Originally posted by anti^social I dont know if this is the best place to go looking for information but im trying. I have a friend who is possibly suicidal and has cut herself once and im urging her not to do it anymore (I know she attemted to commit suicide once before). Her mom is very unsupportive of her (not her other children) and her parents are divorced. She crys alot and comes to talk to me alot too. Im not exactly the best supportive person in the world and i dont really know how to help out. Can anyone give me suggestions as to what I should do to help? Thanks a lot in advance.
If I were in your position, I wouldn't go near the phone unless she was like "I'm going to kill myself at bla bla bla" -- according to law though, you have to if she's getting "too" suicidal, otherwise you're at fault.
Don't worry about the cutting thing, just because she's a cutter doesn't mean she's suicidal. It means she needs help, yes, but not to be thrown into the depths of a mental facility where it's solitary confinement and actually DRIVES YOU CRAZY RATHER THAN KEEPS YOU FROM GOING CRAZY!
Do not do that to her unless the need is mandatory. Do not throw her life away, do not slam her into that hell.
Talk to her -- help her find something she can relate to/find peace in. Religion for example. I had a lot more problems a while back than I do now, was witnessed and now am a devout Presbyterian, find something for her where she can think about other things. Sure, it won't relieve everything (don't expect her to stop cutting if she's been a cutter for a while).
I emphasize, do NOT throw her into a mental facility unless the need is mandatory, do NOT throw her life away!
another "DO NOT", do not send her to a psychiatrist before a psychologist. Get the psychologist for atleast a month before. Let her talk it out, if it doesn't work, result to the psychiatrist -- it helps, but you become a mind zombie.
Trust me, I know a lot more than probably anyone else who has posted in this thread about this matter -- do not throw her life away. Do not do it. Mental facilities are hell and will drive her crazy rather than "fix" her.
reading through more of these posts I am disgusted by some of the "advice" being given. Guys, if you don't know about it, do not reply to the thread about it. some of you people are horrible.
another thing "I knew a girl who cut herself for a pizza stick, attention whore, they're stupid, bla bla bla" wow guys...clever. Obviously this isn't your "teenage girl, I didn't get what I wanted!! cutter" There are many "poser cutters" who basically take light away from the situation that should be there. People don't think it's so serious anymore because so many people are doing it. If it's a serious problem it's a lot more than the "pizza stick"
depression causes it, anxiety causes it. REAL cutting that is.
And again I say, don't expect her to stop. Cutting is not something you can get over easily, it just doesn't happen. It's a way people get their anger/depression/anxiety out, and it's an "effective" way for them. It's not going to stop unless provided with a lot of help. Don't get your hopes down if it doesn't stop. I've never seen it stop in people I know who did it for the real reasons, never. I've just seen it go to a minimum, but never stop. Atleast as of yet
I have never heard of that persian suicide your talking about, where do you get your info from? CNN? Also like I already said, in Islam if you suicide you go straight to hell, it is the most single worse thing you can do in your life, its stated in the Quran. Thats why suicide rate is none existant in a country like Persia that is Islamic, and in US for example thats is not, well there is tons.
Originally posted by hassan2002 I have never heard of that persian suicide your talking about, where do you get your info from? CNN? Also like I already said, in Islam if you suicide you go straight to hell, it is the most single worse thing you can do in your life, its stated in the Quran. Thats why suicide rate is none existant in a country like Persia that is Islamic, and in US for example thats is not, well there is tons.
Strange that Islamic militant groups are so big on suicide attacks then.
Whos says they are Islamic militant...and whos says they are using Suicide tactics...its all in the media, they can say what ever they want to, you can believe it or not. You do know how the media works right? There 1 single top man that is the "boss" and the owns the company or what ever. What ever he wants to say he can say on his news network, because he owns it. Now a bomb can go off some where, now if this boss dude wants to make like just for example, muslim people look bad, he will say in his new network that muslim terrorist used suicide bombing. I mean seriously, he can say what ever the hell he wants too.
So based on my own experience, LIVING IN PERSIA FOR 9 YEARS! I know that NO ONE EVERY comets suicide, and hats because Muslim go straight to hell if they do. Now you can believe what ever you like, its fact suicide people go to hell, its a fact that Persia has almost NO suicide, and its fact on the MEDIA they say muslims suicide ...
