I dont belive you can but there is one way to change it. The only time the GM's will change someone's name is if theyre reported by various people as offense. So your only chance is to try and get a whole bunch of people to report your name (even though its probaly not offense they could all say its slang for some swear word etc) And that is pritty much your only chance of getting it changed. Or I guess you could report to a GM and say that you are unhappy with your character's name and it is detriating from your gameplay experience or some crap and hope that they'll give you a name change.
I dont belive you can but there is one way to change it. The only time the GM's will change someone's name is if theyre reported by various people as offense. So your only chance is to try and get a whole bunch of people to report your name (even though its probaly not offense they could all say its slang for some swear word etc) And that is pritty much your only chance of getting it changed. Or I guess you could report to a GM and say that you are unhappy with your character's name and it is detriating from your gameplay experience or some crap and hope that they'll give you a name change.