Have meet alot of people thew EQ, some have left but have made new friends. The guild im in we started a anual gettogether so far first year 22 showed this past year about 12 of the original came back and 10 new people came. Hard to get eveyone together and schedualing is a pain. I talk to 5 people on the phone I have met and became friends with on EQ. Have 7 people I will chat with on AIM I know from EQ that still play. Visit one atleast 2 or 3 times a year *4 1/2 hour drive*. Now the other way to answer your question I know for a fact my guild has active 100+ members but not all of them make raid at once numbers latly in mid 40's to low 50's.
I know one person that still plays EQ. And since talking to her is making me want to come back. I wish I didn't get rid of my 65 warrior, now I'll have to start over if I do decide to come back. I'll also make either a dark elf shadow knight or a half-elf paladin.
I know of atleast 20 that play eq. Ask me to name them all hehe right that would be a bitch hehe.
Playing Fallen Earth.
Have meet alot of people thew EQ, some have left but have made new friends. The guild im in we started a anual gettogether so far first year 22 showed this past year about 12 of the original came back and 10 new people came. Hard to get eveyone together and schedualing is a pain. I talk to 5 people on the phone I have met and became friends with on EQ. Have 7 people I will chat with on AIM I know from EQ that still play. Visit one atleast 2 or 3 times a year *4 1/2 hour drive*.
Now the other way to answer your question I know for a fact my guild has active 100+ members but not all of them make raid at once numbers latly in mid 40's to low 50's.
wow u now lots of ppl (i meen in real life )
Go to the EverQuest Fan Faire in Las Vegas and you'll get a general idea of the hard core fans.
- Tienaere Damondred, 70High Priestess of the Nameless
-Onela Damondred, Necro/Ranger of Guild Wars.
-Onela, Magician/Wizard of Ragnarok.
I know one person that still plays EQ. And since talking to her is making me want to come back. I wish I didn't get rid of my 65 warrior, now I'll have to start over if I do decide to come back. I'll also make either a dark elf shadow knight or a half-elf paladin.
No one
If they brought up a classic server, I'd know one for sure and many many others I'm sure.