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The hatred in and around EQ 2
Don't you agree?
I mean look at Wow's huge success.
It's no wonder why Eq 2 community seems to be very rude and immature.
I guess it's only natural if you aren't a diehard fan of this game that you would feel uncomfortable amongst
the EQ 2 community in general,and therefore maybe inclined to join Wow instead where you will be welcomed kindly with open arms.
It's strange for such a carebear game; it really is.I think what it is;
is it brings out that PVE Elitist attitude that Eqer's get and they get that fake sense they are better than everyone else and that maybe the core of the rudeness.
Like when i had made an alt newbie and i bumped into a high level friend of mine.They not knowing who i was when i msg them
they were like im way too busy right now i cant waste time talking to some lowbie you,lost all respect for him and all his friends they are just like him.
the Elitist im better than you attitude just makes me sick
Lol, its a game. Take it like one.
Neither game is better then the other, its a matter of personal preference. There is no elitest attitude in solely either game, both have them. I know alot of RL and game friends from WoW that were a bit competitive, thinking they were better then everyone else at there class. Well I know some of them in RL, they arent like that at all.
SoE probably is jealous of Blizzard, they are making alot of money. But they are doing something about it, making their game better with more content. Something Blizzard could try.
agreed with 9216544, both games have their jackasses and both games have their good people, as all games do. however, i have to disagree with the OP somewhat, because IMO the community is BETTER in EQ2 than WoW in general.
Schutzbar - Human Warrior - Windrunner Alliance - World of Warcraft
Nihilanth - Kerra Paladin - Blackburrow - EverQuest II
XBL Gamertag - Eagle15GT
--Nyture, Arc Convoker of fironia vie server (EQ) --Retired--
-- Nytur 39 Conjuror of Lucan D'lere (Quit due to low populations)
-- Currently playing WoW while waiting for vanguard
Explorer 66%
Socializer 60%
Killer 53%
Achiever 20%
PLEASE SOE MAKE A CLASSIC EQ SERVER. Shadow of luclin was a prick in EQs side. PoP Was a gun to the face.
Maybe you get a bad vibe from the EQ2 community because you troll EQ2 forums talking about WoW and they flame you for it.
I knew i would just get flamed.
Most of you Eq ppl are just not so nice at all.
I thought i would love this game,i wanted to too.I tried to like the game i really did.
Maybe,hopefully, one day, Soe will change everything,"have an upgrade" and it will become a totally different game,
like they did in SWG.
you mean like the combat revamp currently on test server?
Schutzbar - Human Warrior - Windrunner Alliance - World of Warcraft
Nihilanth - Kerra Paladin - Blackburrow - EverQuest II
XBL Gamertag - Eagle15GT
I totally agree here. I played WoW extensively before moving to EQ2, and I found the difference in community to be night and day.
I recently went back to WoW for a short period, and left again due to the high idiot factor.
Well I would not comb ppl in this site to be "THE community of EQ2". On other mmo sites and in the EQ2 forums people are nicer. This community in just sux hard Im afraid, and I think its due to because there are a high number of young users. Resulting in alot of flaming and "This game owns all" comments etc. since this site is most likley to hit the top when googling for mmorpg sites.
But to defend the community here the EQ2 section is a higher standard then the other sections.
I have been here along time, and seen the sad evolution to what it has become. But at times it is a fun read, you just have to know when to even bother to respond to a comment or just leave it.
Heh. I don't see where you got flamed at all by anyone. And if you feel you did, I believe you are being over-sensitive. And don't consider this a flame, cause it is in no way meant to be one. And if it hurt your feelings, then don't blame the EQ2 community because I don't play EQ2.
Oh, and people might take you a little more seriously, if you didn't post contradictive posts in different sections just trying to get peoples hackles up. But, hey, if thats your thing, more power to you.
Everything born must die. All that is, will come to ruin. This is the essence of Doom. So sayeth the Doomsayer.
LOL i wonder where this came from.
I have played EQ2 and WoW in beta/launch and can safely say i have rarely seen ingame any of this games get bashed.
Yes i see it on this forum from BOTH sides but its usually due to someone starting a flame war mainly thru lies of a particular game to make his own game look good.
Ingame people have better things to do in both WoW and EQ2
Also it is weird you think people actually care which game outsells which.Most people do not work for any of this companies and even if they did they are probably on salaries not shares.So what bearing does it have to say me if a game outsells another.
As long as you have people to play and interact with i care less.Thus i usually say i prefer to play a game with 10k capacity servers and overall sub of 50k then a game with 5k server capacity and 500000 million subs.
The EQ2 community thinks like this:
"We are the most intellectually superior gamers in history and anybody who disagrees is a Nazi and should be put into a concentration camp.....also EQ2's population is the highest it has ever been and is not plummeting".
That's kinda true to some extent, EverQuest 2 has some pretty arrogant people playing it, mind you, those fine speciments of the pinnacle of human evolution often can't operate a PC (they are what I like to refer to as closet Mac users), yet they think the universe revolves around them and they take the liberty of assuming everyone else is inferior (especially if they play WoW).
That said, EQ2 community doesn't come close to WoW's level of immatureness, and as much as I love WoW as a game, the community is simply horrible - it's made of the typical Blizzard fan base, every other 13 years old from Alaska to Japan, and each of them is out there trying to prove a point (god knows what point, but they're loud and obnoxious none the less).
