In reality all they were selling was a 'Fresh Start' server. Some of the early ads even talked about 'getting to experience the game as it was' = meaning everyone started at lvl 1 and leveled up together without the handouts from players more experienced characters.
While there is a big draw for things like that, it's only of limited duration, since after the first 3 months or so everyone is scattered all over the level range and it becomes meaningless.
Age of Conan has done the same thing 3 times so far; they're great, they're packed and they close the server after 3 months so it doesn't drag out to it's death.
Nope, they were selling it as other games' progression server, which was fair I believe.
Many players wanted/expected a "proper" classic server, but to SSG's credit they've quickly made it clear it won't be anything more than a content-limited progression server.
The Saga servers of AoC were different, in goals and in design as well. Time-limited servers with leveling goals, milestones and rewards, both on characters as for community-wide.
They indeed were great (except Blood, because of screw the pvp ), they should do an another one, maybe in compensation for the fcked up anniversary.