Anybody know where to find a description of what the character development will be like? I know all the claases that will be involved ect, but i am curious in the actual construction of the character features...
If you dont find enough information on DDO, you should check Living Greyhawk, it is prolly going to give you a fairly good idea of character creation rules that are "likely" to be used in DDO.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
I think i may have been originally misunderstood. i am not refering to statistic creation of the character. What i mean is that i was wondering how we would adjust the physical features and what part we would play in making our character as unique as possible. i actually found a response. It said that we would be able to adjust things like head and face structure, hair, skin color, tattoos, and the like. I hope that it will be as good if not better than star wars galaxies. So far they seem to have the best options in character development. Also, it would be nice if there were artifact weapons that not every person in the game could possess. The game would stink if everybody ended up looking the same or if they all had the same abilities at 10th level. Uniqueness in character creation and in-game development is what will make this game thrive.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren