthem than Division 2.
Good on you! Support whichever title you like. I felt the Division 2 bets was much more polished than my time with Anthem, and the time put in on the PC version was much more apparent in Division 2. But, they also had a previous title with the same general mechanics to work with.
Division 2 definitely feels better from an optimization standpoint I agree with you 100%. To be honest, I am still on the fence for both. I think partially because none of my buddies are interested in either which sucks. 3 of them are too into Sea of Thieves which I am completely stumped why since there's zero progression. It's all cosmetic shit with hardly any content other than what you make it, through PvP. And another buddy is just jewish when it comes to spending money. He makes tonnnnns of money but hordes it all and won't buy a damn thing and is annoying as shit!
If I had a dedicated crew to play with, I'd honestly play both and give them both a full play through with a lot of time put into it. Unfortunately, that isn't the case
Game was no where near ready at the time of the demo. I'm sure they won't push back release and they'll just release it in the garbage state it's in and it'll flop just like fallout 76.
Game was not the finished build for Demo. Poor criticism on your part. The demo stress tested the servers, that's a good thing. There are no perfect game release in today's world. Even the champion Witcher 3 had bugs at release, and graphical downgrade.
If you believe they had some great polished product that fixed the server issues, tons of graphic issues (especially at 4k) bugged quests and dungeon triggers, and loading issues waiting in the wings while people tested their bugged demo I've got oceanfront Arizona property to sell you.
I believe the demo is earlier build not because they say it is. But because I've seen it played by the press multiple times for their first impression articles. It's the same demo. I also said there are no perfect games releases in today's environment. The great Witcher 3 had bugs at release, fact. That translates to I believe the product at release will still have bugs. Server issues are not game bugs. Two separate things. The launch would be far worse if they did not do these 2 demo stress tests. World of Warcraft had many months of closed beta tests, 2 stress tests, 1 open beta test. And they still had servers issues at launch. Knowing a little history can help you be less upset about these things.
You Accept Garbage So You Get it. I've been pc gaming probably longer than you've been alive. I was there day 1 in meridian, I was sprinkler rezzing guys in eq on rallos during the sleeper kill. Ive forgotten more gaming history than you know. I don't settle for garbage. This game easily needs another 6 more months of polish. There was so reason for the server load issues either. This isn't some small indy studio struggling to afford every piece of server hardware.
You can be alive for a million years and play a million games. Until you go to school and acquire the technical knowledge of the latest modern hardware. Until you have worked at one of these companies and successfully achieve your claims. You're just an Uber driver thinking that you're smarter than an astrophysicist, farting pretentious remarks out of your ass. Go ahead. Prove me wrong. Tell me about the hardware that they're using. Give me details. How it's installed, operated, and maintained. No? Didn't think so. You gonna fart some more?
Lol I work at switch Las vegas, I know exactly what gaming companies use. So go back to flipping burgers with your fan boy self.
Hate assume a feeling - but it's really difficult to feel anything towards an unfinished game with 1/5 of Diablo/Warframe content. It could be disappointment - if I had any positive expectations, but during last 5 years EA and BioWare did a damn good job curing me of any positivity towards their products.
Considering all the negative posts you make about Anthem you most definitely have strong feelings towards the game.
If you truly had no feelings one way or another towards Anthem then you would have said what you wanted to say and moved on a long time ago.
But, No, here you are still posting about it and I dont think this is anywhere close to your last negative post about Anthem.
Game was no where near ready at the time of the demo. I'm sure they won't push back release and they'll just release it in the garbage state it's in and it'll flop just like fallout 76.
Game was not the finished build for Demo. Poor criticism on your part. The demo stress tested the servers, that's a good thing. There are no perfect game release in today's world. Even the champion Witcher 3 had bugs at release, and graphical downgrade.
If you believe they had some great polished product that fixed the server issues, tons of graphic issues (especially at 4k) bugged quests and dungeon triggers, and loading issues waiting in the wings while people tested their bugged demo I've got oceanfront Arizona property to sell you.
I believe the demo is earlier build not because they say it is. But because I've seen it played by the press multiple times for their first impression articles. It's the same demo. I also said there are no perfect games releases in today's environment. The great Witcher 3 had bugs at release, fact. That translates to I believe the product at release will still have bugs. Server issues are not game bugs. Two separate things. The launch would be far worse if they did not do these 2 demo stress tests. World of Warcraft had many months of closed beta tests, 2 stress tests, 1 open beta test. And they still had servers issues at launch. Knowing a little history can help you be less upset about these things.
