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Super ultrawide monitors allow for some incredible gaming experiences, but after reviewing one such panel, Bradford is convinced these were made specifically for MMOs.
Joseph: Hey I found your wallet... btw I see you have lots of credit cards in there... you really should consider buying this cool monitor I'm hyped about. I mean, I know I talked about it just last week, but I'm not over it, and this is really the endgame monitor for AAA (MMOs).
However, outside of MMO's there's a lot of games that don't support 32:9 but do support 21:9. Trying to force those games into 32:9 often ends up with a fisheye lens effect that isn't very pleasant to look at. Also, keep in mind if you're wanting to run 32:9 at 4k resolution, you are going to need the absolute most expensive PC money can buy right now and even then you will see choppiness in the framerate. It's just way to many pixels for even a 4090RTX to push at max settings. The 5080 series will likely not cut it either. So you're going to have to run it at something less than max detail or less than max resolution to get playable framerates regardless of the fact you dropped $5k on your PC. It's literally 8k resolution, just stacked side by side.
My brother has a Sony 32:9 and he says that he'd rather stick with 21:9 for most things. He uses it primarily for his day job and for business it's amazing. However, a lot of games end up not working out so well on 32:9 at least for now.
I see some odd claims.
1, it doesn't take a crazy computer to run it. I'm rocking a pretty old i7 8700/1080ti PC with it and I get great frame rates.
2, there is no distortion, just a wider FoV.
I play VR a lot and I had a hard time playing my flat monitor games with a standard monitor. The super ultrawide makes flat screen games tolerable.