Originally posted by hassan2002 Suicide in a western thing.
Tokyo has the highest suicide rate than any other place on earth...it is not a western thing.
To the Original Poster. Suicide is a complicated thing. 30% of people really mean to be suicidal and 70% are ....no offense to her in any way... 70% are attention whores (at least according to the latest studies).
However, it is NOT your responsibility to "coach" her. If you feel she is suicidal talk to her parents without her present. Talk to her. But don't try to "save" her. If it seems like she's serious (if she talks about it all the time then she is not serious). Serious suicidal people are either VERY quiet about it or act happy and not bring it up (a truly serious suicidal person DO NOT want to get caught. Sometimes they say they are only a couple times as a "Help save me" thing but after that they dont want to get caught). If it does look serious, call the police and have her sent to an institution so she has people 24/7 to help her. She'll hate your guts but 10 years later she'll thank you for it.
I remember a girl like this in high school. Always complained and said she wanted to kill herself. At first people had sympathy for her and she craved the attention. Then the attention wore off and she kept on talking about her suicidal tendancies. Eventually, she lost all her friends (me included) because no one wanted to hang near her anymore.
10 years later at our High School Reunion she was still there (obviously not dead). While she wasn't complaing about killing herself, she did bitch the whole night....obviously 10 years did not change her ""quirks" and funny enough near the end of the reunion she was pretty much by herself again.
Be there for your friend. Let her know you care but don't exhaust yourself trying.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
The term Eastern world refers very broadly to the various cultures, social structures and philosophical systems of "the East", namely Asia (including China, India, Japan, and surrounding regions).
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Whoa ure friend is weird. Dont be like that 2nd post and do his perverted gestures. FYI if she wants to die i think when ure not looking shes gonna pop herself. I would go on like suicide watch or something. Secretly remove her stash of hidden knives and if ure in a ghetto hood, a gun. Uve gotta be really messed up to be suicidal. Many of these ppl who have posted have no real value because they think its ok to die or something. This isnt a game for u addicts. Its Good game once ya jab ureself or take some cyanide.
What kind of community do you live in????? Gangster filled with violence and drugs? Well if so, u suprise me. U would be the only guy from a gangster cmmunity to post on a video game website about a suicidal friend.
She needs help. I reccomend telling the police. Put her on suicide watch. Then get her into therapy. I've never had this kind of situation before in life. She has bad parents, and that is ruining her life and urs.
Now I know where u can get more help. http://www.johnjeff.com I know it's just a radio talk show, but they give free advice. You will be on the radio, and u jsut tell them ur problems. A lotta people do. Some people call in about reltionship problems, some about drug addiction, and some about legal issues. They're not doctors or lawyers, but they'll help out.
Not to be rude but.. I think people are too depressed these days. Personally I cant stand when im depressed and I try to change my mood fast. Being depressed does nothing for you. The faster you get out of the mood the easier it is to go on with life. My parents divorced a year ago and I went through hard times but never thought about suicide or blamed it on myself. I wont go into details but it was pretty bad. My dad made most the money and my mom only little. After my dad left, me and my mom had to downsize our house extremely. I dont mind at all. People have it much worse then I do. I think people need to get over their problems and move on.
Originally posted by hassan2002 I have never heard of that persian suicide your talking about, where do you get your info from? CNN? Also like I already said, in Islam if you suicide you go straight to hell, it is the most single worse thing you can do in your life, its stated in the Quran. Thats why suicide rate is none existant in a country like Persia that is Islamic, and in US for example thats is not, well there is tons.
Listen kid, with every post you're making, you're digging yourself deeper into a hole.
Now, I'm not saying you're wrong, and I'm not saying you're right. I'm not saying your religion is right, nor am I saying it's wrong. All I'm saying is that your facts are wrong, suicide is never "non existant" -- and yes, suicide bombers do exist, especially in islam. Believe it or not. Whether they are practicing to your extent or not is a different story, but they call themselves "muslims" and at the same time shout "jihad" as they run into a building of christians while bombs strapped to them detonate.
