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EA Games

Ne08PNe08P Member Posts: 20

Is it just me or do EA suck? After playing C&C Generals I learned how badly done some software is and quite frankly for the biggest games producer in the world is that acceptible? When I am talking about C&C Generals Zero Hour I am referring to it's online play. Here are my reasons as to why it sucks so badly;

1. Stats - it isn't surprising to win a game online and get a loss or a disconnect on your stats - I mean what could possibly be easier to program and GET RIGHT? Another stupid thing they have is disconnects, WHY? If a sports player leaves the game then he has lost simple as that - why make it any different with computer games. You either lose or you win. Admitedly the other person usually gets a win if you disconnect but it is still a stupid feature to have because people always just disconnect if you beat them.

2. Game play - although the game interface is relatively simple and cool looking, the actual game play is ridiculously poorly "nerfed". What I mean by that is the fact that some of the generals are MUCH more powerful than others. Take the super weapons as a prime example - the nuke vs the scud storm; normal programmers would make such things close to or exactly the same to make the game fair but no, not EA. Nukes require power - take longer to count down - are easier to kill and hardly do anything and in actual fact dont even destroy a GLA tunnel network with a direct hit. Scud storms on the other hand require no power, dont take as long to count down, are much harder to kill, anihilate whatever they hit as well as absolutely loads around them, can be made invisible if your the stealth general. Now does that sound fair? NO, because it just plainly isn't. There are other things similar to this which are also stupid, im talking about gain/cost here. A king raptor is another controversial unit. They are 1100, fly, rip any enemy vehicle apart except an overlord, kill all men inside, see stealth units, 5 patriots cant shoot one down and they reload in about 5 seconds. How exactly are you supposed to stop 1? nevermind 20. Oh and they can also make commanches which build faster than Battlemasters, they are helicopters which are very cheap, fast to build, waste things and can be invisible - how do you stop those without covering ur base with stinger sites?

3. Third and final point because I am tired and can't be arsed anymore. The majority of people who play it are arrogant, ignorant, immature, geeky, twits oh and you've guessed it - most of them are American just like EA. No offence but most of the idiots on the internet are Americans. People use map hacks - which EA STILL haven't managed to eliminate from the game. Map hacks allow you to mismatch if you lose so eveeryone involved gets a "disconnect" on their stats. And anyone wiht the power that I know has used that power, basically because they are all pathetic twats. I know it is just a game but to be honest it is not the "game" that annoys me, it's the idea of these big companies producing shite and the only reason they get away with it is because the general population that uses the stuff are as thick as two short planks and need to get laid.

There is no real nice way to say this so I'm just gonna say it, EA are a bunch of fucking arseholes. Rant Over.


PS I heard Earth and Beyond sucked too, I know Fifa for the PS2 does - they change the UI each year and sell it back to you for another £45.


  • SackynutSackynut Member Posts: 558

    I agree, some of Ea's games are alright but i do also have a problem with the company. Sometimes, theyre games are almost the same as the version before it. They push developers to get games out early, and the games end up being SUPER buggy (eg. bf2). Alot of EAs games suck as well. They are just horrible, the gameplay and time put into it is nothing. Take for example, Madden series. They started out with a awesome game idea and awesome game play. Then they started making the games better each year, and then about 3 years ago, basically they took the game and repackaged it. The only difference to me is the graphics which i dont really care about in a console game.


  • lyonman24lyonman24 Member Posts: 855

    not to be a ass but to just figure this out is amazing lol i haver been well aware of EA's lack of intelligence since they messed up UO arg bastard::::26::::::20::::::28::

  • Sparks243Sparks243 Member Posts: 271

    EA has been dropping the ball on some high profile games. Goldeneye Rogue Agent was supposed to be an amazing game, but it flopped. Same thing is happening now with EA's sports titles for the PSP.


  • EnigmaEnigma Member UncommonPosts: 11,384

    since EA's Battlefield 2 nearly destroyed 500 bucks in harddrives....I would have to agree with the assessment that EA isn't the best company when it comes to gaming right about now.

