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I am currently a highschool student that lacks a credit card but i can use a friends, i have tried numerous pay rpgs and also a very good share of Betas/Free
i just don't understand anymore, mmo's used to be great but now they all seem to be the same, Take over castles, you can ride this, numerous classes and races, most are click and point.
i've played FFXI and i thought although it was very well made became a hardcore bitch because of the constant need for parties, this on the other hand made the community a good group of people because having a bad reputation would slaughter you.
i've played L2 and thought it was just grind... no storyline whatsoever... we hate this race they hate us we trained you you hated us you hit us, then the other race and now everyone hates everyone, lets kill stuff ^^
i've played wow and found it very pointless, you grind, get new equip grind again, see someone of the opposite side other A) cower or B)go after. in general i think its just a new Diablo 2.
played RYL and thought it was just PURE AMAZING but there lack of servers causes problems aka LAGGGGG.
it doesn't help most MMO's have annoying Bazaar system where everyone sits in town and LARGE TEXT MESSAGE'S FROM 1000 PLAYERS SELLING POINTLESS CRAP.
I just wanna know... are there any real good mmo's out there -_- so far my only hope is D&D online.
but maybe theres one i missed... i dunno... i don't want my love of MMO's to die
Pirates of the Burning Sea FTW!
Quite possible something different.
I have exactly the same problem. I want some more roleplay, especially roleplaying with other people. I want more than a mere combat game. I want social interaction with other players. With that said, it's not like I want to make online love or some wacko like that, but just hanging out with people in the local tavern, getting to know new people and such.
I also want a cooler combat system than the usual click, autoattack. I want something like RYL, or if you guys know the game Nox from westwood. Damn I loved that game. Combat was so cool.
Any suggestions?
aye, give Conan a shot when it comes out
The first "part" of the game is Single Player that does not cost a fee
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
If you're looking for something different, I highly suggest The Chronicle. Not only is it different, it is LEAPS AND BOUNDS different. Read up on some of the dev journals here at and Q&A's on the forums to understand just what I mean.
Try any thing once thats how i found some good games.