You yourself are making your religion look bad by putting a direct attack on us. You just created another stereotype that I'm now going to believe thanks to your posts. What is that stereotype? Muslims are aggresive. Don't believe you just created that stereotype? Reread your posts. "It's a western thing, US Sucks, Americans suck, I hate the west, you guys are stupid" comments like that aren't going to get your argument, or your religion, anywhere.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not downingl your religion. I have read your book cover to cover, and do know that suicide is considered "haraam". However, so is drinking, yet, terrorists attend nightclubs. They call themselves "muslims" and drink, they also call themselves muslims and use suicide in their attacks.
Just because your religion says "don't do something" doesn't mean everyone under your religion is going to follow it, that is all dekron is trying to say.
Good day, "Hassan".
Religion aside, can we get back to helping this young lady please?
To further the above post, suicide within "Islam" is wrong. However, dying for Allah and Islam in the face of war for the belief is not. That is a "muslim's" sick justification for dying a "so-called" martyr by strapping a bomb to their waist and killing everyone in sight. Including fellow muslims.
Tell her to "go ahead, commit suicide." After all, the odds are in your favor. I did that with my friend's girlfriend. We were standing outside her house. He wanted to break up with her 'cause she cheated on him. She said, "If you do, I'll kill myself." He was worried that she'd do it. I blurted out, "Go ahead, kill yourself. We don't care." He just about kicked my arse.
In the end, she didn't kill herself and they broke up. She is still alive according to friends.
However, his sister was the last person to see Chris Farley alive. And that, people, is another story.
Originally posted by hassan2002 I have never heard of that persian suicide your talking about, where do you get your info from? CNN? Also like I already said, in Islam if you suicide you go straight to hell, it is the most single worse thing you can do in your life, its stated in the Quran. Thats why suicide rate is none existant in a country like Persia that is Islamic, and in US for example thats is not, well there is tons.
Listen kid, with every post you're making, you're digging yourself deeper into a hole.
Now, I'm not saying you're wrong, and I'm not saying you're right. I'm not saying your religion is right, nor am I saying it's wrong. All I'm saying is that your facts are wrong, suicide is never "non existant" -- and yes, suicide bombers do exist, especially in islam. Believe it or not. Whether they are practicing to your extent or not is a different story, but they call themselves "muslims" and at the same time shout "jihad" as they run into a building of christians while bombs strapped to them detonate.
You yourself are making your religion look bad by putting a direct attack on us. You just created another stereotype that I'm now going to believe thanks to your posts. What is that stereotype? Muslims are aggresive. Don't believe you just created that stereotype? Reread your posts. "It's a western thing, US Sucks, Americans suck, I hate the west, you guys are stupid" comments like that aren't going to get your argument, or your religion, anywhere.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not downingl your religion. I have read your book cover to cover, and do know that suicide is considered "haraam". However, so is drinking, yet, terrorists attend nightclubs. They call themselves "muslims" and drink, they also call themselves muslims and use suicide in their attacks.
Just because your religion says "don't do something" doesn't mean everyone under your religion is going to follow it, that is all dekron is trying to say.
Good day, "Hassan".
Religion aside, can we get back to helping this young lady please?
murt i think u hit the nail on the head
every culture has had suicides historically, and now.
the end
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Well, this dates back to a long time ago. When I was 14, my best friend commit suicide. The age I am, my other friend died in the Iraqi war. I still have one more friend in the war right now. Well, when he commit suicide, I couldn't breathe. If you see it happen, prepare for a fountain of tearage. But you have to go through it the hard way, but its not actually your problem, its hers. If you ever get the opportunity to stop her and tell her a good reason to do so, you should do it. I did make my best to try and make him not kill himself, but the moment was awful. He had a gun in his hand, and he shot himself in the head; and right in front of the school. I skipped class just to see him do it.
I was watching, his back turned away from me. He grabbed the gun, just standing there. He silently pulled the trigger.. and a boom collided with the earth. He fell onto the ground and blood poured. I ran back to the class and didn't talk. I left my hood under my face. As well, I told you that to give you a visual. But that is very true. (It is true, I mean. ) But, be careful of expectations. If you're retarted enough to ask for an inheritation, she's gonna think you're wierd man. (No offense.) But this problem many have to go through in life. Happy for you if she doesn't commit suicide.
