This isnt a question, not really much of a statement either, just me ranting. How cool would it be if they started over, started fresh? Brand new game, nothing to do with the origional. I played this game for about two months, but im not gonna renew it, just didnt have that much fun. Im thinking maybe I would enjoy the clone wars better. And than a few years after it came out, when it was towards the end, to have to make the choice whether to follow the empire, after fighting for it, and turn on your generals, or stay and fight, and for a jedi, to run and hide. Or maybe something brand new, like KOTOR, where they can make a story that no ones ever heard of, so no one can really complain about continuity. I dunno, just a few random thoughts on my mind, nothing that I think they would ever do...until im in charge. I just dont think it would be that hard of a thing, considering the fact that they did infact make KOTOR, and KOTOR 2.