Thing is some of the people who get banned are real players who use auto pathing macros (on/off auto walking macro) for getting on boats, platforms, or moving around islands or just afking. Really they are just too lazy to hold down a mouse button to move. I get it, but if it's triggering bans, maybe hold off on using it until they build a more creative way to detect bots; which in my opinion the best way to stop bots is to start at the account making process.
Some people claim using auto clickers/macro programs for higher clicks per second that get you caught up in these bans waves but not if the macros are via mice or keyboard software that is standard from brands like logitech, razer ,corsair etc, etc.
I have never used any auto clicker or macros ever in my game and yet my accounts are caught twice in these fake auto ban waves. Can somebody tell me what exactly do the auto ban algorithm checks before it bans the account??
Thing is some of the people who get banned are real players who use auto pathing macros (on/off auto walking macro) for getting on boats, platforms, or moving around islands or just afking. Really they are just too lazy to hold down a mouse button to move. I get it, but if it's triggering bans, maybe hold off on using it until they build a more creative way to detect bots; which in my opinion the best way to stop bots is to start at the account making process.
Some people claim using auto clickers/macro programs for higher clicks per second that get you caught up in these bans waves but not if the macros are via mice or keyboard software that is standard from brands like logitech, razer ,corsair etc, etc.
I have never used any auto clicker or macros ever in my game and yet my accounts are caught twice in these fake auto ban waves. Can somebody tell me what exactly do the auto ban algorithm checks before it bans the account??
Welcome to the forums!
Maybe other posters can come up with something, I don't play this one myself.
Thing is some of the people who get banned are real players who use auto pathing macros (on/off auto walking macro) for getting on boats, platforms, or moving around islands or just afking. Really they are just too lazy to hold down a mouse button to move. I get it, but if it's triggering bans, maybe hold off on using it until they build a more creative way to detect bots; which in my opinion the best way to stop bots is to start at the account making process.
Some people claim using auto clickers/macro programs for higher auto clicker per second that get you caught up in these bans waves but not if the macros are via mice or keyboard software that is standard from brands like logitech, razer ,corsair etc, etc.
I have never used any auto clicker or macros ever in my game and yet my accounts are caught twice in these fake auto ban waves. Can somebody tell me what exactly do the auto ban algorithm checks before it bans the account??
Maybe other posters can come up with something, I don't play this one myself.