    People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.

  • Ne08PNe08P Member Posts: 20

    Who mentioned hate? I don't hate many people - certainly not a games company. That cleared up - it's not about screwing something up - everyone does that, it's screwing EVERYTHING up. Name an EA game that is worth the money?

    Reason EA gets the most slagging is because it's the biggest, and the worst, plain and simple as that. You know they actually have a code that game testing to 95% is good enough, same as microsoft - 95% just isn't good enough when I am paying almost £50 for their product, so I am sorry if you feel offended, but they do suck - keeping in mind that their programmers will be on $60 000 per year or more. If you see that as acceptible then your mistaken.

    Simple fact is they have a stupid "American" invented attitude to games. No offence to any Americans but this idea of big is good doesn't wash with me and apparently doesn't wash with most Americans anymore. Finally some sense. EA suck - fact. They will only change my mind if they make something extremely good, which I cannot see in the near future.

  • Sparks243Sparks243 Member Posts: 271

    Can't we have honest criticism over games and separate the games themself from the company that puts it out?

    EA has been putting out a lot of sub-par games lately, and there customer service has been slipping too (ask anyone that downloaded EA's BF2 update.) but that doesn't mean I hate EA or think they suck. It is possiable to rebuke without hate.


  • EnigmaEnigma Member UncommonPosts: 11,384

    I dont hate EA at all

    However, after I lost 600 gigs of data from my drives from Playing Battlefield 2 I tend to stay away from their products now.

    The scary part of all of this is the fact that I received an email from EA customer support and they acknowledge potential hardware failure on BF2. However, since they cannot exactly pinpoint the problem and it's only happened to a few dozen people, they do not feel it is necessary to make a public announcement.


    Any game that is capable of turning a 3,000 dollar homebuilt system to goo stays away from my desk. And, unfortunately, its EA

    however, my wife still plays Sims2 religiously right now.

    People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.

  • Rikimaru_XRikimaru_X Member UncommonPosts: 11,718

    My dad loves C&C games (hes 40 somthing I beleive) and he plays C&C Generals Zero Hour all the time. I have to admit that Generals was pretty good though.

    I do also have to admit that EA Games has been pretty downed a bit. Did this all started after that stuff about contracts that imprisons emplyees to work without freetime or somthing?

    -In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-

  • sidebustersidebuster Member UncommonPosts: 1,712

    Originally posted by Ne08P

    is they have a stupid "American" invented attitude to games. No offence to any Americans but this idea of big is good doesn't wash with me and apparently doesn't wash with most Americans anymore. Finally some sense. EA suck - fact. They will only change my mind if they make something extremely good, which I cannot see in the near future.

    they have a stupid "United Kingdom" invented attitude to games. No offence to any fancy pants but this idea of big is good doesn't wash with me and apparently doesn't wash with most fancy pants anymore. Finally some sense. EA suck - fact. They will only change my mind if they make something extremely good, which I cannot see in the near future.

    EA just isn't an American company... and I do take offense to that childish statement. I added in your countries stupid ivented attitude to see how it looks.

  • Rikimaru_XRikimaru_X Member UncommonPosts: 11,718

    Originally posted by sidebuster

    Originally posted by Ne08P

    is they have a stupid "American" invented attitude to games. No offence to any Americans but this idea of big is good doesn't wash with me and apparently doesn't wash with most Americans anymore. Finally some sense. EA suck - fact. They will only change my mind if they make something extremely good, which I cannot see in the near future.

    they have a stupid "United Kingdom" invented attitude to games. No offence to any fancy pants but this idea of big is good doesn't wash with me and apparently doesn't wash with most fancy pants anymore. Finally some sense. EA suck - fact. They will only change my mind if they make something extremely good, which I cannot see in the near future.

    EA just isn't an American company... and I do take offense to that childish statement. I added in your countries stupid ivented attitude to see how it looks.

    PWNED! I also take that to offence Neo. Very childish indeed.

