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Gravity is once again expanding the Ragnarok franchise with the upcoming side-scrolling MMORPG Ragnarok Begins. The upcoming game, which takes players into the early ages of Midgard, has opened pre-registration.
In MMO-land nothing truly dies, they can always come back to haunt us.
mmorpg junkie since 1999
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.
i tho it was 3D
or thats another RO?
isnt mobile too? , so prolly autoplay and the like
I GUARANTEE the first development studio to make a game, that focuses on gameplay and CONTENT, thus keeping graphics simple enough to make production faster, it would be a huge hit. The main story would be about you, living in a world where the hero is an NPC you never meet. you just hear stories. like perhaps the hero cleared out a den of kobalds. But a worse clan of kobalds move into their cave and start harassing the local town of humans. so you, a random adventurer, end up cleaning up the issue. you did something heroic, but you aren't the main character of the story. maybe the team of heroes kill a dragon, but left its corpse, which rots, and now its causing a local village to become deathly sick. maybe this is a timed event, you and other normies go and "mine" the dead dragon for materials. bone, scales, whatever. which can also be used in crafting.... but anyway, maybe you dont completely mine this giant skeleton in time because not enough people. so now the dragon comes back to life. and you have to fight it. undead dragon time. perhaps the amount of mining done reduces its overall hp and stats, so if NO ONE mines it for materials, its full strength, but if you got close to finishing, it might end up really weak. a great timed event (yes stole this idea from shield hero but added to the "game" aspect).
And quests will always have multiple finishing options. its not always a set path. so like, you meet a drunk fisherman in the bar with a bum leg. his son went missing. he can't go look for him. so he asks you to. he tells you his son likes to play in the local forest. so you go to the forest, find a cave of spiders. you find his son. hes still alive. you can save him, kill him, leave him to die from the spiders. whatever. when you turn the quest in, you can say the child is dead (even though you saved him, just didn't escort him home) you could say hes still alive and dont give up hope (even though the child is dead) or you can do the full hero aspect and escort him home. EACH option will reward you differently. sure some people will ruin the game and have online guides on what item you are rewarded with, but OG gamers will play the game without that and have fun doing it.
Man its so easy to plan out a video game. I wish I had a dev team to make my game come true. Every week you get bug patches. every months you get small content updates. and every 3 months you get medium updates. and every year a new expansions. the graphics has to be simple enough to do this (no next gen realism bull!@#$) and there needs to be "back end tools" to make production faster.