I will ofcourse. The cash shop is great and its the only thing that keeps Maple Story going. News Flash: WIZET DOES NOT SPEND MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO GIVE US A FREE GAME OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF THEIR HEARTS.
Wizet spends this money on Maple Story so that they can *MAKE* money. The cash shop is Wizet's answer to the monthly fee. Ever player can pay a couple of dollars a month to pay Maple Story or they could CHOOSE to spend a couple of dollars to get some very cool items. If people don't buy these cash shop items Wizet is going to close Maple Global.
And seriously. Who doesn't want those cash shop items? THey're awesome!
i will may be
may be i nit the money
I will ofcourse. The cash shop is great and its the only thing that keeps Maple Story going. News Flash: WIZET DOES NOT SPEND MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO GIVE US A FREE GAME OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF THEIR HEARTS.
Wizet spends this money on Maple Story so that they can *MAKE* money. The cash shop is Wizet's answer to the monthly fee. Ever player can pay a couple of dollars a month to pay Maple Story or they could CHOOSE to spend a couple of dollars to get some very cool items. If people don't buy these cash shop items Wizet is going to close Maple Global.
And seriously. Who doesn't want those cash shop items? THey're awesome!
hmm does cash shop item and maple item the def and attack all the same??