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The latest World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth cinematic is out and about, this time showing Saurfang as he finds Thrall in Outland Nagrand. It is the third BfA cinematic that Saurfang "stars" in as the story turns again to the "tribal Horde" and marks the return of Thrall.
mmorpg junkie since 1999
3rd faction possibility? One can dream.
Now as much as the better part of me like to see him return home after all this is done and get on with his farm... I sure hope we are looking towards a epic showdown a la Endgame.
Because Sylvanas make for the perfect broken character, but that is also it. She is so bloody broken that there is no real saving her.
Time to layeth the smacketh down.
Sadly i assume it will cost him his life, much like all his other friends.
This have been a good conversation
That's like saying, the gorilla has been working out.
21 year MMO veteran
PvP Raid Leader
Lover of The Witcher & CD Projekt Red
Or just make WoW 2...
Sorry, but that makes no sense. It was a 5 minute video on a grassy plain with one simple structure. Have you actually played BfA? Up to the current patch? Have you found the underwater Tortollan bar? Done any of the wow secrets stuff? Rode the sandboard down he back of the giant snake scuplture? Or maybe just did the most optimal activities to get a decent level of gear over and over again? Or just rage quit that you didn't get something you want for free? If you want to say the azerite armour sucks, sure. Its a big step down from the class campaigns from Legion I can't argue. But for me I can see there are still a lot of talented people trying to put as much as they can into the game. There is stuff going on all over the place, more than I can say for classic where a large portion of the game is barren an deserted.
Yeah, at the end of August. It's patch 0.5, they are going backwards.
Dungeons was another bad part in BfA for me. They do not feel epic ( like in Legion ) and that's because of whoever designed them to be like that.
(Almost) No cinematics at all in BfA, especially in the War Campaign. In Legion ( yes, right from the launch ) we had lots and lots of story and cinematic to begin with. The story itself (was?) is bad in BfA. I often asked myself "..wait, wtf?" .
No crafting ( in the real meaning ) , no Followers ( Legion like ), no "end game" ( at least in Legion, you had Suramar which from my point of view, was amazing and also Legendary grind! )...and I could go on and on .. about why I think BfA is the worst expansion ever, but .. you get the idea.
Hate? You confuse hate with logic and statistics. WoW as of now, is as dead as he can be. There was never a time in WoW history, when WoW was this ..dead. Sure, there are still lots of people playing, but they are at the lowest, when it comes to the numbers. You will now ask me "how do I know?". I just know! From my many friends who were "WoW Forever" , which now they don't even want to hear about it, to the many, many bad reviews and ratings on different websites. Sure, for you ( being a fan ), you might say "real numbers or gtfo" , but .. we both know that WoW is struggling at this point like in no other expansion.
PS: Just like GoT with the new season. If I tell a GoT fan now, that episode 8.04 has 6.1 on IMDB, he will say that ratings don't matter. But, did they matter for almost all other episodes who they have from 8.0 to 9.9 ?! ...the point is, ratings DO matter. It shows how good a product is. is sitting at 3.1/10. Whereas the next one is Warlords with 5.9/10.
I am not hating WoW. I can never hate WoW.
...but I do hate what they did with WoW in BfA. For me, is a ruined expansion!
Where in my comment did you get RP doesn't matter though? XD
I haven't had a problem with the story or RP elements of BfA. I would say I'm not invested in the story as much as my own characters though. I dont care what happens to Sylvanis as long as I'm having fun. I prefer they add a player DM/Custom content option in than more story. I'm curious what your WTF moments were though
That would explain the deaths, city burnings, and Cersei Sylvanis's behaviour.
Role wise the Night King is N'Zoth, gone for thousands of years, no one thinks he really exists, same amount of personality, and he's back baby!
For the Dark Lady!
When you use /spit or /rude on queen Azshara on ptr.
I shouldn't have expected much after last season. It was too good to last I guess.
Aside from a city full of innocents actually burning I can't see any other parallels there though.