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Yep, it's Friday and you know what that means! The latest Star Citizen: Around the Verse is out for your viewing pleasure. This time LA Studio Director Eric Kieron Davis and Narrative Director David Haddock take to the stage to "light up the Area 18 plaza, dine on ArcCorp's finest street meat, and get a first look at the new Drake Corsair".
mmorpg junkie since 1999
What he is doing deserves a small bit of praise,trying to create IMMERSION,the scale of grandeur.However the task of creating a large enough universe to support this type of game and creating that same immersion from inside a station to all over the game is a task nobody could pull off.
I believe this was in essence the much talked about complaints from day 1,more than he can chew,power creep,will release as finished in 2040 etc etc.I will not complain about any developer trying to create immersive sections in games,kudos for trying but what happens when at some point when you can no longer just keep filling a world with immersion and grandeur?
You can't take 30 years to make a video game.This genre ,the space one is one i have long stated takes WAY more work than any other genre in existence,that is IF making a AAA game.Some could say he does have the money,i say he wasted most of it,so not as much as you think.
Will there be some nice looking ships...yep,will there be some nice stations and immersion...yes,will game play feel immersive and in depth, engaging..possibly.Will it take too long to build a game like this properly,imo most certainly,so it will end up as bits n pieces,sometimes good sometimes in between and sometimes boring/cheap looking.The game play will sometimes be good but other times missing something and end up as ho hum.
No way a kickstarter should attempt a game like this,it takes too much money,too much time and a very large developer that has experience with giant sized games.So part of me feels...well dude you are attempting something grand,a great vision but it will NEVER come to fruition.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Two Tiple-A. Squadron 42 (solo ala Wing Commander) coming Beta in 5 quarters from now and Star Citizen (MMO) sharing all SQ42 assets and adding news features and own assets in parallel.
Not only it is coming to fruition but better and faster than Publishers that keep delivering the same game with re-skinned characters.
Star Citizen and SQ42 are what happen when a company is spending +200M$ on game development rather than spend 50M$ for game, 150 in marketing and the remaining to shareholders...
I am looking forward to the release of this game, for no other reason then to finally shut the nay sayers up. Not that it will happen, they will continue to nit pick and find anything they can to whine and cry about even if it has nothing to do with them. They must have a great life.
Game looks great, I can't wait to see it complete.
If you want a new idea, go read an old book.
In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.
Have fun
The sci-fun never ends while the jaded few will be forever mourning about losing their will to game because life caught up on them so all they're left with is forum crying
I look forward to see you eat humble pie! :-)
mmorpg junkie since 1999
Since you post this just about every week so you must be really, really keen on ships I thought it would be worth adding something more meaningful; which shows how this aspect has been / is progressing, namely:
(I think this is the latest one.)
For seven years now uber-fans have been saying 'just wait til next year'. I guess it saves on retyping....
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
Because we all know that project to release Two triple-A no Publishers will ever attempt to do because they don't care about gamers, can be done in 4 years, starting from scratch with 12 guys, 6M$ and no pipelines end of Kickstarter Nov. 2012.
Beta is in 5 quarters not 10 years or never. get a grip.
Beta in 5 months is a claim from a team that has rarely, if ever, made a deadline. From a boss who regularly was very late on things his entire career. Whose last company didn't release a single game while he was in charge. You can ignore history, but it doesn't go away, regardless of how much sunshine you pump.
Although I love the character customization, and the new DNA set up does look really cool. Point taken there. But cinematics always get first preference. I hear the AI might work again. Real Soon Now. tm.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
If you ever manage to forget your hate-boner for CRoberts or get off your high armchair-dev horse and instead of being judgmental decide to go with a broader fact-based analysis of the industry you love to criticize you might notice several patterns in most video games don't "deliver" on time or along with the "first" scope/draft planed. If you focus on Crowdfunded mmorpgs even less.
Star Citizen is the most expensive game development ever. With that particular Chris Roberts grandiose mismanagement. You can think it will magickly all work out, but I tend to trust history more. If CIG has to bring in enough outside investors to prop up their sluggardly ways, perhaps competent people will get put in charge.
Hey, I hear the AI is broken again, in a new way.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
This thing would have been dust years ago had he only raised his original goal of what was it 15 million? He wouldnt have made it out of the first year if thats all they had gotten. And he would have had a much better excuse then than whatever he will try to come up with once he does have to 'call it'. because back then they did have a legit excuse with the engine. but it was also the engine he hand picked as the Messiah to run this mess on.
If you think large companies don't want to take this kind of project because of its problems, then RSI is just a fool attempting to solve those problems more inefficiently than large companies would.
For years haters and cynics have been saying that would never be able to do feature X and Y and year after year they eat crow and change to a different "impossible feature" to justify their "concern" and "cynicism".
- Large universe maps in Cryengine (now lumberyard) without loading screens...
- Unified Flight, FPS, EVA, Multicrew (Multiple physic grids), Vehicles inside vehicles...
- Seamless landing on procedural planets with atmosphere, different biomes, citys all in high fidelity graphics...
Just to name a few.
The reason big companies dont want to take this kind of projects is not because of its
problems its because of how much it costs to solve them.
Big Game companies are funded by shareholders who are in it for the profits alone, they couldnt care care less if you are making full seamless sized planets or dna facial customization with faceware integration.
They care a about how many gamers will want and most importantly be able to play/buy it.
It's a business for them and making a highly ambitious sci-fi complex game that pushes hardware is not seen as good business because you're spending tons in high fidelity assets and R&D just to make things work whille catering to a smaller player base that can run it.
A massive game like this is an investment that can make or break a company depending on the support it has along with the marketing (vid Wildstar vs ESO launches).
Notice that since the Star Citizen crowdfund campaign blew up into millions a lot of Sci-Fi or space games were announnced and even big companies like Ubisoft brought old projects from the shelves ( Beyond Good & Evil 2 said to be in the works since 2007) , Starfield from Bethesda... Cyberpunk from CPRED to give some examples.
These are established companies with more experience and funding than the one making StarCitizen and neither of those games have open development, a playaple build or a release date.
So whille I understand were the scepticism comes from concerning about Star Citizen or any other crowdfunded ambitious game I think gamers should make a bigger effort to understand what kind of effort goes into the making of such projects before jumping into hating bandwagons.
Theyre running on fumes right now, literally taking what they bring in per day and are spending it as fast (probably faster) than they actually do get it tabulated.
I have been waiting for the 'CGI employees havent been paid in weeks or months' leaks. But I suspect some havent but they have been told if they do leak anything they probably wont ever see their money. That is pure conjecture and speculation but I suspect has some truth. but this project has so much verifiable fail associated with it speculating isnt even necessary.
CD Projekt Red announced that Cyberpunk was going to be their next big game after Witcher 3 already before Star Citizen kickstarter.
EDIT: Also I wouldn't call scifi blowing up. Before Star Citizen Kickstarter we had games like Mass Effect 2, Dead Space 2, Starcraft II, Star Trek Online, and Star Wars the Old Republic. There have always been a couple of larger scifi games each year. Star Citizen didn't have any real impact on how many scifi games we're getting.