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Don't listen to all these flamers, wow is the best and will be the best MMO for a long time. I saw a video with the developers and they said they have huge plans for the game. New planets, continents, races, classes, and player housing.
If you see people complaining about population or end-game content, tehy just have no friends. I've been 1-60 4 times now as a CASUAL player and I'm loving it. It never gets boring because EACH time I started a new character, I always meet new friends. YES theer are a lot of mean people in wow but teer are even more nice people that are just silent.
Go out and adventure, no grind like ANY other MMO, tradeskills are easy and fun, and the auction house is a very nice feature.
If your just starting or wanna make a new character, I'de suggest going to the URSIN SERVER because it's only 14 days old... New servers are always best for people just starting. Have fun with your decisions!
I play on Ursin PvP Realm on Alliance. I'm a 40 NE Warrior. Names Raserei, msg me in game! :P
I may enjoy it if I ever manage to complete the sign up process which sucks to holy hell. It's been over 40 mins now and the server still is useless.
Currently playing: World of Warcraft. Love the Recruit a Friend program!
Waiting for WAR.
Unfortunately, you're propably trying to sign-on during the maintance time every Tuesday. You may want to wait until later in the day or evening.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
I must be *extra* casual. You have 4 60th level characters playing casual?
What do you consider casual?
Playerbase Solutions
Leveling in Wow is a piece of cake, do quests up to 35, then grind and kill quests and farm instances and your set. Leveled a character to 60 in 16 days /played time. and mutliple toons different classed to around 40, and currently on a new server with 53 hunter levelin little slower because im running a guild this time around but still about 15 days /played time.
Wow is fun - but truthfully the only reason I play it is because my wife plays with me and she loves the hell out of it.. id rather play Eve, or DAoC.
Wow to me is more like an archade game rather then an mmorpg
Wow lacks depth and immersiveness - if there was no pvp i wouldnt play it :P
Wow's current worlds are too small - I like wide open spaces mountains that i could actually climb and explore and such.
Compaired to deep immersive mmo's like, EVE, DAOC, AC/2 WoW's community has a lot of young immature players, that are new to mmorpgs's and frankley do not know really how to be appart of a good community... but all in all the games still fun, however Hero's jouney, DnL will blow wow away when they come out.
Tantus Games
COO/Game Director
WoW is the best MMORPG?
Most popular. Yes.
Best? that's a subjective term.
What is the best film of all time? Best Song? Album?
Well, I can see 16 days played time working for getting to 60.
16 days played time X 4 = 64 days x 24 = 1536 hours played time. This is 2 months of a persons life and definitely not casual. Even if you played 2 hours a night, which is typical casual, you would have to play for 25 months straight. To go one step further, if you played 4 hours a night (384 straight nights), you would have to play for just under 13 months on an average of 30 days a month.
I am pretty sure you can get to 60 faster. I just wanted to see what was considered average in this thread.
Please tell me I have my math wrong on that one.
Playerbase Solutions
World of Warcraft has the same grind then any other game. They just tack on 20x the running, lots of fun eh? Quests are so much fun when you ahve to run from point a to point b. kill 20 mobs at point b. woooo
World of Warcraft masks its grind with quests, but don't kid yourself. Thats all it is, grind out your levels with quests(effectively grinding is just as fast, if not faster then questing, unless you have done the quests before or have maps, and if you have done/have either, then guess what it feels like grinding).
Not to mention the "grind" at 60 to get the best gear.
WoW has a grind like every other mmo. They just try to hide it, and most fanboys you cant see it.
Really not saying its bad or a bad game, im just speaking the truth
I agree, this may be the most popular MMO it isnt the best. This game is good because when you first play it the easy interface + leveling sucks you into it. then it slows down but you keep wantjing to play while you give Blizzard money. I like the game, but i would rather play somting else, the only thing that keeps me in WoW is my guildies + my friends other wise i would quit and play somthing else.
WoW is the most popular. It brings nothing new to the MMORPG market and not much of a future. Most people I know play this for 6 months max then move back to the 'better' MMORPG's after seeing the reality of the hype.
For that love Warcraft...WoW is the best MMORPG that I even play! I'm playing since 2004 and I prefere WoW than Guild Wars or Knight Online or anyother else....
Well this is my message...WoW is at the moment the best!
Oh, well if the designers said it then it's obviously going to happen. I have some property to sell you too. Developers also said there would be Hero Classes and Battlegrounds at release, how did that work out?
You're obviously super casual if you have 4 level 60 characters and you just prove the main complaint of the average player that there is nothing to do at level 60.