I wish I could go back to high school, then I could be a kid again... Damm, enjoy it while u can. I how come I never got the post teen handbook, you know, how to put all the pieces together. In any case, its work work work as usual...
I don't really miss High School. I thought I would because everyone I knew who graduated seemed to prefer HS over their job, but I definately choose work over school. Even back in college it was 5x better than HS. Work may have been tougher but it was all essays and such due once every few weeks and no worksheets or any of that crap.
I wish I could go back to high school, then I could be a kid again... Damm, enjoy it while u can. I how come I never got the post teen handbook, you know, how to put all the pieces together. In any case, its
work work work as usual...
I'm in school right now... damn adult ed!!!!
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Stealth - Ambush - Hemorrhage - Sinister Strike x2 - Cold Blood - Eviscerate - Vanish - Preparation - Cold Blood - Ambush - ... you're dead! :P