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Not worth the look

grimbojgrimboj Member Posts: 2,102

ill say what i liked first :-

The world is well-made, original and imaginative.

There are enough factions and planets to have a couple of alts and the factions are different enough to have completely different play styles.

Thats about it im afraid, the bad side :-

The world is completely player made and unfortunately - its the elitists with a dominative fetish that make it to the top of the chain and command everyone below them. Unfortunately, it happens to all games, i came from planetside where the same problem exists.
I dont know whether its because the profession system is completely unstarted but theres no objectives to the game. Get money & grind the one exp strain - then when you want rank 4 (rank 3 = 3 days work), you have to be elected!? If the profession system will be made - then this game is alpha stage as major features are incomplete. Same with the game engine, its not really fair to subject a community of thousands to a new game engine which is almost a pre-alpha design decision. The new game engine is also really aweful, same graphical standard as half-life 1.

The result is that you run around a world where peoples factions are only visible at touching distance and then you can kill them if the person above you says its ok - not exactly fast paced FPS. The merc faction could be the games saviour but its a little too disorganised to offer anything to n00bs.

This game is a social experiment that is going down hill and its really dissappointing. It could have been a more successful version of project entropia.

Note: PlayNC will refuse to allow you access to your account if you forget your password and can't provide a scanned image of the product key for the first product you purchased..... LOL


  • Strider1233Strider1233 Member Posts: 176
    Some people like it some dont. Everyone says they want something besides a grind, here it is. Its all about YOUR skills. How well you shoot, how well you negotiate ect. If you suck at all of this you dont gain rank, its as simple as that. Each faction does things differently.


  • grimbojgrimboj Member Posts: 2,102

    lol I pwned about 10 people in an hour but there didnt seem much to do

    Note: PlayNC will refuse to allow you access to your account if you forget your password and can't provide a scanned image of the product key for the first product you purchased..... LOL

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