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I got EQII for Christmas and played it for a good while. While it was my first 'real' MMORPG I just couldn't get into it. Maybe it was because I was a noob and EQ is for a bit more advanced MMO players or maybe because it actually did suck, who knows. I then went on to MxO *gasp!* and then WoW. MxO was a good idea in theory but just crashed and burned IMO. WoW was good and all, the models didn't really bother me but it just seemed REALLY noobified. Anyone else get what I mean by that?
Well anyway, on to the point of my post. I was lured in by the free 7 day thing and just decided to start a new character because my other two grew a bit stagnant, had no idea what I was doing with them. I am happy to report that I will be staying. But since I only played for a bit when I first got it in December and didn't get past level 15 and having only played again since yesterday I was wondering if there where instanced dungeons like WoW. Yes I hate to compare the two games but the only reason I stuck with WoW for so long was the lore of high level dungeon instances. They where just too much fun, addicting almost trying to get those rare drops. Of course this won't hurt my view of EQII but it sure as hell would be a great added bonus for me.
EQ2 has a few instances like WoW, I believe, but I haven't played in ages.
When I played, most zones were instanced for your party and several other players. When the population in a zone gets too much, the zone is instanced again to share the load. There were a couple that were instanced just for your party, especially when on a specific quest or something.
Well welcome back to the game. Allways happy to see members return and realise how good the game actually is.
First off a good resource for those who want it.
Good Maps
You can use them as spoilers or just to help get you going in the right direction.
Now my 2 cp
I would avoid Antonica or the Commonlands until level 9 or higher. You can go out there before that but you might end up dieing more than you would like. Stick to the sub areas of Qeynos or Freeport until then. Here is what I did for most of my chars, but I like to work on maxing gathering and collecting drops for cash.
I stayed on the Isle till I was 6th level with 220% XP. I did the Goblin language quest (for the characters I created after it was introduced) and all the isle quests. Plus I try to at least kill all the Isle named mobs once to see what they drop (Alpha Wolf, Titan Beetle, Goblin chief, named spider and bear, etc.) My scouts had an easier time of this, with track but they are pretty easy to find. I also spent some time getting resources so I had my Artisan at 7 or 8. You can of course rush through the isle, but I chose to wander around a bit. Leaving at 6th with 200% xp meant that as soon as I finish the citizenship quest, I dinged lvl 8, with a little XP wasted doing the quest.
Freeport and Qeynos.
After citizenship you can wander via bell to all the sub communities and grab quests as you go. Some are better than others for loot and XP but you can always delete quests you don't want. Most of the quests are pretty straightforward to do and in some cases you can double up XP by getting 2 quests that have you kill the same thing. Once you hit 9th level, go and start your class quest for level 10. Also each city has a beginners guide quest that give decent XP and has you travelling around to various locales of importance.
The Theves way is a great place for XP and several quest down there are useful. Even more so, 3 or 4 quests revolve around the darkblades, killing scouts, brigands and furies. And if you have a tough group Marius darkblade has 3 separate quests which offer rewards for killing him. Also one darkblade quest opens up the ability for you to enter the Darkblades Den, which is an instanced zone for a group of 3-6 (cannot get in with less than three). I have always gotten decent loot there. I can go from 9th to 14th easily in here alone.
I stay out of here to 10th or 11th but at 9th or so you can do the "frontyard cleanup" quests as well as some quests given in South FP by vendors. And the thresh bats are pretty easy pickings too. Don't wander too far though, carrion hounds (hyena lookalikes) have a knack for adding when you least expect it or want them to. There are some good quests here at the dog pond when you hit 13 or so. And there have been some additional quests added by new NPC's in the crossroads. There are quite a few places you can hit out in the commonlands for good XPing. The turmoil cemetary, is near the Commonland's acces to the Sprawl and offers a similar instanced zone to the one in the Thieves way (3-6 group) but I found it gives less XP and good loot compared to the Darkblade's Den. But getting access to the Turmoil cemetery instance (forget its name) is pretty rewarding in itself. Easy to control pulls of varying levels give you solid XP and loot drops and it offers a decent escape route if you get in trouble and a close spawn point (The Lonely Tower) if you don't make it. (Several times my tank has died there, to respawn run back and get aggro before the mobs ran amock on the rest of my group, we didn't have a healer at the time).
Dregs sneaks (ratongan rouges) offer another good xp route, and the dog pond quest and the kerra/ratongan quests offer some good xp/loot. The kerran/ratongan love story quest also opens up more Commons quests down the road. I also noticed a lot of adds if your party doesn't use strict dicipline around the Dregs, but in most cases a sprint to the Xroads can save you.