That said, I hope EQ2 devs draw a little more inspiration from WoW, because EQ2 is currently oozing with corporate game bytaste, and it would have been so much better if EQ2 didn't try to cater to all of the market groups, with a focus on the group first stated, which results in a simplified, tasteless and overall very simplistic game - because mr. Joe Casual might be better than you and I, but he surely can't be bothered to actually use his Perception (5 skill points at level 20!) to understand the mechanics of the game and his class, and he needs it all thinned out and spoon fed to him.
[edit: go go leet English skillz! hrm, maybe if it weren't 5pm already and soon reaching into my 40th hour without sleep, I'd try to word it better. Meanwhile, typos begone!]
Always run with scissors. The quicker you go, the quicker you'll get to your destination and the quicker you'll finish using the scissors, therefore significantly reducing your chances of injuring yourself
I think you can say the same of pretty much any game's fanboys :-)
Honestly, I've found that all this EQ II vs. WoW BS exists pretty much soley on message boards. In game peaple are too busy debating fine points of various character builds or race choices, the best grind spot, and other game-centric innanities.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
I find it interesting how it's always EQ2 vs. WoW instead of EQ2 vs. some other game or WoW vs. some other game (except Guild Wars, but that died out pretty fast). It's like fans KNOW that EQ2/WoW is big enough to be considered a threat and they have to promote their game as the best in order to make sure users are persuaded to play what they play and avoid the competition.
--Nyture, Arc Convoker of fironia vie server (EQ) --Retired--
-- Nytur 39 Conjuror of Lucan D'lere (Quit due to low populations)
-- Currently playing WoW while waiting for vanguard
Explorer 66%
Socializer 60%
Killer 53%
Achiever 20%
PLEASE SOE MAKE A CLASSIC EQ SERVER. Shadow of luclin was a prick in EQs side. PoP Was a gun to the face.
Yes folks, yet another moment of intellectual supremecy by swiftflow. Thanks yet again for another chuckle swift!
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
What? So lets see, your friend gave you the shaft so your sore about it and now all of the EQ II community is to blame? You did say this was YOUR friend, perhaps you should start picking your friends better.
AH! And ofcourse how did I not see it, its PvE's fault! If the game had PvP this would never of happened! Seriously now nerd, give it up. This is a really pathetic attempt to fire things up around here.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
I disagree with that remark. Yes, there are more young people playing WoW but there are some very decent folk out there who are as helpful as any I've seen in EQ2, there just sems to be many more peeps in WoW than EQ2 so you're bound to get a few rotten apples here and there.
I think it's safe to say that the majority of WoW's community is quite immature. Just run around the cities and hotzones for a day or two and you'll see what I mean. That kind of chatter doesn't show up in EQ2 very often and I haven't personally have seen any of it myself.
woops sorry dum comp
Interesting. I recently came back to EQ2 after taking an extended (6 month) break from it because it wasn't all that hot at release.
Nobody I have run into in EQ2 talks much about WoW. Matter of fact many of my friends in game that I've met, who are also "new" players or "returning" players are coming *from* WoW because they're bored there.
I have yet to run into a person with a 'I'm better than you' attitude in the game.
I have yet to see an 'elitist' attitude towards anyone in the game.
Things I have seen:
LOTS more Roleplaying than ever I saw in WoW.
LOTS more grouping than I ever saw in WoW.
LOTS more content than I ever saw in WoW.
I'm not saying one game is better than the other but saying that players of EQ2 are jealous of WoW?
I think it's the other way around. I never really see EQ2 players mention WoW unless they have tried it. And usually they only comment when asked about it to inform whoever asked how they felt about it. But I sure do see a lot of WoW fans talking bad about EQ2 regardless of whether they're asked or not. I never understood why players of one game would care about the other unless they just are so bored that they have nothing better to do than worry about what another game is doing.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
First, EQ2 is hardly a failure, at several hundred thousand subscriptions. Prior to Dec, 2004, that would have been called a runaway success. Lineage and Lineage 2 derive the overwhelming bulk of their players from one part of the world, and it isn't North America. If you're going to compare subscriptions, or make comments, you should make sure you're comparing like to like.
On the topic of WoW. WoW is the EXCEPTION in the world of MMORPGs, not the rule. 1 Game has >1 million subscribers in the U.S. out of dozens and dozens of games. If that's the standard, then the enormous monies SOE rolled in from EQ1 didn't happen, 'cause it would be considered, by your standard, a failure. Hardly.
If you want to actually address the differences between the two games and the merits/demerits of both, that's one thing. I have not met any player of EQ2 who actually said or expressed the words or idea of "gee, I'm jealous of WoW", or even that went FROM EQ2 to WoW and didn't come back. Met tons of folks, including me, who got both at launch, played both for several months, and have dropped WoW completely and have no intention of going back.
On the other hand, prior to leaving WoW, there was a LOT of immature chat going on about how WoW "pWNs" every other MMORPG out there. Far too many morons out there can't seem to grasp that they need to PLAY the game they enjoy; too many seem to feel the need to curse, L33t-speak, slam the "other games", as though they aren't complete if they aren't slamming other games that they may or may not have even played.
Would I like to see more players in EQ2? Sure. Never hurts. Would I want to trade the current EQ2 environment, with little L33t-speak crap going on, for the environment of WoW, which was absolutely DRENCHED in it? Not a chance. Rather have 300,000-400,000 people any day of the week.
I too have until recently been playing both(have loads of post on this).
I recently dropped WoW and faced more of my play time on EQ2 and i am quite happy.
I am not even sure if i want to see more people on my server because i always have tons of people to hunt with.Mind you i am level 50 in EQ2 so maybe it is very bad at the low levels i cannot say.