You Accept Garbage So You Get it. I've been pc gaming probably longer than you've been alive. I was there day 1 in meridian, I was sprinkler rezzing guys in eq on rallos during the sleeper kill. Ive forgotten more gaming history than you know. I don't settle for garbage. This game easily needs another 6 more months of polish. There was so reason for the server load issues either. This isn't some small indy studio struggling to afford every piece of server hardware.
You can be alive for a million years and play a million games. Until you go to school and acquire the technical knowledge of the latest modern hardware. Until you have worked at one of these companies and successfully achieve your claims. You're just an Uber driver thinking that you're smarter than an astrophysicist, farting pretentious remarks out of your ass. Go ahead. Prove me wrong. Tell me about the hardware that they're using. Give me details. How it's installed, operated, and maintained. No? Didn't think so. You gonna fart some more?
Lol I work at switch Las vegas, I know exactly what gaming companies use. So go back to flipping burgers with your fan boy self.
Yeah sweeping the floors there doesn't mean you know anything. You can't even give any details because you know nothing. Keep farting.
Had loads of fun in the demo, and I feel I've done enough research by now to justify my preorder.
Also, the order of javelins in the trailer will be the order I'll unlock mine in the game.
Hate assume a feeling - but it's really difficult to feel anything towards an unfinished game with 1/5 of Diablo/Warframe content. It could be disappointment - if I had any positive expectations, but during last 5 years EA and BioWare did a damn good job curing me of any positivity towards their products.
Considering all the negative posts you make about Anthem you most definitely have strong feelings towards the game.
If you truly had no feelings one way or another towards Anthem then you would have said what you wanted to say and moved on a long time ago.
But, No, here you are still posting about it and I dont think this is anywhere close to your last negative post about Anthem.
I'd surely move on if there was anything interesting on the horizon. But PC MMO games market is obviously dying out (outside of handful hits). For example, list of MMORPGs in development today is nearly twice shorter than it was couple years ago and there are mostly small basic indie games and never-ending alphas like Star Citizen.
Game was no where near ready at the time of the demo. I'm sure they won't push back release and they'll just release it in the garbage state it's in and it'll flop just like fallout 76.
Game was not the finished build for Demo. Poor criticism on your part. The demo stress tested the servers, that's a good thing. There are no perfect game release in today's world. Even the champion Witcher 3 had bugs at release, and graphical downgrade.
If you believe they had some great polished product that fixed the server issues, tons of graphic issues (especially at 4k) bugged quests and dungeon triggers, and loading issues waiting in the wings while people tested their bugged demo I've got oceanfront Arizona property to sell you.
I believe the demo is earlier build not because they say it is. But because I've seen it played by the press multiple times for their first impression articles. It's the same demo. I also said there are no perfect games releases in today's environment. The great Witcher 3 had bugs at release, fact. That translates to I believe the product at release will still have bugs. Server issues are not game bugs. Two separate things. The launch would be far worse if they did not do these 2 demo stress tests. World of Warcraft had many months of closed beta tests, 2 stress tests, 1 open beta test. And they still had servers issues at launch. Knowing a little history can help you be less upset about these things.
You Accept Garbage So You Get it. I've been pc gaming probably longer than you've been alive. I was there day 1 in meridian, I was sprinkler rezzing guys in eq on rallos during the sleeper kill. Ive forgotten more gaming history than you know. I don't settle for garbage. This game easily needs another 6 more months of polish. There was so reason for the server load issues either. This isn't some small indy studio struggling to afford every piece of server hardware.
I would believe someone with your experience and age would know how to talk to people by now. But nope.
Look, you don't know something about this game that the rest of us don't. You just disagree on wether it is in a good state, or even fun. That's fine.
But don't throw information like that around and make it sound like you are some sort of end-all expert on anything gaming related. I probably have just as much experience and history in gaming as you and I totally disagree with you.
Game was no where near ready at the time of the demo. I'm sure they won't push back release and they'll just release it in the garbage state it's in and it'll flop just like fallout 76.
You do know that creating a demo that is probably based on an older build really doesn't tell much of anything. By the time the demo rolled out they probably had a ton of fixes done with it still in development.
Game was no where near ready at the time of the demo. I'm sure they won't push back release and they'll just release it in the garbage state it's in and it'll flop just like fallout 76.
You do know that creating a demo that is probably based on an older build really doesn't tell much of anything. By the time the demo rolled out they probably had a ton of fixes done with it still in development.
To further add to this. Almost no software release version is the current version the developers are using at all. What tends to happen is you get a stable enough build out, roll it over to alpha testers, then beta testers/QA and by the time a release version might be thoroughly tested you could see a ton of code changes that will very likely go into the next release version. The demo was a specific cut of the game and most of the changes and polish were very likely done before we ever saw the demo.
