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It's been a whirlwind of a week on so many different fronts. In times like these, we all need at least 5 minutes to decompress and find out what's happening in the world of gaming. Now is that time. Here is this week's Quick 5.
Blizzard is doing the RIGHT thing,stopping 3rd party software from allowing players to automate multiboxing.
I have no care what so ever if you want to play 150 characters so long it is done by YOU and not software or illegal scripts.
I had my way I wouldn't allow ANY 3rd party tool at all,NONE.Learn your dam character,if you play 50 levels and have yet to figure out the hate meter on your own,you should never play a mmorpg ever again.LEARN the world instead of just looking at markers on a map that YOU never even put there.
if there were some tool the majority feel is needed and the developer agrees then the developer should be the one releasing the tool/addon.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
What did you expect with all these fake reviews, and sponsored "news" without sponsored TAG?
And all that shit has been repeated here several times.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars in fake reviews and sponsored "news".
The most predatory gacha of 2020 will be mentioned as a game in which monetization is not predatory in the review presented by this site.
And the worst part is that even whales who spend 5,000 dollars in gachas per month have already decided on what is the most predatory gacha on the market today and guess what.
or intuitive.
the multibox helps cut time on boring leveling.
they know this.
they sell packs of new max chars fifty bucks and up. A big carrot that admits "yes you want to but it, because who wants to be stupid enough to repeat meaningless tasks and waste your life precious time"?
Find a smart short cut and boom. Ban'ed. Pay up or get out. And what you get is f2p out dated uninspired worn out repetitive content.
Don't worry, just like P2W cash shops, just like loot boxes that we realised were predatory, they become normalised. You will see posters on this site defending them, some who I think used to speak out now take an apologist stance instated.
How many years before we see players and staff articles defending Gatcha on here? I give it about five years that's all.
Blizzard said they are getting rid of input broadcasting software, even for macroing, primarily because of multiboxing.
Straight up Blizzard stated one big part of the use of these tools is for multiboxing.
"We will soon begin issuing warnings to all players who are detected using input broadcasting software to mirror commands to multiple accounts at the same time (often used for multi-boxing)"
While "mult-boxing" is technically still allowed, the software everyone utilizes to run it, by mirroring the keystrokes, is an actionable offense.. so you do the math.
Unless you have 4 hands and two heads, good luck.
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If they're doing this with hardware only I can't even imagine how dexterous their fingers, toes and other body parts must be, /s
IMO HW-only multiboxing is a myth.
If anyone has seen a video demonstration of HW-only multiboxing in 2020 using no macros please link it - I'd love to see it.
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
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But that's not the only method. It can also be done with macros running in each secondary client that focus targets through the main client's character to attack what it attacks and also detect and duplicate whatever the main character does without any key broadcasting required.
Let me ask you something... what do you mean by HW only multiboxing? Single regular keyboard and mouse with manual-only client switching and imputing, issuing movement and action commands via mouse and KB one client at time while that client window has focus with no window focus cycling macros? Or multiple machines each running their own client and each with its own mouse and KB and the player manually switching from one KB and mouse to the next?
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
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Pressing "R" in one client and having multiple clients echo that "R" is the easiest and cheapest way to multibox. And doing that either with off the shelf software, open source free stuff or your own simple or complex macros is the way most multiboxers do it these days. And IMO, that is a cheat and should be banned.
The reason I asked about HW is because I remember seeing a picture about 15 years ago, long before software multiboxing solutions were everywhere, of someone with a Rube Goldberg home made contraption linking the 1-0 keys of 3 different KBs. That was also cheating
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
Input broadcasting DOES NOT inherently mean botting. It can mean anything from a macro, to a fully controlled artificial intelligence character.
Multiboxing can be used with software that mimics the player characters movements to another client. That isn't botting, primarily because the other character is still being remotely controlled by the player.
Botting, a player is not necessary to perform actions.
Multiboxing (without AI) uses input broadcasting software that still requires human interaction.
I don't know how to make this more clear for you.
Multiboxing without software to mimic keystrokes, or even a hardware aparatus, such as a hardware keyboard with a programmable macro system, is still an option, but not an option most people would even bother pursuing.
Blizzard is banning all input broadcasting software. So whether you're using macros, or full in software suites designed to broadcast all keystrokes, they say it's a "no no".