Evil must be exterminated, but first it must be found. -Metrid Prime.
I never said US sucks, I just said in US theres A LOT more suicide than other Islamic countries like Persia, and well its true, no argue there. Also there has not been a jihad sense the Arab country attacked the Persia country long time ago. The people of persia wanted Islam, because their king was evil, so the people of persia embraced islam when the arabs attacked them. That was the last jihad in history. Now all this other bull shit we hear about on CNN, FoxNews and all those news network are surly going to talk bad about islam because their owners don't like islam. Its really a no brainer.
for example, did you no in JAPAN woman get payed 2/3 of man for any job? Now im sure most of you didn't even know this, but if this was in a islamic country we all know they media would be all over it, saying Islam doesn't treat woman right, but now because its in Japan, you will never hear of it in your life.
And AGAIN, in Quran it says that Suicide is the most single worse thing you can do in your life, and you will go straight to hell no matter who you are, and what you have done.
And yes, I lived in Persia for 9 years, Suicide rate there is almost none existent. Well of course you always going to find some deeply depressed sick person that going to commit suicide in any country, but a lot of those fear hell so they don't in Persia. Its simple as that.
And as for this Islamic suicide bombers they keep talking about on TV, I don't see why I should believe them. Its the media and they are out to get Islam, why should I believe anything they say? They say a suicide bomber exploded him self by people in Iraq, then im setting there thinking to my self, what the hell? Why would some one Suicide in the first place if their a muslim, and why would he kill his own people? It doesn't make sense at all. I don't believe the media.
30,000 people suicide each year in America, whats the total numbers of there suicide bombers? less than 100 in Iraq? Who are these 100 person that did the suicide bombing? Were they brain washed? Were they even a muslim? Were they forced to do it? Was it even a suicide or did we just blow them up and put a suicide tag on it? many question come out, and at the end I just don't believe the media. Because lets face it, they can say what ever the hell they want to on tier news network.
I dont see why its hard to believe that no one suicides in Persia. The religon says you cant and wont, so people listen. As for the main topic, I would just tell you dont take those anti-depresion pills, they are bad shit man. My bro used them and hes just weird now, its like his hooked on them, if he doesnt take his pill one day he gets angry and all those kind of shit. And we all nows those pills have tons of side affects. Amd the doctors give those pills to any one for any reason. I would never take em.
Originally posted by Azathoth To further the above post, suicide within "Islam" is wrong. However, dying for Allah and Islam in the face of war for the belief is not. That is a "muslim's" sick justification for dying a "so-called" martyr by strapping a bomb to their waist and killing everyone in sight. Including fellow muslims. That makes me sick.
Thats exactly correct. Radical Islamic Fundamentalists have twisted the Quran teachings to justify suicide bombings. Just like pre-WW2 Japan twisted the bushido to justify their Imperialists pursuits.
If I were in your position, I wouldn't go near the phone unless she was like "I'm going to kill myself at bla bla bla" -- according to law though, you have to if she's getting "too" suicidal, otherwise you're at fault.
Don't worry about the cutting thing, just because she's a cutter doesn't mean she's suicidal. It means she needs help, yes, but not to be thrown into the depths of a mental facility where it's solitary confinement and actually DRIVES YOU CRAZY RATHER THAN KEEPS YOU FROM GOING CRAZY!
Do not do that to her unless the need is mandatory. Do not throw her life away, do not slam her into that hell.
Talk to her -- help her find something she can relate to/find peace in. Religion for example. I had a lot more problems a while back than I do now, was witnessed and now am a devout Presbyterian, find something for her where she can think about other things. Sure, it won't relieve everything (don't expect her to stop cutting if she's been a cutter for a while).
I emphasize, do NOT throw her into a mental facility unless the need is mandatory, do NOT throw her life away!
another "DO NOT", do not send her to a psychiatrist before a psychologist. Get the psychologist for atleast a month before. Let her talk it out, if it doesn't work, result to the psychiatrist -- it helps, but you become a mind zombie.