It is the same demo press had since the game has been announced more or less and some people here have so little grasp on software development let alone game development that it's mind boggling.
Game was no where near ready at the time of the demo. I'm sure they won't push back release and they'll just release it in the garbage state it's in and it'll flop just like fallout 76.
Game was not the finished build for Demo. Poor criticism on your part. The demo stress tested the servers, that's a good thing. There are no perfect game release in today's world. Even the champion Witcher 3 had bugs at release, and graphical downgrade.
If you believe they had some great polished product that fixed the server issues, tons of graphic issues (especially at 4k) bugged quests and dungeon triggers, and loading issues waiting in the wings while people tested their bugged demo I've got oceanfront Arizona property to sell you.
I believe the demo is earlier build not because they say it is. But because I've seen it played by the press multiple times for their first impression articles. It's the same demo. I also said there are no perfect games releases in today's environment. The great Witcher 3 had bugs at release, fact. That translates to I believe the product at release will still have bugs. Server issues are not game bugs. Two separate things. The launch would be far worse if they did not do these 2 demo stress tests. World of Warcraft had many months of closed beta tests, 2 stress tests, 1 open beta test. And they still had servers issues at launch. Knowing a little history can help you be less upset about these things.
You Accept Garbage So You Get it. I've been pc gaming probably longer than you've been alive. I was there day 1 in meridian, I was sprinkler rezzing guys in eq on rallos during the sleeper kill. Ive forgotten more gaming history than you know. I don't settle for garbage. This game easily needs another 6 more months of polish. There was so reason for the server load issues either. This isn't some small indy studio struggling to afford every piece of server hardware.
As someone that has been around just as long as you in the MMORPG community and gaming I'll say this. Sod off with the attitude and learn how software development works in the real world. Not what your little nancy boy idea of what it is is. This was a demo that was out early in the game's life and hasn't really pushed any updates. The build used could be quite old at this point. The updates that were done have literally only been on the server backend. You'd literally have 0 clue if the game needs more polish because you are using an old build and not the current build.
Game was no where near ready at the time of the demo. I'm sure they won't push back release and they'll just release it in the garbage state it's in and it'll flop just like fallout 76.
Game was not the finished build for Demo. Poor criticism on your part. The demo stress tested the servers, that's a good thing. There are no perfect game release in today's world. Even the champion Witcher 3 had bugs at release, and graphical downgrade.
If you believe they had some great polished product that fixed the server issues, tons of graphic issues (especially at 4k) bugged quests and dungeon triggers, and loading issues waiting in the wings while people tested their bugged demo I've got oceanfront Arizona property to sell you.
I believe the demo is earlier build not because they say it is. But because I've seen it played by the press multiple times for their first impression articles. It's the same demo. I also said there are no perfect games releases in today's environment. The great Witcher 3 had bugs at release, fact. That translates to I believe the product at release will still have bugs. Server issues are not game bugs. Two separate things. The launch would be far worse if they did not do these 2 demo stress tests. World of Warcraft had many months of closed beta tests, 2 stress tests, 1 open beta test. And they still had servers issues at launch. Knowing a little history can help you be less upset about these things.
You Accept Garbage So You Get it. I've been pc gaming probably longer than you've been alive. I was there day 1 in meridian, I was sprinkler rezzing guys in eq on rallos during the sleeper kill. Ive forgotten more gaming history than you know. I don't settle for garbage. This game easily needs another 6 more months of polish. There was so reason for the server load issues either. This isn't some small indy studio struggling to afford every piece of server hardware.
As someone that has been around just as long as you in the MMORPG community and gaming I'll say this. Sod off with the attitude and learn how software development works in the real world. Not what your little nancy boy idea of what it is is. This was a demo that was out early in the game's life and hasn't really pushed any updates. The build used could be quite old at this point. The updates that were done have literally only been on the server backend. You'd literally have 0 clue if the game needs more polish because you are using an old build and not the current build.
This wasn't early in the game's life. Release is mere weeks away. These projects generally take years to complete. Unless they're literally using a year+ old build, it's a very late-in-project-life build.
I agree it's not the most current build, but it's also not some early beta build. This is the same kind of excuse behavior we saw before FO76 gave us their "release" build. The timeline was almost identical to Anthem and Div2's.