    -In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-

  • GideonGideon Member UncommonPosts: 629

    Originally posted by sidebuster
    Originally posted by Ne08P
    is they have a stupid "American" invented attitude to games. No offence to any Americans but this idea of big is good doesn't wash with me and apparently doesn't wash with most Americans anymore. Finally some sense. EA suck - fact. They will only change my mind if they make something extremely good, which I cannot see in the near future.
    they have a stupid "United Kingdom" invented attitude to games. No offence to any fancy pants but this idea of big is good doesn't wash with me and apparently doesn't wash with most fancy pants anymore. Finally some sense. EA suck - fact. They will only change my mind if they make something extremely good, which I cannot see in the near future.
    EA just isn't an American company... and I do take offense to that childish statement. I added in your countries stupid ivented attitude to see how it looks.

    Agreed.. Who ever said that... that was very childish of you. Back on to subject. Ive always liked EA quite a bit but there has been a few titles that werent that great. Overall though they have many great games that have been worth while like Sims, BF, Sports, C&C, SSX, Black & White, Medal of honor, and much more. I didnt like how they baught out NFL rights cus I liked both Madden and ESPN football. That made me dislike them for a while but I realized I wouldnt be missing much as long as theres still a madden. I think EA has it going for them and I think they always will.

  • SackynutSackynut Member Posts: 558

    Well, we have to understand that EA isnt nesiscarly (bad spelling srry) deveoping these games, companies like DICE are or whoever. Of course EA is publishing them, and testing and everything, but there not ALL at fault. I would like to point out however, that if you go to, go to the halo OR halo2 section, look at all the concept drawings, storyline, everything, youll see how much time, effort, vision, revision creativity and much more was put into making the halo games. And how they released it when it was 100% complete. EA just doesnt do that. And they might every once in a while make a great fun game, but most of theyre games compared to games like Halo dont cut it.

    and rikimaru, you dont know how old your dad is?


  • Ne08PNe08P Member Posts: 20

    The part where I said the American attitude to things is true. It is not directed at every average American hence the part where I said "and it doesn't wash with most Americans now either". The real point of that issue is name one American businessman who doesn't go for profit before even the rights of his staff and their comfort. I have been to the USA many times and everything controlled by a capitalist company is BIG, much bigger than in the UK. Your McDonals for example is 100% bigger than ours. So to say it is a childish comment is narrow minded, you have simply missed the point. EA would do a lot better, in terms of people liking them, if they made 10 excellent games a year - well within their abilities, rather than making 100 crap games.

    Another point that was mis-read was the point I made about Fifa. Hell yea I like Fifa - that is one game they made that I enjoyed atleast for a few weeks - but then they resell the game to you each year and simply put the "year" up one. I am a programmer of games myself and had a serious debate with a friend of mine - who works with EA games, over Fifa. If you actually look closely at all the Fifa games you will see that Fifa 2001 isn't terribly different to Fifa 2005. Slightly better graphics and slighty "different" UI really doesn't justify spending £50 does it?

    As for the Sims, again it was an enjoyable game, for a few weeks. I feel those games just lack an ultimate goal - if Football is your thing then fine, play game after game of it, if making a house and running some animated characters rather than yourself is your thing, then fine do that too day in day out. By the way as a point with the Sims, I installed an expansion version of that onto my computer a few years back and ended up having to reformat my hard drive.

    As for EA damaging computers, I would advise anyone to sue for that. If you ate something out of a restaurant and got sick as a result you would fully expect compensation. I am sure on the front cover of that EA game it didn't say "This game seriously harms your computer". Doubt it. Everyone makes mistakes but EA's mistakes are avoidable as they rush their staff to get them made quickly for more money, it's as simple as money. If it was a genuine mistake with a game then fine, but it isn't - it is simply neglegance on EA's part.

    Medal of Honour - completed in about 3 days - it just wasn't worth the money to be perfectly honest. Another example of EA's lack of ability to produce quality software. Now give me some good examples of EA games - fine - but the point is if one grape in your vine was poisonous would that be acceptable? Didn;t think so nevermind 4 or 5 grapes per 20.