At level 14 or 15 you can also start working the Wailing Caves fairly efficiently. There an dozens of quests in WC and they can be pretty useful. WC is not an instance in actuallity, it is just a standard zone where multiple parties can be at the same time, but at busy times, you will see 2 or 3 instances of WC up. Because of the number of quests in the 14-20 range in WC sometimes it is packed, other times it is desolate. But there are some good weapons quests in there, one of the Orcs for the Qeynos betrayal quest and good group XP over all. No fp char I have had yet has not been in here, with the exception of 2 that are not high enough yet. My DE Druid lived in here until XP was maxed and had to make my run through Nek for the betrayal to Qey. WC can get you through to lvl 18 easily and can even push you to 20 if you are the only group on the bottom floors although many recommend FG and other places for those levels.
The FP route offers a number of different paths to get through to level 20. Areas like bloodskull valley, the ruins, the other cemetary (Enlightenment), and Orcs a plenty in various parts of the commons give you enough options that there is no one set way to level up. I just gave you the ways I enjoyed the most.
That is a good start for FP, I will add a Qey portion a little later when I get a chance, or I will defer to Jodokai, who loves Antonica way tooooo much! I prefer FP but he knows Ant better than I do.
I just wanted to add that I also recently returned to EQII and am thoroughly enjoying the game. Most of my experience is Freeport based, although I did run a lower level character briefly through Qeynos but found it to be too crowded for my taste. If I may offer one suggestion, spend some time keeping your harvesting skills up. You'll be glad you did even if you don't choose to spend alot of time crafting.
Have a great day!
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
I just started playing EQII 2 days ago (having forever sworn off SOE) and I must say, I'm liking this game a lot. I needed a serious break from CoH, and this will be perfect.
I might stick around here for a while. Hell, I might even go the Station Pass route again and give my ole nemesis, SWG, another try.
But I think I'm in EQII for good !!!
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
No clue to help you my friend. Went from beta to playing the day it came out, so never tried the trial.
I too was anti SOE after the SWG debacle, but checked it out with my station pass after the CU, some say it is worse, I like it a lot more now.
I kinda get the impression, that all new MMORPG players end up playing either WoW or EQ2.
As an experienced palyer I find both games lacking in terms of long term motivatin. Maybe thats just me - but I would strongly recommend to try at least the trials of some other major MMOs (for example Dark Age of Camelot - has really turned into a great game - PvP, PvE...really advanced and complex game).
And oh yeah, seems like you're already biased against EQ2. You're better off not playing if all you're trying to do is find things to bash about EQ2. Unlike WoW players, EQ2 players spend their time playing the game instead of trolling.
From OP
WoW was good and all, the models didn't really bother me but it just seemed REALLY noobified. Anyone else get what I mean by that?
I dont. Been playing MMORPG´s for years now and EQ2 for about 9 months. Raided there and killed every raid mob currently ingame. Recently I switched to WoW though. Playing on PvP server and for the lvls I have seen so far the game actually is more my style than the supposedly hardcore EQ2.
Only thing "hardcore" I found 1-50 was the grind and that was hardcore in being boring most of the time. Raiding was pretty fun but after you beaten all the bosses and realize atleast currently that mage loot makes absolutely no difference you kinda lose interest in farming. And to be honest 95% of EQ2 raid mobs follow the same basic strategy: dodge the aoe.
So for me its EQ2 hardcore in having boring grind and meaningless loot.
WoW hardcore in having fun exciting world and always having that feeling that next improvement to your char is just inch away.
Not to be picky or anything, but there is an increased activity from certian factions after EVE kinda pushed that other game down a place, so a few quick followups:
1) What server did you play on?
2) What was your characters name?
(Aimed at Aedosen)
Now, I cant answer the CD-key and stuff, but I can give one hint: Buy the Splitpaw adventure pack and do Harclave until you puke. Then go back to the surface and group with the other harclave-burnouts
No idea what you mean by that EVE thing...also no idea why you want to know where I played ? but was Splitpaw server and main character was lvl 50 illusionist named cunningly named Aedosen
EDIT: realized what you ment by that EVE thing by looking at the front page anyway i honestly couldnt care less how the game i like ranks at some site. The things I said are my opinions and i know i aint the only one feeling that way the guild i was in now has lost 100%(expect the founders who still are there) of its members who joined during february or earlier from boredom to raiding. I guess now you think that guild must have sucked well it didnt it was awesome for months but slowly but surely boring game won over great people to play with.
PS: Im not trying to say that EQ2 sucks. Im personally still looking forward to DoF and the combat revamp it might breat some new life to it for me. Was just annoyed to see that "WOW IS FOR NEWBS LOLOLOL" comment again which simply isnt true.
hehe forum first, someone actually posted their ingame name (Snuble on Najena in case anyone cares).
Personally I always dread the 10 (or 20) new levels an expansion come with. They are usually an insane grind. With slow progress and access quests left and right Since I'm for once a bit behind I expect an easier trip to 50 and hopefully start on the last 60 as the bugs are ironed out and the treadmill running a little faster