Well you are not wrong there, I saw a "christian" streamer managed to turn his few hundred thousands subscriber into gambling addicts lol. and get sponsored by mihoyo too. well we live in a WTF world.
I'm just a normal person, I haven't had an MMO site for over 15 years, but I still know the difference between any game and an Asian GACHA designed just to take money from addicted people.
And in less than a month, several news about GI just to say that "GI is making a big money".
There is only one place where the revenue made by GACHAs is not considered and seen as a cancer for the gaming industry and it is on specialized GACHA websites.
You say that the monetization model was criticized, but what would be the official review of this site one of the PROs (something in favor of the game) is that "monetization is not predatory". How the hell is that?
Genshin Impact is a GACHA, it is not an RPG or MMO it is a GACHA.
250 million dollars raised were not from happy players who acquired the copy of the game, they are from people who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars equivalent and that in certain countries it is possible to buy a house with such money.
There are 250 million dollars from people really frustrated that no matter how much they have spent now, even if it is in the 50 thousand dollar range, these people will have to spend a few thousand more dollars because the power creep is real in GACHA, real and extremely fast.
I have no evidence such as checks or photos with the owners of the site receiving money for this, but as a site that has been talking about MMO for over 15 years, it becomes a disseminator of GACHA.
Is GI an open and vast world? It's just technology, now the industry knows how to produce GACHA games in the open world, does that make them MMOs? Does that make them RPGs?
Hell no!
It's a GACHA, all income from games like that comes from summoning and frustration of players and the endless and fast power creep.
And for two weeks this site became a GACHA showcase saying that GI is rock based only on the monthly revenue.
Roberts Space Industries looks like a saint compared to miHoYo and GACHAs games.
Looking for evidence? 15 years of writing and debating MMOs, is it enough to know that GI is not an RPG or an MMO?
It doesn't matter if you think this is just conspiracy theory.
That is what it is.
Firstly just because something has a gacha monetization system, DOES NOT invalidate it from being any other type of game.
It's like saying that a subscription game can't be an MMO, RPG, Action game. it can be all of those things. Categorizing a game by only one aspect is ridiculous.
Does it have an open world? Yup. Is it and Action RPG? Yup. Does it use gacha for characters? Yup. It's all those things, whether you like it or not.
Then you say that because the news of how much money a popular ACTION RPG made hit this site, and despite the news articles pointing out how the monetization system is perceptualized, that somehow it's "bought and paid for".
If this is your understanding of how sites work, after 15 years of writing and debating about MMO's then maybe another 15 years is needed. Because news is just that... news.
And reviews are just reviews from ONE PERSON'S perspective. While this site had someone review the game, and they scored it fairly high, if you followed the thread that ONE PERSON stated in the thread that the editor challenged the review score, due specifically to the monetization of the game. But the reviewer *stood by his score* and that's how reviews work.
You go with what the reviewer scores it. It doesn't mean anything was "bought and paid for" because one person scored it pretty high.
And Genshin Impact does play extremely well up until around level 30 when progress slows substantially, and it can take a couple weeks or sometimes longer to get to post 30 content.
Goes to show you, how sometimes reviews can be skewed because most companies have early games that are pretty stellar but end games that are trash fires. Genshins is full of resin caps and RNG, Marvel's Avengers is full of nothing but tumbleweeds. Thems the breaks.
But it is a MMO etc, it is not just a revenue system. That does not change the fact I think it is a dangerous portent of things to come in gaming.
So I think has been blinkered here, yes it is primarily down to the writer but the buck stops at the editors. That does not mean people are taking money for this, there as you say you have no evidence. I often have arguments on here about the negative impact of revenue models, the fact a writer does not see how bad Gatcha is does not come as a surprise.
Like there is schilling and then there is seriously schilling.
The entire game is a exploitation of fear of missing out and need.
I found this out around 29 or so. It took like a day for it to become meaningless gacha.
Maybe I'm missing something but yeah from the early point you guys were schilling the game would be a ton of fun for someone looking for a breath of the wild clone on their phone.
I just think it's wise to be a bit objective on the gacha random crates in the western market.
You can't take your support back just like you can't give them money back which you wouldn't because lets face it .....I wouldn't either. I got rent too I get it.
This was on the cards with all the gambling on gaming we already have, Gatcha just has an even worse system.