    This is not an anti-american post - a fact I put forward was that most idiots online are American males, that is a fact because I have done a survey on it, talking to people - giving them a "name" and then finding out where they were from so that it wasn't biased. I back my arguments up with fact, that's the only reason i did that otherwise sad thing.

  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378

    Battlefield 2 torched my hard drive too. It ended up being a good thing though because I got rid of all the crap programs I had and now my computer honestly runs sooo much better than ever lol.

    Battlefield 2 is THE most fun I have had gaming in about 10 years. I often find my self laughing myself into hysterics over some of the stuff that happens.

    Example: I unlocked the M95 sniper rifle and on the clean sweep map I was perched atop the hill overlooking the northernmost MEC base. The one that is closest to the northern US army base. Anywho along comes the AHZ-10 attack chopper (SP?). It had just flown out of the base and was fresh as a daisy.

    Now the M95 is the most powerful sniper rifle in the world and can pierce 2 inches of armor plating (or something like that, I saw it on 60 minutes). So in comes the brave pilot and his gunner flying low over the MEC base. I sighted him up as he leaned left so that the canopy was completely exposed to me.

    I aimed for the pilots head and BAM! FIRE! My bullet somehow blew the entire damn thing up! Then on my screen it says

    anarchyart [AHZ-10] *pilots name*

    anarchyart [AHZ-10] *gunners name*(don't remember their names)

    ROFL so technically I killed them both with their own helicopter with a single round from the M95. I almost fell out of my damn chair I was laughing so hard. You really just can't buy that kind of fun.

    Now the game itself is as buggy a title as I have ever seen, but it is also as technically advanced as any title I have ever played. You take the good with the bad sometimes, and with BF2 the good pwns the bad big time.

    EA is the largest developer arguably in the world, so of course they are gonna have their buggy titles and also their detractors. I happen to love EA games and they have been pleasing me since I was knee high to a grasshopper, to use a dukes of hazard colloquialism. image (holy crap spell checker told me I spelled colloquialism correctly)

  • GamewizeGamewize Member Posts: 956
    While I dont hate EA and they have some very good games, they seemed to be alot better when they were just Electronic Arts. I still have Nuclear Strike for the computer, such a fun game. EA has had a bit of a bad record of screwing games up (Though likely not as bad as SOE).

    I think it's the objective of your past self to make you cringe.

  • HarasharHarashar Member Posts: 68

    I think it's partly the customers they are aiming for as well for example they brought out all these big 'Lord of the Rings' games all of those where pretty pance even 'Battle for Middle Earth'.  You get a lot of young people buying EA games because the majority of the games they produce are for the masses (no offense to anyone there).

      I'm not saying that all the games they produce are for the masses but i'd say a good majority is and well when your making things on that scale most of the time you can get away with the slopiness but there are times when they dont.

    I dont usually buy EA games not because there EA but because usually i'm not interested in any of them, lets take the 'Total War' series for example by Activision or Creative Assembly i forget which one i'd say all three of those titles where high quality tittles because there smaller companys and rely more heavily on single games than EA does.

    Hell i dont know much about the gaming industry itself so i could be talking out of my arse here lol but that my 2 cents, possibly misguided but meh.

  • Rikimaru_XRikimaru_X Member UncommonPosts: 11,718

    Originally posted by Sackynut
    and rikimaru, you dont know how old your dad is?


    His birthday was like 3 or 4 days How pittiful of me.

    -In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-

  • Raptor_JesusRaptor_Jesus Member Posts: 35
    i agree....EA has some bad games and they have some Bad Ass games....i rate it a 0.0001

    [color=red] bluh

  • luvbugluvbug Member Posts: 27

    well, it's a known fact that EA messes up everything they can. but no use being pessimisic. it wouldn't work anyway.

  • luvbugluvbug Member Posts: 27

    well, it's a known fact that EA messes up everything they can. but no use being pessimisic. it wouldn't work anyway.

  • RocwellRocwell Member Posts: 21

    Originally posted by Raptor_Jesus
    i agree....EA has some bad games and they have some Bad Ass games....i rate it a 0.0001

    nuff said

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