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28 year old dies of heart failure after 50 hour gaming binge

Anyone who has Opera might've already seen this but wow. Had to post it.


  • QwertykeyQwertykey Member Posts: 23

    There was another topic of this but anyway, at 28 years old you'd think he'd have more sence then that, what a dumbass.

    A note to everyone, Don't play games for 50 hours straight. If someone has to explain to you why you shouldn't then you ought not be playing games at all.

    Cannibalistic cows eat cows.
    Cannibalistic people eat people.
    Cannibalistic cannibals eat cannibals.
    So why are there cannibals?

  • 92165449216544 Member Posts: 1,904

    Well to begin with, he probably was very unhealthy, was not eating alot, was not drinking water or any fluids, etc. There are many factors that could relate to his heart problem.

  • HifructoseHifructose Member Posts: 308

    Oh yah I see it in the Pub. I looked for it but didn't think someone would put it there since I the article says he was playing war strategy games or something so that's technically off-topic. I would like to know more about his condition.

    Just the fact that they didn't mention anything about his health makes you think maybe there wasn't anything obviously wrong with him, but all it really says is "the police think it's due to exhaustion" but police aren't doctors so....yeah would be nice if they follow this up but it's not likely i guess.

  • SiphonsSiphons Member Posts: 445

    I suspect some form of drugs that got him to make that decision. or maybe someone at work made him reeeeally mad so he had to spend days killing stuff ::::31::

    All you friggin suburban white kid wannabe poobutts that are in love with G-Unit are sad and pathetic. Find your own identity ::::28:: -Anarchyart

  • EgaoNoGenkiEgaoNoGenki Member Posts: 397

    I hope he wasn't a relative.

    I'm 1/2 Korean and it's my understanding that South Koreans have a very advanced gaming industry.

    He should've gotten his own computer (perhaps on a payment-per-month lease), with its desk right next to a bed. I have mine right next to my bed so if I need sleep, I'd just jump into it and even perhaps start dreaming before my head hits the sack! That helps preserve my health.

    He should've ordered delivery meals via cellphone from a Subway restaurant. He may have survived if so.

    Oh, and btw, what game was he playing?

  • SobishSobish Member Posts: 61

    Now thats a "Hard Core Gamer" !!!  image

    Bout longest I went was 20 hours and thought that was too much.

  • stegersteger Member Posts: 1


    that really does sound healthy. Maybe he could have been even more HEALTHY and lived even longer if he had fluid food injected directly into his veins, instead of ordering via cell phone, huh. Lol, hahah...

  • HifructoseHifructose Member Posts: 308

    Subway delivers?!?! you mean only in Korea right?

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