Trust me, I know a lot more than probably anyone else who has posted in this thread about this matter -- do not throw her life away. Do not do it. Mental facilities are hell and will drive her crazy rather than "fix" her.
reading through more of these posts I am disgusted by some of the "advice" being given. Guys, if you don't know about it, do not reply to the thread about it. some of you people are horrible.
another thing "I knew a girl who cut herself for a pizza stick, attention whore, they're stupid, bla bla bla" wow guys...clever. Obviously this isn't your "teenage girl, I didn't get what I wanted!! cutter" There are many "poser cutters" who basically take light away from the situation that should be there. People don't think it's so serious anymore because so many people are doing it. If it's a serious problem it's a lot more than the "pizza stick"
depression causes it, anxiety causes it. REAL cutting that is.
And again I say, don't expect her to stop. Cutting is not something you can get over easily, it just doesn't happen. It's a way people get their anger/depression/anxiety out, and it's an "effective" way for them. It's not going to stop unless provided with a lot of help. Don't get your hopes down if it doesn't stop. I've never seen it stop in people I know who did it for the real reasons, never. I've just seen it go to a minimum, but never stop. Atleast as of yet
Strange that Islamic militant groups are so big on suicide attacks then.
Whos says they are Islamic militant...and whos says they are using Suicide tactics...its all in the media, they can say what ever they want to, you can believe it or not. You do know how the media works right? There 1 single top man that is the "boss" and the owns the company or what ever. What ever he wants to say he can say on his news network, because he owns it. Now a bomb can go off some where, now if this boss dude wants to make like just for example, muslim people look bad, he will say in his new network that muslim terrorist used suicide bombing. I mean seriously, he can say what ever the hell he wants too.
So based on my own experience, LIVING IN PERSIA FOR 9 YEARS! I know that NO ONE EVERY comets suicide, and hats because Muslim go straight to hell if they do. Now you can believe what ever you like, its fact suicide people go to hell, its a fact that Persia has almost NO suicide, and its fact on the MEDIA they say muslims suicide ...
Tokyo has the highest suicide rate than any other place on earth...it is not a western thing.
To the Original Poster. Suicide is a complicated thing. 30% of people really mean to be suicidal and 70% are ....no offense to her in any way... 70% are attention whores (at least according to the latest studies).
However, it is NOT your responsibility to "coach" her. If you feel she is suicidal talk to her parents without her present. Talk to her. But don't try to "save" her. If it seems like she's serious (if she talks about it all the time then she is not serious). Serious suicidal people are either VERY quiet about it or act happy and not bring it up (a truly serious suicidal person DO NOT want to get caught. Sometimes they say they are only a couple times as a "Help save me" thing but after that they dont want to get caught). If it does look serious, call the police and have her sent to an institution so she has people 24/7 to help her. She'll hate your guts but 10 years later she'll thank you for it.
I remember a girl like this in high school. Always complained and said she wanted to kill herself. At first people had sympathy for her and she craved the attention. Then the attention wore off and she kept on talking about her suicidal tendancies. Eventually, she lost all her friends (me included) because no one wanted to hang near her anymore.
10 years later at our High School Reunion she was still there (obviously not dead). While she wasn't complaing about killing herself, she did bitch the whole night....obviously 10 years did not change her ""quirks" and funny enough near the end of the reunion she was pretty much by herself again.
Be there for your friend. Let her know you care but don't exhaust yourself trying.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Last time I checked they are considered Eastern Orient....unless the country packed and moved somewhere else.
The term Eastern world refers very broadly to the various cultures, social structures and philosophical systems of "the East", namely Asia (including China, India, Japan, and surrounding regions).
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
what the hell does all this have to do with the topic?
Have played:
Currently playing:
Age of Conan (EU)
seriously u dont want to take any risks that being said you cant act if dont want to take risks.
ignoring then situtaion is risking if its the real thing.
not ignoring it is risking losing ur friendship with her, or making her entirely dependent on you not to do it.
so its a choice of which risk you want to take.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
What kind of community do you live in????? Gangster filled with violence and drugs? Well if so, u suprise me. U would be the only guy from a gangster cmmunity to post on a video game website about a suicidal friend.
