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Is it as easy as plugging my cable modem from my old computa, to my new one? Or do I need to set up something on it, or can I just click Internet Explorer and it will work? Can someone elxplain how that would work?
Also, Can I use only one vid card on an sli motherboard? Im pretty sure you can, HAIRY
Being sad, lonely, and smelly is my way.
Pretty much that simple, but you need to do a few things.
Once you plug in your cables go to Start -> Run -> Command and then type "ipconfig /release" (minus the quotes) and after the command prompt comes back up type "ipconfig /renew" (once again, minus the quotes) and that should ahve you set.
take the wire from your old one and put it directly into your new one.
Start > Connect to > Show all connections > create a new connection
the wizard will help you from there
oh...and you spelled "computer" wrong twice. Just thought you should know.