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Haibane Renmei (Social Guild)

PyriiPyrii Member Posts: 3

What does (social Guild) mean? Just that it's not really meant to be a competitive clan, just for nice, like-minded people to enjoy playing together. You can pvp if you want, but don't expect the entire guild to be serious about it.

I just want to bring some nice people together wo can play PvE and help eachother out and play together.

I currently have a cape and will start saving for a hall if needed.

Add katimyasaru to your freinds if you want to join and bug me when your on. I'll prolly come meet you in Old Ascalon (Europe: English 1-3)

Pyrii (AKA Nin-Wah) | Founder of clan.decay | UCL Div 3 Admin | UCL Radio DJ

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