She needs help. I reccomend telling the police. Put her on suicide watch. Then get her into therapy. I've never had this kind of situation before in life. She has bad parents, and that is ruining her life and urs.
Now I know where u can get more help. http://www.johnjeff.com I know it's just a radio talk show, but they give free advice. You will be on the radio, and u jsut tell them ur problems. A lotta people do. Some people call in about reltionship problems, some about drug addiction, and some about legal issues. They're not doctors or lawyers, but they'll help out.
http://www.johnjeff.com/affiliates.html - frequency for your area
If you can't get it to wrk email them. Plz msg me telling me you read this.
Plz answer this: how old r u? how old is ur friend?
Not to be rude but.. I think people are too depressed these days. Personally I cant stand when im depressed and I try to change my mood fast. Being depressed does nothing for you. The faster you get out of the mood the easier it is to go on with life. My parents divorced a year ago and I went through hard times but never thought about suicide or blamed it on myself. I wont go into details but it was pretty bad. My dad made most the money and my mom only little. After my dad left, me and my mom had to downsize our house extremely. I dont mind at all. People have it much worse then I do. I think people need to get over their problems and move on.
Listen kid, with every post you're making, you're digging yourself deeper into a hole.
Now, I'm not saying you're wrong, and I'm not saying you're right. I'm not saying your religion is right, nor am I saying it's wrong. All I'm saying is that your facts are wrong, suicide is never "non existant" -- and yes, suicide bombers do exist, especially in islam. Believe it or not. Whether they are practicing to your extent or not is a different story, but they call themselves "muslims" and at the same time shout "jihad" as they run into a building of christians while bombs strapped to them detonate.
You yourself are making your religion look bad by putting a direct attack on us. You just created another stereotype that I'm now going to believe thanks to your posts. What is that stereotype? Muslims are aggresive. Don't believe you just created that stereotype? Reread your posts. "It's a western thing, US Sucks, Americans suck, I hate the west, you guys are stupid" comments like that aren't going to get your argument, or your religion, anywhere.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not downingl your religion. I have read your book cover to cover, and do know that suicide is considered "haraam". However, so is drinking, yet, terrorists attend nightclubs. They call themselves "muslims" and drink, they also call themselves muslims and use suicide in their attacks.
Just because your religion says "don't do something" doesn't mean everyone under your religion is going to follow it, that is all dekron is trying to say.
Good day, "Hassan".
Religion aside, can we get back to helping this young lady please?
To further the above post, suicide within "Islam" is wrong. However, dying for Allah and Islam in the face of war for the belief is not. That is a "muslim's" sick justification for dying a "so-called" martyr by strapping a bomb to their waist and killing everyone in sight. Including fellow muslims.
That makes me sick.
Cartman has a big fat ass!
Getting back to the original post...
Tell her to "go ahead, commit suicide." After all, the odds are in your favor. I did that with my friend's girlfriend. We were standing outside her house. He wanted to break up with her 'cause she cheated on him. She said, "If you do, I'll kill myself." He was worried that she'd do it. I blurted out, "Go ahead, kill yourself. We don't care." He just about kicked my arse.
In the end, she didn't kill herself and they broke up. She is still alive according to friends.
However, his sister was the last person to see Chris Farley alive. And that, people, is another story.
Cartman has a big fat ass!
Listen kid, with every post you're making, you're digging yourself deeper into a hole.
Now, I'm not saying you're wrong, and I'm not saying you're right. I'm not saying your religion is right, nor am I saying it's wrong. All I'm saying is that your facts are wrong, suicide is never "non existant" -- and yes, suicide bombers do exist, especially in islam. Believe it or not. Whether they are practicing to your extent or not is a different story, but they call themselves "muslims" and at the same time shout "jihad" as they run into a building of christians while bombs strapped to them detonate.