It's interesting that you keep comparing this to warframe, when they are not trying to be warframe. Have you ever thought, maybe just maybe, warframe is targeting people like you, leveling the same thing a million times. And Anthem is targeting people that want to level up only once. The reason why you don't like Anthem is not EA or Bioware's fault. It's your own. You enjoy re-leveling up the same thing over and over. Others do not. Maybe if you stopped comparing this to warframe, because it's not trying to be warframe, you will see something new here. When I first tried warframe, it was just a cheap mass effect knock off. In fact, warframe is trying to be like Anthem by adding flying.The could have added flying years ago. They didn't. No competition?. You hate Anthem because it's competition? Because competition is a bad thing? Companies strive to make their games better because of competition is a bad thing to you. This is why you're angry, Anthem will make warframe try to be better. So you hate Anthem.
I believe the demo is earlier build not because they say it is. But because I've seen it played by the press multiple times for their first impression articles. It's the same demo. I also said there are no perfect games releases in today's environment. The great Witcher 3 had bugs at release, fact. That translates to I believe the product at release will still have bugs. Server issues are not game bugs. Two separate things. The launch would be far worse if they did not do these 2 demo stress tests. World of Warcraft had many months of closed beta tests, 2 stress tests, 1 open beta test. And they still had servers issues at launch. Knowing a little history can help you be less upset about these things.
Top-right corner of your comment box. Click the gear icon and edit.
about the division 2....ugh played it a bit and its fun but its like playing Division 1 in another zone , yeah there are new things , new toys , weapons , and whatnot but not enough reasons to buy it ...another "wait and see" approach
You Accept Garbage So You Get it. I've been pc gaming probably longer than you've been alive. I was there day 1 in meridian, I was sprinkler rezzing guys in eq on rallos during the sleeper kill. Ive forgotten more gaming history than you know. I don't settle for garbage. This game easily needs another 6 more months of polish. There was so reason for the server load issues either. This isn't some small indy studio struggling to afford every piece of server hardware.
Hate assume a feeling - but it's really difficult to feel anything towards an unfinished game with 1/5 of Diablo/Warframe content. It could be disappointment - if I had any positive expectations, but during last 5 years EA and BioWare did a damn good job curing me of any positivity towards their products.
Thank you for your time!
I too am missing the edit button, something is wrong here.
Me too! I can't correct my spelling errors!
You can be alive for a million years and play a million games. Until you go to school and acquire the technical knowledge of the latest modern hardware. Until you have worked at one of these companies and successfully achieve your claims. You're just an Uber driver thinking that you're smarter than an astrophysicist, farting pretentious remarks out of your ass. Go ahead. Prove me wrong. Tell me about the hardware that they're using. Give me details. How it's installed, operated, and maintained. No? Didn't think so. You gonna fart some more?
By that logic. World of Warcraft has 10000/1 to what warframe has. That must mean that warframe is worst game of all time!
If I had a dedicated crew to play with, I'd honestly play both and give them both a full play through with a lot of time put into it. Unfortunately, that isn't the case
Lol I work at switch Las vegas, I know exactly what gaming companies use. So go back to flipping burgers with your fan boy self.
Considering all the negative posts you make about Anthem you most definitely have strong feelings towards the game.
If you truly had no feelings one way or another towards Anthem then you would have said what you wanted to say and moved on a long time ago.
But, No, here you are still posting about it and I dont think this is anywhere close to your last negative post about Anthem.
Yeah sweeping the floors there doesn't mean you know anything. You can't even give any details because you know nothing. Keep farting.
I'll be holding steady...
Also, the order of javelins in the trailer will be the order I'll unlock mine in the game.
I'd surely move on if there was anything interesting on the horizon. But PC MMO games market is obviously dying out (outside of handful hits). For example, list of MMORPGs in development today is nearly twice shorter than it was couple years ago and there are mostly small basic indie games and never-ending alphas like Star Citizen.
Thank you for your time!
I would believe someone with your experience and age would know how to talk to people by now. But nope.
Look, you don't know something about this game that the rest of us don't. You just disagree on wether it is in a good state, or even fun. That's fine.
But don't throw information like that around and make it sound like you are some sort of end-all expert on anything gaming related. I probably have just as much experience and history in gaming as you and I totally disagree with you.
You do know that creating a demo that is probably based on an older build really doesn't tell much of anything. By the time the demo rolled out they probably had a ton of fixes done with it still in development.
It is the same demo press had since the game has been announced more or less and some people here have so little grasp on software development let alone game development that it's mind boggling.
I agree it's not the most current build, but it's also not some early beta build. This is the same kind of excuse behavior we saw before FO76 gave us their "release" build. The timeline was almost identical to Anthem and Div2's.