You yourself are making your religion look bad by putting a direct attack on us. You just created another stereotype that I'm now going to believe thanks to your posts. What is that stereotype? Muslims are aggresive. Don't believe you just created that stereotype? Reread your posts. "It's a western thing, US Sucks, Americans suck, I hate the west, you guys are stupid" comments like that aren't going to get your argument, or your religion, anywhere.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not downingl your religion. I have read your book cover to cover, and do know that suicide is considered "haraam". However, so is drinking, yet, terrorists attend nightclubs. They call themselves "muslims" and drink, they also call themselves muslims and use suicide in their attacks.
Just because your religion says "don't do something" doesn't mean everyone under your religion is going to follow it, that is all dekron is trying to say.
Good day, "Hassan".
Religion aside, can we get back to helping this young lady please?
murt i think u hit the nail on the head
every culture has had suicides historically, and now.
the end
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Well, this dates back to a long time ago. When I was 14, my best friend commit suicide. The age I am, my other friend died in the Iraqi war. I still have one more friend in the war right now. Well, when he commit suicide, I couldn't breathe. If you see it happen, prepare for a fountain of tearage. But you have to go through it the hard way, but its not actually your problem, its hers. If you ever get the opportunity to stop her and tell her a good reason to do so, you should do it. I did make my best to try and make him not kill himself, but the moment was awful. He had a gun in his hand, and he shot himself in the head; and right in front of the school. I skipped class just to see him do it.
I was watching, his back turned away from me. He grabbed the gun, just standing there. He silently pulled the trigger.. and a boom collided with the earth. He fell onto the ground and blood poured. I ran back to the class and didn't talk. I left my hood under my face. As well, I told you that to give you a visual. But that is very true. (It is true, I mean. ) But, be careful of expectations. If you're retarted enough to ask for an inheritation, she's gonna think you're wierd man. (No offense.) But this problem many have to go through in life. Happy for you if she doesn't commit suicide.
Evil must be exterminated, but first it must be found. -Metrid Prime.
In some fucked up way I agree with you. However, dude, die.
Reno 911.
Cartman has a big fat ass!
I never said US sucks, I just said in US theres A LOT more suicide than other Islamic countries like Persia, and well its true, no argue there. Also there has not been a jihad sense the Arab country attacked the Persia country long time ago. The people of persia wanted Islam, because their king was evil, so the people of persia embraced islam when the arabs attacked them. That was the last jihad in history. Now all this other bull shit we hear about on CNN, FoxNews and all those news network are surly going to talk bad about islam because their owners don't like islam. Its really a no brainer.
for example, did you no in JAPAN woman get payed 2/3 of man for any job? Now im sure most of you didn't even know this, but if this was in a islamic country we all know they media would be all over it, saying Islam doesn't treat woman right, but now because its in Japan, you will never hear of it in your life.
And AGAIN, in Quran it says that Suicide is the most single worse thing you can do in your life, and you will go straight to hell no matter who you are, and what you have done.
And yes, I lived in Persia for 9 years, Suicide rate there is almost none existent. Well of course you always going to find some deeply depressed sick person that going to commit suicide in any country, but a lot of those fear hell so they don't in Persia. Its simple as that.
And as for this Islamic suicide bombers they keep talking about on TV, I don't see why I should believe them. Its the media and they are out to get Islam, why should I believe anything they say? They say a suicide bomber exploded him self by people in Iraq, then im setting there thinking to my self, what the hell? Why would some one Suicide in the first place if their a muslim, and why would he kill his own people? It doesn't make sense at all. I don't believe the media.
30,000 people suicide each year in America, whats the total numbers of there suicide bombers? less than 100 in Iraq? Who are these 100 person that did the suicide bombing? Were they brain washed? Were they even a muslim? Were they forced to do it? Was it even a suicide or did we just blow them up and put a suicide tag on it? many question come out, and at the end I just don't believe the media. Because lets face it, they can say what ever the hell they want to on tier news network.
I dont see why its hard to believe that no one suicides in Persia. The religon says you cant and wont, so people listen. As for the main topic, I would just tell you dont take those anti-depresion pills, they are bad shit man. My bro used them and hes just weird now, its like his hooked on them, if he doesnt take his pill one day he gets angry and all those kind of shit. And we all nows those pills have tons of side affects. Amd the doctors give those pills to any one for any reason. I would never take em.